Sunday, February 28, 2010

Good Luck, Team Canada

...because you'll need it! GO USA!

Ice Hockey - Men's Gold Medal Game - USA vs. Canada - 12:15 p.m. PT

top photo by Jon SooHoo/Dodgers; bottom photo by Julie Jacobson/AP


rbnlaw said...

Take off, eh.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
The Gunners and another broken leg.

Supply your own punch line.

Orel said...

2:52 left. This is a little tense.

PenosCabell said...


Orel said...


PenosCabell said...

Silence in the Great White North.

Orel said...


Kyle Baker said...


After Chelsea bottled it yesterday, I'm in a self-imposed Premiership news blackout. Sorry about Ramsey, though. At least it didn't look intentional (not that that changes anything).

Kyle Baker said...

Suck it you maple syrup swilling mountie mounters!

Pedro Guerrero said...

I don't know jack sh*t about hockey but I'm rolling over in my grave. USA USA USA

PenosCabell said...


Orel said...


PenosCabell said...

Back to the Lakers.

Orel said...

Oh well. Congrats to Canada!

Kyle Baker said...

Heh...nice one Pedro.

Pedro Guerrero said...

Orel, stop being a suck up. Fck Canada. How many World Series do they have again?

rbnlaw said...

Fuck Canada.

rbnlaw said...

Oh, and thanks for telling me that this would be a game thread.

Pedro Guerrero said...

Well, we got 104....USA USA USA

Kyle Baker said...

Canada has two more World Series than Jints do, modernly.

Kyle Baker said...

Hopefully this Canada win will be the springboard that J-Mart needs for success in the upcoming season.

Kyle Baker said...

Watching the baseball "classic" on the telly.

1) Glad UCLA is spanking the Spoiled Children.

2) Dude just jacked one out and they played the traditional post-home run house music.

3) Good crowd today but many left before the end of the game. Sounds familiar.

4) They played DSB!

5) Camera keeps showing Jackie Robinson retired number in the Pavilion. Any other situation and I'd complain about them going on and on about something. Naw. They could just have a #42 cam 24-7 and I'd watch it.

Dusty out...

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Dammit. I was at the Dodgertown Classic, and I watched USA lose on a little TV next to the Dodger Dog stand.

rbnlaw said...

Could be worse, could be raining.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

No, Lakers could have lost. That would have made the trifecta for me.

Fred's Brim said...

That was pretty awesome, and I dont mind that Canada won. It's their game, their Olympics, we beat them earlier in the games, we scored late to make it a classic game, but they end up winning it. I think it all finished up very fairly.
Except the fact that it was Crosby who got the winner. Anybody but him.

Kyle Baker said...

ThoughCraosby came through in the clutch, Derek Jeter was still tournament MVP in my book.

Nostradamus said...


I think we can award him the unobtainium medal on general principle. What's the official anthem of Derek Jeter nation?

Kyle Baker said...

unobtainium medal - nice!