Clayton Kershaw (1-0, 4.50) vs. Barry Zito (2-0, 2.25).
COMMENTS: Your Monday. How's it looking? The answer: You can't tell yet, because a Dodgers-Giants series hangs in the balance today. On Friday the power of the Dodgers' bats outlasted the incompetence of their bullpen, and wings were had by all. But yesterday, Tim Lincecum threw his glove and bat around, and it was the first time the Dodgers have been shut out this year. In fact, it was only the second game in which the Dodgers have scored fewer than five runs.
Today we get two lefties: Kid K against Barefoot Barry. As with Chad Billingsley, the Dodgers would love for Kershaw to go deeper into games, especially since Kershaw has as many walks as strikeouts (11) so far. Joe Torre doesn't seem to have as tight a leash on Kershaw this year, having allowed him to throw 109 and 110 pitches in his first two games.
Meanwhile, Matt Kemp's streak of home games with a homer is over at four. Time to start another one.
Oh, and this will also act as your Game Thread for today's Lakers playoff game, which starts at 12n PT. No pressure, boys:
1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»The Laker's turn on that "switch" today. I say Lakers in 5.
Furcal SS
Martin C
Ethier RF
Kemp CF
Blake 3B
Belliard 1B
Johnson LF
Carroll 2B
Kershaw P
Fisher PG
Bryant SG
Artest SF
Gasol PF
Bynum C
My prediction: Only one of the two L.A. teams will win today.
(Sorry, MLASF. Just a gut feeling.)
Yeah, I'm pretty certain the LA Angels won't stop Toronto.
Josh said LA not greater LA area! ;-)
But Arte Moreno thinks they're the same thing!
Ha! You said "Arte Moreno" and "think" in the same sentence. Good one.
Thanks for this kick in the fucking teeth, Dodgers! Just arrived in my email in-box:
The brewers just had a ten run 1st inning off of Marquis. How the hell did that guy shut us down last year?
Eric Stephen just reported that Manny is available to pinch hit, so hopefully that means his calf is okay/not long term issue.
Also per ES:
"Jon Link recalled from ABQ to replace Ortiz. Link will wear #50 today"
Free at last! Free at last!
I can see no downside to this news.
Man, it's good to see Bynum back.
You summed up my feelings exactly
They're really working the paint.
MLASF- What's background on your avatar?
I got it off Deadspin. It's Jay Bruce flipping someone off.
I miss Russ.
i need to snag a photo of milton bradley flipping someone off. shouldn't be too hard to find!
Link! It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!
Dodgers team spread budget can be shaved now that Russ is gone.
The nice thing about shedding an Ortiz is that the day is a net win, regardless of the game's outcome.
Farmar's hammy seems fine.
To quote Tommy Lasords, I hate the Giants!
Russell Crowe needs to find a new character to play.
Here, Dusty:
And Popeyes needs to STOP making ads that racially stereotype. It's just plain uncomfortable.
Done. Thx MLASF.
Thunder, meet switch. Switch, Thunder. Thunder, switch.
Did an ad for Clippers season tickets really just show up during a Laker playoff game?
THAT was a ball. yikes.
2 strikeouts to start the game. Hopefully the trend will continue.
It did not.
Some people have already pointed it out via Twitter today, but it bears repeating:
"60 years ago today Vin Scully made his first radio broadcast for the Dodgers."
Thanks for all the memories, Vin. You still da man!
Good hit, Furcal! Couple more body shots like that to Zito and we'll have him out of the game.
All right Andre
Now would be a good time for an extra base hit, Kemp.
Happy Anniversary Vinny!!
I was born a Dodger fan but Vin was instrumental in making it a part of my everyday life during the season.
1987 was the first year I started listening to Vin everyday. The nearest station was not in my hometown because I was in Giant country and back then you could only have one baseball team affilliate. So my dad purchased me a digital radio (not cheap back then) but then that signal went down during the night so I found the Las Vegas affiliate as that signal became stronger at night.
It was all worth it to be able to hear the best announcer in baseball. Vin was so good I never took him for granted because when he wasn't calling a game I could cleary tell the difference even at a young age. Now I really cherish hearing Vinny. He brings class, tradition, excellence to our team! He is walking, talking and breathing Dodger history!
Since MLB extra innings shuts down the Dodger feed because it is on my local bay area sports channel I have the game on but on mute and listening to Vinny on the radio. I don't care about the 5 second delay.
@ Paul
What you said.
Congratulations Vinny!
Wait, there's a baseball game going on? Why didn't I know about it?
Kid K with the pickoff!
Nice pick Clayton!
Now get to Zito!!! Don't let him settle down.
God I hope this good Zito is just a phase.
Maybe Zito will start the season good then suck later on, the opposite of what he usually does.
Hey a pitcher that can bunt!!
It seem like they're getting the bat on the ball. That's good,
When Kershaw drops that curveball in for a strike, it is truly a thing of beauty.
Nomar and Bloblo should have a tic-off.
Swung on and missed!
Braves walk off against Rox. Rox got hosed on a couple of calls, but...
...I'll take it!
The Giants channel has a poll question who is the best announcer of all time. Vinny is on the list at least.
Lakers led early by a lot, but now lead only by 8 at end of 3rd.
Nice bunt Raffy
JHey with the walkoff single, BTW.
Wait, now KKKKKK
Halfway to Haegerville!
Way to hold composure after a leadoff double, Minotaur!
From what I've gathered from At Bat, I'd say Kershaw's doing a great job pitching out of trouble.
"Fly ball...it's playable" -Vin
Note to Steiner: Use this phrase.
Hasn't really been all that much trouble, but when there has been a runner, the kid has been a rock.
Haegerville was more like a halfway house yesterday.
As was our lineup.
Many blue hats in the crowd today...
A pitcher's duel sure is nice after the last few slopfests.
No more successful ABs for Giants pitchers!
Nice! Clayton needs a quick inning.
Those hats look pretty good for a freebie. I'll get a better look when my nephews get home from the game.
I'm getting tired of Schierholtz.
I miss Fred Lewis.
6th inning....stay on target Clayton.
Oh, thanks Vin! Today is significant in Jackie history, making my avatar still relevant.
I have a bad feeling about this tightrope. We are not letting Zito pitch a lot of pitches.
I want to get this for for Kid K.
Yankees are playing Dodgers this season? Who knew?
On the other hand, an eight-pitch inning from Kershaw makes for a great sixth inning. Still scoreless through 5.5
8 pitch 6th inning for K. Wow.
Morris Day is still touring. Funny.
Dusty: Yep. They're coming to town to get us for all the Jeter jokes.
Josh S, you're not taking free hats from your nephews! That's cold.
Nice AB Clayton.
This AB has three more pitches than Clayton's last inning.
Jeter is too classy to be vengeful
Kershaw is showing the offense how to have a quality at bat
Wow, 12 pitches...way to wear em down, Kersh.
Jeter wants revenge?
(scurries into cave)
I'm not TAKING the hat, just looking at it.
(Then taking it.)
But if he was...he would be the best at it.
Lakers win 87-79
Nice Furcal way to look like a leadoff hitter.
Who is this Jeter guy you all keep referencing?
Dodgers are having quite a scoreless streak now.
You might know him as sweet baby Jesus.
Furcal and Martin should have taken notes from Kershaw's at bat
Kershaw may have had one the better ABs all day for Dodgers.
Update: My nephews just called from the game. Their dad scored me a hat. I don't have to break their little hearts anymore.
Molina says, "What just happened?"
It's hard to strikeout Molina and Sandoval when their bellies extend to the other side of the plate.
Kershaw overthrowing it a bit now. Hang on, Kid, hang on!
Did McCourt sell ad space on the top of the tents (near the bullpens)? Wow, I can't believe I missed that. Talk about desperation for money.
Shit, 1-0 giants
I posted that right before he gave up the HR. I guess he didn't have time to read it
How come something bad happens everytime the freak Nightmare on Elm Street adverstisement is up!!!!
Dammit. Uribe loves playing us. It always boosts his SLG%.
"They have a lot of fatties on their team. You can't tell 'em apart."
--Mrs. Dusty
This should be the last inning for Clayton. Good outing, he certainly does not deserve a loss.
Sax: Yeah, and the tents look bigger too.
No advertising in the urinals yet!
K-Swiss ad on the tent to right field.
Speaking of old shoes I haven't bought since I was 8, I meant to give you props on your Zips reference the other day, Josh. Nice one!
Come on Clay, one more out
The ad next to the normal billboard behind home plate (Azul tequila) is new, isn't it?
Everybody stretch!
Especially you, Ethier Kemp and Blake
She's singing the 140 BPM version of GBA.
Speediest GBA ever!
Whoops, until that lame ending
Yes, the Azul tequila ad is new.
Also new is the Azul tequila stand on the reserve level, of which I partook during yesterday's clusterfuck. Nice little bue margarita.
Fastest GBA ever. Love it!
My god, we're all on the same page on GBA. Hilarious. I swear I hadn't refreshed before posting my comment.
Dusty: How much? 20 bucks?
^blue margarita
It was only 10 US I believe, Josh.
I couldn't tell if Nancy Bea was trying to keep up with er.
Nancy Bea has to go on DL (sparined index finger) after having to keep up with the GBA singer.
Get to the 'pen!
(Not ours! Not ours!)
Nice, Dre.
Now can we cash him in?
Yeah, Ethier! Go go go! Score a run! Don't let Kershaw get a L!
Help the Kid out, fellas. He deserves it!
Try and spot my nephews on TV. They're wearing blue hats.
Come on, Chinface!
I am starting to get a bad feeling about this.
Well god dammit. Come on guys, you know the curve ball is coming, just friggin smack it!
That was craptacular.
Don't leave me red eyed and blue Dodgers.
shit, if we lose today, I'm gonna hear it at school tomorrow. (I live in Giants territory.)
Wow...Kershaw back out there.
He has to eat up another inning since we don't have Russ Ortiz to throw out there any more.
Get this skinny lil beyotch out.
Fire up the bong, Weaver coming in!
Poor Clayton...
Not sure why Torre even let him start that inning.
@Paul...because our bullpen frickin sucks.
Dodgers 1 through 8, hang your heads in shame for not getting Clay a win after that.
Bullpain time.
Let's at least try to get Kershaw off the hook for the loss.
I'm not afraid of Huff.
Remember when Sherill was fun to watch?
Per Dodgers website:
"LOS ANGELES -- Dodgers reliever Hong-Chih Kuo had what is expected to be his final Minor League rehab appearance Sunday, a perfect six-pitch inning for Class A Inland Empire.
Facing Modesto, Kuo pitched the seventh inning. He had one three-pitch strikeout, a flyout to center field and a lineout to right field.
If Kuo comes out of the appearance with no physical setbacks, he's expected to be on the Dodgers' flight to Cincinnati on Monday and activated for Tuesday's opener against the Reds."
agh, sherrill.
Sherrill looked good yesterday. Let's see if he can pick up where he left off.
His delivery drives me nuts.
3-0. crapcrapcrap
Is Sherrill just going to alternate between good and shitty each outing?
Well that was a good comeback.
Thank GOD.
You can't pull this situational BS when your 'pen is stretched so thin.
Good thing Torre has such a deep, dependable pen to blow through so he can set up handedness matchups for each batter.
Let the shitfest begin.
This cannot end well.
just one more strike...
This certainly is the time for DSB.
We still in this.
I can breathe again.
Sweeeeeet. Now let's take the lead, bring in Brox, and call it a day
One more ball...
GA, howzabout a HR
My God, do we even know it's Zito out there, andnot Timmah?
Or a walk.
First pitch swinging Manny.
Come on, Manny! We won't play at home for 11 days...give us something to remember.
that pitch has been ball low the whole rest of the game.
Eat shit Zito, you shit-eating shit eater!!!!
Manny being Manny
I want to think that former Dodger fan pitcher just grooved one to Manny out of allegiance to the Blue.
Can we curtain call Romo after he exits?
Manny: Thank you for hearing my prayer at 3:32.
Throw strikes Big Jon throw strikes!
Where'd everyone go?
Now we don't have to see Brian Wilson's mug.
Holy cow. I was out in the back with my kids!
Manny's HR sent them to the hills?
Watching the dvr now....
One away.
Geez, and manny didn't even swing on the first three pitches
That's one
Several in the crowd are noting rather astutely that the Giants do, in fact, suck.
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