Monday, June 29, 2009

Signup Here...

...for something. As usual, we're not telling you exactly - or even vaguely - what it is. But if you want in, let us know. There are but 3 requirements: 1) you have and know how to use email; 2) you can read/write in english reasonably well; and 3) you have a high tolerance for ridiculousness. If you're a creative type, that's a bonus, but not a requirement.

So let us know in the comments if you want to participate, and if we don't already have your email address, please also send us a quick email (be sure to include your username). We'll soon reveal what this is all about!


Wicks said...

Another mystery thingy? Count me in!

Fred's Brim said...

I would like to participate. In the case that I get stuck for time and can't fulfill my obligations, will I be shunned by the SOSG community?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

You're proposal intrigues me. I'm in.

Josh S. said...

I'm in!

Eric Karros said...

FB - deadlines will be somewhat soft, but at the same time the activity will have an automated enforcement mechanism that both ensures missed deadlines don't hold up the entire process while allowing delinquents to still participate barring multiple delinquencies...

midnightdrive said...

I hereby submit my candidacy for this assumedly mysterious "thingy".

karina said...


Dusto_Magnifico said...


Erin said...

All right, I'm in. But I'm worried.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

No hablo ingles, pero quiero jugar.

Eric Karros said...

For those who signed up: if we don't already have your email address, please send us a quick email indicating your username. Thanks - EK

rbnlaw said...

I'm pretty sure you guys have my e-mail, so count me in.

Ridiculousocity is my middle name. Mom has a hell of a sense of humor.

Nostradamus said...

Count me in if it's not too late.

MR.F said...

When does this thing take place?

QuadSevens said...

Ridiculousness sounds good to me! Count me in!

Orlando Zepeda said...


Unknown said...

Signed up.

karina said...

Neeebs, your Spanish is much better than mine.

Eric Karros said...

This thing will launch either later this week or next week. But don't worry, it's not gonna be a very high-maintenance activity...

Loney Fan said...

Sure, why not.

Eric Karros said...

Sign-up closes at 20 participans. So far we have 17:

1. Wicks
2. Orlando
3. FB
4. mlasf
5. josh s
6. midnightdrive
7. karina
8. dusto
9. erin
10. neeebs
11. rbnlaw
12. mr customer
13. fanerman
14. quadsevens
15. orlando zepeda
16. alireza
17. loney fan

Unknown said...


what_difference_does_it_make said...


Fred's Brim said...

EK, I had to read that three times but I am still in :)

BWrightson said...

I'm in just in case the limit of 20 was "soft" (since I'm 21). If I'm not in...I'll just stop reading your blog! =)

Eric Karros said...

BWrightson, you're actually 20, so you're in regardless. It is a soft limit though, so if anyone additional desperately wants to join in now, we'll allow it. Fire safety code be damned. The 20 are:
1. Wicks
2. Orlando
3. FB
4. mlasf
5. josh s
6. midnightdrive
7. karina
8. dusto
9. erin
10. neeebs
11. rbnlaw
12. mr customer
13. fanerman
14. quadsevens
15. orlando zepeda
16. alireza
17. loney fan
18. lauro
19. wddim
20. bwrightson

Stay tuned for details!

Eric Karros said...

Ok, I think we have everyone's email address except midnightdrive and if 'Orlando' is different from 'Orlando Zepeda', we only have one of your email addresses.

fostermatt said...

I want in!


Jimbo said...

Missed it. Dang.

Eric Karros said...

Fostermatt and Dr Geek, we can make room for you guys. fostermatt, please send us your email address.

We have confirmation that Orlando is different from Orlando Zepeda. Orlando, please send us your email address.

You too, midnight drive.

midnightdrive said...

email's in.

Unknown said...

mine is as well

Orlando Zepeda said...

may the better Orlando win

Gagne's lucky glasses said...

Im in

fostermatt said...

email in...

gCHOW said...

go doyers. im in.

Eric Karros said...

Ok, registration is now closed. We have 24 participants:
1. Wicks
2. Orlando
3. FB
4. mlasf
5. josh s
6. midnightdrive
7. karina
8. dusto
9. erin
10. neeebs
11. rbnlaw
12. mr customer
13. fanerman
14. quadsevens
15. orlando zepeda
16. alireza
17. loney fan
18. lauro
19. wddim
20. bwrightson
21. fostermatt
22. dr geek
23. wince1ce
24. gchow

Steve K said...

If it's not too late, I'm definitely interested...

Eric Karros said...

Ok J Steve, you're in. But if the fire marshall comes calling we're screwed.

I'll reveal what it is tomorrow -

DanGarion said...

Bah, I didn't post because you said you were full and now I come back and see 25 instead of the 24. Oh well, that's what I get for working on Monday.