Old Dodger Weaver (3-1, 3.72) vs. Young Angel Weaver (7-2, 2.08).
COMMENTS: What's the big deal here? I've pitched against my brother at least a hundred times before. He's got a mean splitter and fastball, and was never afraid to come inside with the chin music. I relied on changing speeds often to keep my opponents off-balance. I think I won more often than not, but unforunately, there was no way to keep lifetime head-to-head records on RBI Baseball, so I don't have the stats.
Meanwhile, everyone is making a hullabaloo about the first career Weaver matchup, the eighth time in Major League history that brothers have gone head-to-head. Shaggy vs. the Subway-named guy. Complacent looks of stoic expression are certain to abound!
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stuck at a wedding. Will have to make use of the video feed on my iPhone.
Go dodgers.
Nic, taking one for the team!
Nic: I picture those ESPN commercials where you are interviewed like a post game after the wedding.
The two Weavers both wear #36, according to Gameday. Maybe that's a first.
I thought one was 63, and the other was 36.
Nope, my bad. Both are 36.
Pierre, LF
Furcal, SS
Hudson, 2B
Loney, 1B
Blake, 3B
Ethier, RF
Loretta, DH
Martin, C
Kemp, CF
Weaver, P
Even the Angels guys are shocked Matt Kemp is batting ninth.
Why are you listening to the Angels guys?
Check out the main page to see how the Weaver parents are dealing with this game, fashion-wise.
Because I don't get FSN. It's a long story, one that involves howler monkeys, Red Buttons, and a pink toilet.
Hmmm, I hope this first inning isn't a microcosm of the game.
Because of the GF?
Jered > Jeff
Jeff sucks.
Nice throw. We're going to need plays like that tonight.
It would have helped Abreu if he hadn't started his slide ten feet away from the bag.
Jered is better than Jeff but Russ is better than the league at throwing people out.
What happened to Abreu?
Let's hope Vlad's SB is only an insult.
Karina - Russell Martin happenned to him.
Well, it could have been worse.
That was cheap enough.
Karina, your son caught Abreu trying to steal. Perfect throw.
I have it on Channel 13 for the picture and KABC for Vinny. After the third, I'll switch to the Angel homers.
18 pitches for Jeff.
You know, I can tolerate a lot of baseball announcers, and I know I might be biased because I hate the Angels, but I find their announcers to be completely insufferable.
We really do have the wrong Weaver. Jered is a f'ing stud.
The Angels guys have an orgasm every time a run scores.
watching Beerfest on Comedy Central - I think the Rally Monkey is in it - he's drinking beer at the beerfest competition at the end. i hope it means he'll be passed out by the 6th
Hey look, a Dodger working the count!
Loney made good contact, but that's all.
Geoffrey is really a better high ball hitter than anything.
"The Angels guys have an orgasm every time a run scores."
They must be a happy couple.
If this is a progression, we should hit three HRs in the third inning.
They had to switch from the regular center field camera because it was doing something really weird.
Wow, what a great inning, guys.
Terry Smith's home run call is one of the most annoying in the game.
Torii just played the Matt Kemp game there for a second.
Speaking of Bisons, why the hell is the Dodger's best overall hitter so far this season hitting in the 9 hole?
On Loney's AB - Anaheim might be the hardest place to hit a homer at night in baseball.
Looks like it's gonna be a long night.
I would feel so much better about this game right now if the Dodgers had just friggin' held on to the lead (any lead at all) last night.
After that picture of the Weaver parents, I see where the Weaver brothers get their emotional streak from.
BTW, to make the cheap comment - Kendry smoked that like a Cuban cigar
stupid firework smoke. isnt there a law on California about setting off fireworks?
Yeah, you can only do it when you hit a home run.
Too bad the Weavers don't get to pitch to each other.
HOLY CRAP. I didn't think Kemp was going to get that ball.
It's a center feilder duel!
ho lee crap
Looks like the Angel homers are talking to their number 1 pick.
What just happened! He hit it over the fence. Is that an out?
About damn time!
They were freezing him out in the dugout! Sweet!
way to pop that cherry!
Je ecris en Francais pour tout l'inning mantenant.
Let the Bison roam!
J Mode!
Bison Mode!
Beast Mode!
First to third! Suck it angels!
ok Raffy - lets tie this up
Ali, non pour toujours?
For better or worse, Erin.
Thanks for reminding me, Orel.
Des yeux de Raffy sont meilleur en Juin.
I believe Figgins just touched Kemp inappropriately.
Finally, my son homered! against the Angels, sweet.
Russ finally hits one out!
There is a huge Gap in right center.
Oh Christ, I love Vin.
That beach ball comment was AWESOME.
Vinny n'est pas hereux avec les beach balls
Vin read our Game Thread!
Je ne suis pas aussi heureux avec les beachballs.
Nice, Josh!
Vin - S'il vous plais. Ne chantez pas.
Smithers, release the hound.
To be honest, I didn't see it was Russ until he got back to the dugout. Oops.
Hudson might consider swinging at balls down the middle.
Tie game! Didn't think I'd see it!
We've got a tie ballgame!
Tied up good enough.
Le Sac Fly!
time to get a big hit - it feels like forever since we've had a bases-clearing double
probably Loney's in Colorado?
Des Weaver parents ne sont pas hereux.
That was ugly.
what the hell was that? christ
Dans le radio, nous avons un advert des autos Kia. Dans le tele, un advert des autos Lexus.
have a feeling that is as good of an inning that we will see until we get into their pen.
Beaucoup des fans des Dodgers en Anaheim.
La Defense!
Who was yelling from the angels dugout? Sounded Hispanic.
Aflac: Who is the last pitcher to no-hit the Angels?
Wow. Weaver blew Beard away.
What a crap give away. A Jeff Mathis road jersey?
keep working this guy - you dont have to swing at everything
And on command, Ethier strikes out.
Ugh. Back to whiffing.
Loretta actually gets a hit!
Nice hit by Loretta, though Rory Markus thought it was as lame as the rest of us that Mark is the DH.
That pitch was low
Russ gets another hit
One Dropped in there for Russ.
J.Martin, in play (no outs)
That was weak from Kemp.
Out on a check swing pop fly. Damn.
Perhaps this is Russ' break out where he hits .400 with 8 homers for a month.
Vlad: This game...both Weavers's just so beautiful.
Vlad is looking dangerous again.
Aflac: Eric Milton. You are correct, MLASF.
Jeff is pitching better sidearm than over the top.
Hooray, this night is not a total loss!
Line 'em out-tag 'em out DP!
Sweet 5-3 DP!
Old turf knees couldn't make it back in time.
Nic - Vlad didn't have a chance. Blake has a RFer's arm.
Bloopy Beast Mode!
Juan gets things started.
A hitter with any sort of power deposits that pitch in the stands.
Raf-ay-el Forkal.
Love the Let's Go Dodgers chant.
When I think of all the baseball players that never got a dinner; Juan Pierre, who told Rex Hudler "I've never seen such a homer!" Never got a dinner!
Pierre was out from here to Albuquerque.
Not nearly a Martin quality throw, but good work nonetheless to get Beast Mode.
Damn you jp.
"When I think of all the baseball players that never got a dinner; Juan Pierre, who told Rex Hudler 'I've never seen such a homer!' Never got a dinner!"
I'm still trying to figure this out.
Look into the past, Orel, look into the past...
The Angels are foolish to waste so many starts on Mathis, given Napoli's bat.
Loney keeps the inning alive.
We are all Toys R'Us Kids
Damn Pierre. That would have been a run.
Remember, Scoiscia's the manager, and he's a defensive, small-ball manager.
That CS is looming large now.
Jered, get back on the rubber
Beard is so clutch!
K. C. !!!!
This is a most unexpected turn of events. I'm trying not to get too excited, though, since we had a three-run lead last night.
Come on, Loretta. Bring him home.
I am having a hard time believing this.
Now. Can we hold a lead this time?
This was too unexpected. Loretta, please bring Ethier home.
Could have been more but I'm satisfied.
MLSF - Napoli plays good defense and makes fewer throwing errors, and his thunder is undeniable.
I'll take that against Jered Weaver.
I've heard a lot of Angels say Mathis plays better defense.
Weird. Mathis is from a place only about 90 miles from my quasi-hometown.
Orel, if you're still stuggling to understand my reference, here's some help:
Weavers doing great since that HR.
I guess Weaver wobbles but he doesn't fall down.
Late to the party, catching up at the bar.
I once went to a party at Red Buttons' house. It wasn't his party, and I can't for the life of me remember why I was there. But he did say hello to me.
MLSF - Marginally. Not so much better than it negates Napoli's bat.
Russell is back!
I think this ump is squeezing Jerred, but I'll take it.
En fuego.
Russ is back!!! He must read the blogs.
Single order of Bison.
Lots of blue in this crowd. Hope they're there with me tomorrow.
Scioscia's gut gets there to tell Weaver its time to go.
Why the hell did the Dodgers ever let that guy get away?
Ali - the same reason why a chunk of the fanbase left, fox ownership.
Forkal swinging out of his shoes.
Gift run!
Well that proved me wrong, or if not me then Scoiscia.
Wow. To be honest, not the Weaver I expected to be chased.
Alireza, every time, no exceptions, i see Mike Scioscia wearing red, my heart breaks, it's just not right.
You're not alone on that one, Josh.
Damn that Rupert Murdoch.
Thanks, MLASF. I was just starting to figure it out.
Well that was unconventional.
Oops. Got greedy.
Nic; So true. The day Fox traded Piazza, I had to back away.
Then they fired Tommy. I went further away.
Then they told Scioscia he'd never manage for them. When they sold the team, it was time to come back.
Oh well. Nice play by them. Kemp had to take a shot there.
Maybe Kemp should have tried a hook slide?
Jeff only at 60 pitches through five! No walks, no three-ball counts, even. Awesome.
Jeff is letting his hair get Jered-esque, and it's bothering me. Time for another haircut.
Ethier seemed like he could have had a play on this one.
Giants and Rangers tied at 1.
Kinsler homers off of Matty Cain.
I am having unpleasant Memories of Kevin Malone (there's your plug Kensai)
Amazing throws by Bison and Furkey.
That's a fast hook on Jeff. He's hardly thrown any pitches. I don't really agree with this move.
Quick hook.
and wtf with the rally monkey in the 6th?
Jmac In?
I'm getting off the computer now, guys. I hope things go our way the rest of the game.
Erin - He was guarding the line and had a long way to go. People forget that Chone Figgins is not Juan Pierre.
Keep in mind Jeff is normally a long reliever. He wasn't gonna throw a CG.
Weaver hasn't been stretched out that much.
Okay, I'm really leaving, but I just want to say that if you watch the replay, it really looks like Ethier shies away when he gets close to the wall. Either he was afraid of the wall, or afraid of crashing into Kemp, but he slowed up and looked like he could have gotten there.
Agree. The ball was catchable
Russ wanted that pick on Figgy.
Belly better be careful about getting that heater up to these guys.
Ha! Tricked you all. But now I'm really leaving.
Big K for Belly.
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