Wednesday, February 03, 2010

In Which We Do Not Sing the Praises of R. Ortiz

First Ned Colletti kicks the tires on Russ Ortiz, now he's taking a flyer on former Angel Ramon Ortiz, who turns 37 in March and spent all of 2009 with the Fresno Grizzlies? I'm not sure which R. Ortiz would be the lesser of two evils at this point, but it certainly feels like Colletti is throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. Let's take a look at his off-season so far:

Not sure which of these players will make the major-league roster, but a limited number of roster spots guarantees that most of them will start the season in the minors. Is this Colletti's way of filling in the holes in the upper levels of the minor league system that Tony Jackson wrote about?


Kyle Baker said...

I'm betting heavily that Isotopes are AAA champs this season.

Kyle Baker said...

This may be here nor there, but I wanted to report back.

Reed Johnson was on MLB Homeplate Sirius/XM this morning on my drive in to work. Of course, we'll all judge on him his play on the field, and should, but as far as his character goes and what type of guy he is, I was impressed. Very humble guy from this area and whose family grew up Dodgers fans, so he has a comfort level. He said he was really looking forward to being in this clubhouse as he has heard great things about the the clubhouse from guys around the league. Says it's loose and close-knit, and that suits his style. Said he knew Casey Blake well and was looking forward to playing with him. Also said he always liked Manny and that he looks forward to Manny's work ethic rubbing off on him. To that end, he talked about playing for Blue Jays at Fenway Park, and how they would go watch Manny take BP and talk to him about hitting. These were the opposing players, mind you. I thought that was a neat anecdote. He went on to say that one time in particular he remembers there was a big deal over Manny "only" batting .315 and that the wheels were falling off, and how he and some teammates were saying shit, they'd love to have that problem.

I don't think Johnson will hit .315 for us, but I do hope he does well when called on and I think he'll make a good addition to the clubhouse and will work hard at it.

Josh S. said...

How did you guys get a copy of my 2002 Fantasy Baseball roster?

Kyle Baker said...

Oh, and a reminder:

Kyle Baker said...

Represent LA!

(This is not a picture of me)

Orel said...

But it does kind of look like Ned.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I think we have the best bench in baseball, if that counts for anything.

No? It doesn't? Well then, I guess this offseason has sucked.

At least nobody else has improved. I think Colorado will regress, the Giants won't be able to produce any offense again, and the Padres will be terrible as usual, especially without Kouz. I'd really only expect the D-Backs to improve, since they've got Webb, Haren, and Jackson in the rotation and Reynolds and Upton in the lineup.

rbnlaw said...

I wish I could be as optimistic as MLASF. Oh wait, that was my new year's resolution.


Kyle Baker said...

I'm remaining optimistic, even if it is largely fueled by Dodger jingoism and boyish enthusiasm for the new season.

It can't last long, though.