Clayton Kershaw, the kid from Dallas (3-5, 4.50) vs. Dallas Braden, Giants fan (5-5, 3.33).
COMMENTS: Dallas McPherson + Braden Looper = Dallas Braden?
(If so, then does Andruw Jones + Elvis Andrus = Andruw Andrus?)
Braden may be another unknown-to-me AL pitcher, but that doesn't mean we don't have to worry. Relative to Kershaw, Braden has more wins, a lower ERA and fewer walks. Kershaw is coming off his worst start of the year, so things can only get better — especially since he likes Dodger Stadium as much as we do.
The Dodgers did some minor roster tweaking the past few days, sending Blake DeWitt and Jamie Hoffmann back to Albuquerque and calling up catcher A.J. Ellis. Today the Dodgers also called up Mitch Jones, moving Jason Schmidt to the 60-day disabled list to make room for him.
Oh, and tonight marks the return of Nomar Garciaparra to Dodger Stadium. I will be very, very surprised if he is booed. Don't forget who started Carne Asada Sundays!
1 – 200 of 313 Newer› Newest»Pierre, LF
Furcal, SS
Hudson, 2B
Blake, 3B
Loney, 1B
Kemp, CF
Ethier, RF
Martin, C
Kershaw, P
Orel, you beat me by a hair. Thanks
Do I get a prize?
The satisfaction of victory is prize enough.
I hope Nomar doesn't get booed.
...says the man with the Larry O'Brien NBA Championship Trophy in his avatar.
Can't a man have a little pride?
Be interesting to see how well the Dodgers hit Braden's screwball. I could see Beast Mode doing well here.
Why is Ethier batting Seventh???
It will be my fourth trip the ravine tonight. The third with kershaw pitching. I hope nomar is still king of GIDP.
I won't be booing.
Neeebs - Ostensibly because Braden has been more effective against lefties.
Ali: Generally I would understand that, except that Andre hits lefties real well, that he is one of our few power threats, and that he typically has hit in the 3 or 4 spot all year.
But then again Torre is the manager who bats Kemp in the 8 or 9 hole. Go figure.
Neeebs - That has generally been the case, but Ethier has been rather poor against lefties this year.
Hey Orel, any chance you are gonna bring up Andre Ethier in tonight's CWS telecast between Texas and ASU. Must be tough to announce and post a game thread.
Multi-tasking, Andrew.
It's time for Dodger baseball!
Any lineup with Kurt Suzuki batting second is a lineup with trouble.
The Giants just swept the A's. We have a little to live up to.
Just think, it Milton Bradley was such a nutcase, Ethier would be in this A's lineup.
Will Adam Kennedy hit 3 HR tonight?
I mean "wasn't"
A female usher ended up catching that foul ball.
Kennedy strokes a single into left.
Kennedy leads off with a single. Kershaw doesn't look good early.
What time does the parade start tomorrow? Which channels are covering it?
That first pitch to Suzuki probably wasn't 54 mph.
Nice curve for strike 2.
10 o'clock, and it's more like what stations aren't covering it.
Ch. 9 is the best bet, but Ch. 7 also has it.
Vin's a little wobbly with the pronunciation tonight.
Cust has power, but that's all.
Thanks. I wonder which Lakers will show up to Dodger Stadium on Thursday.
I guess it's just you and me, Orel. A 1988 World Series rematch just doesn't put the asses in the seats the way it used to.
Cust gets caught looking.
Minotaur is dialing it up tonight.
The curve is working tonight.
Vin really, really likes Matt Holliday. Nobody tell him he sucks with the A's now.
Epale everyone!
From what i see on Gameday, his curve is working.
Hey Orel, just sent you an email with more pestering questions.
Hello to everyone else.
Well that at-bat was a loss. Kershaw's curve might be working, but he's really laboring here.
Holliday has been better lately, but he has definitely been exposed as a product of Coors.
Vin says "Jason Jomby."
Hey hey, that gang's all here!
Erin, checking e-mail now....
Giambi looks like a walrus, or a Teutul.
Jomby's caught looking.
Way to work the count, Pierre.
Gutierrez with a solo dinger, SEA 1-SD 0
Erin, is your birthday coming up, right?
Kershaw's making me nervous.
At game report: kershaw is all over the place.
More to come...
That turned better than expected.
Karina, good memory! My birthday is June 29.
Erin, i suddenly remembered...
I was at that game, where Holliday hit the ball into the palm trees.
Karina, you have an elephantine memory.
Erin, e-mail answered.
A lot of warning-track fly balls tonight.
"I was at that game, where Holliday hit the ball into the palm trees."
Was it obvious how long Holliday's HR was?
Sweet new avatar, Nic! I wonder what the story is behind that picture.
Not where I was. I was sitting on the first base side. It was a brutally hot day, and the Dodgers were getting slaughtered. All I remember really was the fact that someone hit a homer.
Thanks for the email, Orel. Exactly what I needed. It's like you knew that my mind enjoys order and detail. :)
"Thanks for the email, Orel. Exactly what I needed. It's like you knew that my mind enjoys order and detail. :)"
You and me both, Erin!
Three innings of no-hit ball by Braden....
This Braden kid is really serving tonight
Anyone going to the Laker parade tomorrow?
In spirit I will.
same here MLASF.
The combination of no off-day and living outside the LA area puts me at a marked disadvantage, especially with the parade startin so early.
Yeah, I will be watching from Television Ave.
Yeah, that might make it hard to attend.
Kershaw at 73 pitches already!
At least the A's haven't scored. Now, we have to be confident the zoo starts hitting.
Clayton at 77 pitches, and the offense has no hits. This is a typical Kershaw start.
Not hitting 'em where they ain't again.
Another punchless inning.
Offense in a coma.
Wasn't that a Smiths song?
Kershaw grooving now. Will he make it to the 7th?
Orel, you beat me with The Smiths reference. Penos, now i have that song stuck on my head.
At least Blake is running up Braden's pitch count.
At least Blake is running up Braden's pitch count.
Hey, my first double-post!
The cleats had six toes in them?
Goodbye, perfecto!
Uh, maybe not. Blake got the count wrong. Now he's back to fouling off pitches.
Beltre made a brilliant play that avoided an extrabase hit. Next inning, he hit a solo HR.
SEA 2-SD 0.
Perfecto is still intact.
Ah, old friend Adrian Beltre. 2004 was a magical year.
Perfecto gone! No-hit gone! Kemp double!
That was quite a season. Well, he;s helping the Dodgers indirectly tonight.
Kemp doubles!
Karina, what is your avatar?
With two out, should Kemp have rounded third and headed home?
at game report: That sucked.
Yes, he should have.
Not much you can do with the pitcher batting with two out.
The curve is still working. K's Cust.
Vin really likes Matt Holliday.
Evil Matt goes down swinging.
What would you call Giambi's new 'stache?
Nomar's up!
It's a bad mustache. Let's just say he'd fit in well in San Francisco.
He is greeted with applause and boos. I like Nomar.
Tough situation for Dodger(s) fans.
Guest fashion police report: mustache doesn't work for Giambi.
Is Nomar in Dodger blue? No. Boo him!
Belly's coming in. That helps remove any comflict of interest.
Belly goes full to Nomar.
Nomar grounds out. Inning over.
Some runs would be nice here.
Orel, it's the poster from a documentary film i worked in. It's about an indigenous writer, who wrote the first grammar for his dialect, collected myths of his tribe (waiu) unknown for the alijuna (that's us, the non waiu people), wrote beautiful stories, always using the landscape and customs of waiu people. He was blind and only completed elementary school, after he became blind from a uncured conjunctivitis.
He unfortunately passed away last week, he fell from the stairs at his home. It's my homage to him.
From all the movies i've worked in, this is by far my favorite, because all the things i learned and the friends i did, including him and his family.
All Dodger hits on this game have been courtesy by members of the zoo.
Team's RBI leader coming up!
King Geoffrey delivers!
IBB for the Bison. Go, Ethier!
Griffey 2- RBI single, Rancho Ardiendo for the Mariners, one out.
SEA 4-SD 0
I'm back!
Can't believe there were boos mixed in with the cheers for Nomar. Nic will have to give us a rundown of the overall vibe.
Karina: That's an amazing story. Congrats on being involved with such a great project.
Beard + Loney RBIs. Love it!
LAA 7, SF 0, bot 7
Did anyone see Torre on Conan last night? I saw it, and I thought it went well.
Nice D by Belisario there.
I have it on TiVo, waiting to be watched. Joe is pretty smooth.
Lil' wobbly on the GBA tonight.
The Mitch is back!
Mitch Jones' first major league at-bat!
Counting Crows' "Mr. Jones" plays!
The crowd is totally into it!
3-1 to Jones.
Orel, it was an honor and a privilege to be in the crew of that film. That documentary have been in several festivals around the world, it won best documentary film released in Venezuela on 2007, but to tell the truth, it was Jusayu's story and persona that makes the film any good.
Jones goes full.
Wow! A "Let's go Mitch" chant. This is cool!
He has Nomar's nose.
Aw, that sucks.
Vin: "Life is so cruel."
At game report: jones got a huge ovation. The crowd was fully supporting his at bat.
Dodger Stadium firsts? Announcing a player's first major-league AB, and the crowd cheering like it knew his story.
Nic, more cheers or boos for Nomar?
Mitch Jones's story is such a likeable one, everybody wanted him to get a hit or walk.
I hear a lot of random cheering. Is there a wave in progress?
Holliday still scares me.
"I hear a lot of random cheering. Is there a wave in progress?"
I was wondering the same thing. In fact, I was wondering if the crowd was doing the wave during Jones' AB.
LAA 8, SF 1, top 8
Tron looks a little off.
Hmmm, two on, one out for the A's. Time for Tron to bear down.
With Tron, the DP is always a strong possibility.
Probably 75% cheers
Dammit. Tron gives it up.
Tron's ERA just jumped from 1.50 to 2.14
The crowd just chanted something inaudible.
Orlando is good at that.
Nice pick by the O-Dog.
Shoot. Giambi HOUR and Tron missing--3-2 A's.
Nic, can you hear what the crowd is chanting?
Get it all out of your system, Tron.
well this sucks
Sub Mendoza hitter goes deep. Only at the games I go to.
The eighth inning slot is really causing trouble for guys.
Tough day for the NL west. Thankfully.
Bud Selig to the NFLA Angels:
"No. You can't transfer to the NL West."
Let's hope the offense can pick up some runs.
glad that's over
Anybody else need a beer?
Not Tecate Light.
I seem to recall a game in which the Dodgers trailed the A's 4-2 after taking an early 2-0 lead. It ended well.
That game also featured a homer by a juicer.
Raffy starts things off well.
Furcal lead-off double!
Steiner! Use your words!
I remember that HR from 1988 like it was yesterday. Still hate Canseco
Furcal's leadoff double!
Furcal's leadoff double!
Beard Mode.
"Blake delivers again."
Beard is clutch! 4-3 A's! That second HR in the last inning could come back to haunt us.
Time for Geoff Mode!
Will it be time for Big Game King James?
NFLA Angels 8
Hated Ones 1
Bottom of the 9th.
The Yale man is up.
I mean "on the mound"
Full count...
Loney works the walk.
Way to draw the walk, Loney!
Free pass for Geoff
I will be very impressed if we can pull this one out.
I can take the walk.
2 on, 2 out for the Giants in the 9th.
Bison Time.
C'mon, Bison mode!
Bison comes through. Blake stays at third. The game rides on Ethier.
Kemp's single was softer than cotton candy! RANCHO ARDIENDO
Kemp, in play, no outs!
The man that Oakland though Milton Bradley was worth has the game on his shoulders.
Be patient, Ethier. A walk could do, even.
Final: NFLA Angels 8- Gnats 1
Nice takeout slide by Kemp!
Good job, Kemp! Tie game!
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