Much has been made of the hoo-hah between Ned Colletti and Matt Kemp (VSIMH has all the gory details, while MoKM and MSTI done tore Ned a new one, yessirree). And last night's first-inning misplay by Kemp, which allowed the Pirates' only two runs to score, won't help settle things — Kemp even heard some boos at Dodger Stadium, maybe for the first time in his career.
But the most troublesome issue fans are worrying about is whether Colletti's comments will be the beginning of the end of Kemp's tenure with the Dodgers. A quote from Dave Stewart, Kemp's agent, is causing the stir:
"When it comes time for Matt to arbitrate two years from now, we're going to look at that situation and do what's best for Matt," he said on The Mason and Ireland Show on 710 ESPN Los Angeles. "When it comes time for Matt to be a free agent three years from now, we're going to look at that situation in the same way as I would with Chad Billingsley, my other client on that ballclub.
Look carefully at that quote. It's something Stewart would still say if the Dodgers were 22-0 instead of 8-14 right now. An agent is always going to "do what's best" for his clients. If Kemp ends up leaving the Dodgers, it won't be because of sore feelings. It'll be because another team will have offered him more money.
Kemp is just about my favorite Dodger right now, and hopefully he'll transcend this nonsense. But if he bails on us, blame Frank McCourt for not having enough money to keep him. Matt Kemp is a big boy — Ned Colletti's words will never hurt him.
photo by Allen J. Schaben/LA Times
Fire Colletti. It'll surely appease Kemp and he'll be more inclined to stay! Plus we get rid of Colletti. It's a win-win!
Frank McCourt needs to grow a pair and do the right thing. Fire Colletti now before he does anymore damage
It's unbelieveable how a guy who came from a PR background could create a situation that now requires major damage control. I agree with Mr. F, firing Colletti is in the Dodger's best interest and it would send a strong signal to Matty.
This past year McCourt has invested so little in his team (like signing an ace pitcher) it makes you wonder if there is hesitation to replace Colletti because of the costs of a backfill. Let's face it, the guy would have to pay a hell of a lot of money for someone to take on this mess.
Frank won't pay more for a GM. So that would leave cheaper less experienced options and who knows what that would look like.
Colletti's not getting fired. I'm pretty sure the sentiment he was expressing was Frank's, which is an even scarier thought.
Scary indeed, Josh S., but you're probably right. =(
Remember that McCourt just re-signed Colletti late last Fall so clearly it's the man he wants for the job.
Screw that - I want Kim Ng!
What's also frightening is that the likelihood of losing Matt Kemp because McCourt has no money seems even more likely than losing him because of Ned.
Matt has some time to go on his contract. Hopefully by that time the McCourt divorce will be history. It's funny how once a divorce is finalized, cash and other assets have a way of mysteriously showing up that weren't there before.
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