Thursday, June 25, 2009

Others With Name "Michael Jackson" Mourned, Too

The King of Pop is dead at 50. And his fans are paying not only him, but anyone else named Michael Jackson, tribute:

A crowd of about 75 people gathered in front of a Michael Jackson star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame this afternoon, but it was actually the wrong star--this one was for the former KABC radio personality of the same name.

Jackson's real star near the front of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard was covered by scaffolding in preparation for the "Bruno" movie premiere so fans gathered at the other Michael Jackson star to light candles and place purple flowers.

Way to go, dudes!

photo by Michael Czerwonka/Getty Images


midnightdrive said...

I never did like that Bruno..

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Nobody wondered why their was a radio-mic symbol on the star?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Dammit why do I keep switching "their" with "there"

Fred's Brim said...

He was way too young to die :(

QuadSevens said...

After tonight's Dodger game, they will be playing Michael Jackson's music along with the fireworks display as a tribute to him. More info about it at the end of this article.