Thursday, June 25, 2009

Manny's Albuquerque Swan Song: Pre-Game

He may be off PEDs, but he hasn't stopped working out:

UPDATE: Manny cuts rehab assignment short; won't play tonight in Albuquerque (Press-Enterprise blog)

AP photos


NicJ said...

you think they would have gotten him a BP jersey by now.

rbnlaw said...

DEA now investigating the DR who prescribed the PED's. Say it with me everyone, "It's testosterone, not meth."

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

rbnlaw - don't you just love seeing taxpayer money being spent like this? Makes me proud to be an American. Almost as proud as being a Californian after they got rid of those awful plastic bags and 3% milk in the schools.

berkowit28 said...

Manny never started. The Dodgers didn't want to risk him hurting himself in the rain.

midnightdrive said...

Nic, I dont think he wanted to be seen in the 'Topes BP jersey.

Gibby's Limp said...

Let's see Manny pull off that BP shirt/pant combo after Labor Day..