Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ausmus Returns; Dodgers Caught with Three Guys Behind the Plate

More boomerangs: Rafael Brad Ausmus to return (Dodger Thoughts)

Somewhere, A.J. Ellis slaps his head.


Kyle Baker said...

Pads just signed Jon Garland. Great, now he'll turn into Sandy Koufuckingfax and beat us every time out. #NewDodgerKiller

MR.F said...


Steve Sax said...

At least we aren't caught with two guys at the plate. On the same play. Thanks to the defense of three former Dodgers. In the playoffs.

Man, that memory still gives me chills.

Nostradamus said...

Yeah, that would be terrible if that ever happened


Kyle Baker said...

Thome to Thwins, according to some reports.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Havah Nagila Ausmus.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Big Daddy Braddy's coming back? Finally, some offense from the backstop!

eric nusbaum said...

Poor AJ Ellis. What else can the guy do?