Jeff Weaver (1-0, 1.00) vs. Tim Lincecum (3-1, 3.05).
Random rantings and ravings about the Los Angeles Dodgers, written by a small consortium of rabid Dodger fans. With occasional comments on baseball, entertainment, pop culture, and life in general.
4/3 vs. SF (W, 5-4): Sax
4/15 vs. WSH (L, 4-6): Dusty, Orel, Sax
5/6 vs. MIA (W, 6-3): AC, Sax
5/16 vs. CIN (L, 2-7): AC, Sax
6/12 vs. TEX (L, 2-3): Sax
7/5 vs. MIL (W, 8-5): Sax
7/21 vs. BOS (W, 9-6): Sax
7/24 vs. SF (L, 3-8): Sax
8/24 vs. TB (L, 8-9 (10)): Sax
8/29 vs. BAL (W, 6-3): Orel, Sax
9/9 vs. CHC (L, 4-10): Sax
10/5 NLDS G1 vs. SD (W, 7-5): Sax
10/6 NLDS G2 vs. SD (L, 2-10): Orel, Sax
10/25 WS G1 vs. NYY (W, 6-3 (10)): Sax
1 – 200 of 220 Newer› Newest»That I will
Let's get after Timmah.
Are we playing the real lincecum or the spooky one from the video game?
Since no one else wants to do it:
Pierre - LF
Furcal - SS
Hudson - 2B
Ethier - RF
Loney - 1B
Loretta - 3B
Kemp - CF
Ausmus - C
Weaver - P
Thanks MLASF. Interesting lineup.
I'm off. Won't be back for a long while, but I will bring back pictures.
Happy Mothers' Day! (and mamacitas too)
The Dodgers can't win every game so can't Tim Lincecum, so let's play optimistic in here.
Hudson as third bat? it sounds interesting, as Penos Campell said, maybe it could be an experiment for a couple of days, see if it works out, while Manny gets back.
How do everybody?
Hi Chappy. First zero by Weaver.
Watching the game on TV, with the Giants broadcast so i'll stick with the latin announcers.
"Now he just sits there, struggling to breathe"
Lets see if Pierre can keep up the hot bat.
Joe flooding the top of the order with lefties
Rabbits loose
Just to set the mood - I'm listening to Travis's cover of "The Weight" by The Band. Perfect sunny Sunday music.
But still wish I was at the game.
OH shit JP walk
Is this the real Linceum pitching, or the CG one?
(Now got Tracey Ullman's "They Don't Know About Us")
Someone tell him to cut that hair
As much as I dislike JP he's been good this year
If there's a poster boy for not even walking near steroids, I think it's Linceum. He's built like a pixie stick.
Travis is great Sunday music.
By the way, Pierre is making himself useful. That's good because the team can show him for a trade.
Hudson RBI sac fly. 1-0
Lakers down 54-36 at halftime
I don't want the Lakers lose the series with Rockets.
Lakers came out looking real bad. They didn't take advantage of Yao's absence. Kobe was a real ballhog in the 1st quarter.
Will we get the Dream Weaver today?
We will, Damon. Let's be optimistic and wait.
I know they're trying to rest Martin but he's been really good lately(Plus I have him on my fantasy team)but couldn't they at least let him play one more day
The bobble cost Weaver the out at 3B
Losing Yao might make the team better. Happened to Orlando without Howard that game.
I'm happy about scoring in the first. But we'll need to build on it.
While the Lakers are struggling with Houston, the Nuggets and Cavs are about to sweep their series'.
Kemp saves another run or two.
That's why you can't give IBB sparingly.
I knew weavers last apperance was a fluke.
Yeah, but IBB Ishikawa? They should have gone after him.
he's hitting .193 lets walk him
I can't watch this ill be back
Ugh, Weaver. 2-1 Giants.
Pablo Sandoval, Rancho Ardiendo and an out of contro pitcher are bad news.
That could have been worse.
The Giants send eight men to the plate and only one hit the ball hard: the pitcher.
He grounded out!. It could have been much worse. Anyway, someone should be warming up at the bullpen.
I'm glad sandoval is an impatient hitter.
Well it looks like tiny tim has clamped down.
Were they filming McCourt through vaseline?
The last person I want to hear is frank mccourt.
I do love pink bat day. Though I think they should do bedazled bats next year.
"Anger gets you nowhere"
I think anger has gotten us far in the human race.
Weaver's lost some pounds along with that hair.
That last pitch to Weaver was NASTY. Lincecum really does deserve his own CG Doppelgänger.
That's how we do it in Raffi-Wood.
JP is making it really hard to not like him.
Orlando with the dramatic exit at the plate.
Sax might owe the Pierre family an apology.
Aflac answer...
Funny how the worst teams have all of them.
five for five!
And the Giants still wank
What was the question?
On the broadcast, they brought up Pierre's performance so far and how it can help him to land a trade. Then, the announcer says "the first option would be the White Sox" and i can't help to think why Pierre has to play in my teams.
Wouldn't you miss his smiling face, and the frustration he brings to everyone on this board (besides me)
Pierre looking good in the field. A few less than easy catches there.
can't believe this Pierre defense!
Delino, at one point, i'd love to miss Juan Pierre.
Great catches but our worries focus on his throws.
Not so much a horrible bunt as a great play. May pink give Juan that extra power
Pink = Power!
Manny who :-)
Man. I hope JP keeps that pink bat.
Pierre: Dodgers MVP this week. Unbelievable!
Something tells me that Manny might not have caught up to those flyballs. (Especially now that we know where his mind's been)
Hi folks. Wow, JP continues his unstoppableness.
Did JP get into manny's medicine?
Who would have thought, Eric?
Furcal stroke out with a pitch that should be illegal.
Wow Lakers have cut lead to 13.
I never would have guessed, Karina. But good for him!
Maybe it's his supposed work ethic, maybe he wants a trade, maybe he reads our comments on this blog and wants to teach us better.
Lincecum has got Weaver's old hair. And now pitching like he did a couple of years ago.
Written on Pierre's knuckles:
F.U.C.- S.O.S.G
Hahahahahaha, Delino. Be careful because at least, i don't live in the US.
Or maybe one of the commenters is really JP? Hmmm...any frequent Game Thread commenter who has suddenly been absent the last few games since JP has been playing is under suspicion.
Rancho Ardiendo for the hated ones. No outs.
Delino - if so, he's disqualified from winning the orange shake.
Now that play Manny could have done.
Eric, you are getting me paranoid, what if really Juan Pierre is among us?
Oh my God, Juan Pierre is watching us!
It could be a slogan for a shirt.
Troncoso on the mound. It's a relief.
It wasn't. Dodgers 4-Giants 3
don't walk the pitcher... specially when he's left handed as yourself.
steve garvey jersey spotted
Epale, Damon!
I got a hunch they are going to win this game.
Spot a Delino jersey... then I'm impressed.
or ashamed.
it should have been you, Aaron Rowand.
Karina, if JP were really among us, that'd be pretty awesome.
Anyways I will be in and out of this gamethread. Hard to stay focused when the game's not on TV.
Plus I gotta make dinner and work on tomorrow's puzzle!
it would add to the scrappyness of the sosg posters
Not to mention our average income.
The joke's on you, cause (removing mask) I'm Juan Pierre.
Bring me the head of Steve Sax!
Will the final score indeed be 4-3 Dodgers?
Lakers lost. Wasn't expecting that.
Steve Sax doesn't mean any harm...
Tomorrow's puzzle day, i had forgotten! maybe this one i would resolve.
Actually, if one of our readers were JP, he would exhibit the following commenting patters:
-Did not comment until end of last season, when JP's playing time ceded to Manny.
-Commented frequently early this season until the last few games when JP started again.
Not sure who this might be, as I'm not on the Game Threads often enough. Not Delino. Maybe Natalie?
Natalie is the poet here. We should research on the game threads then.
It could be a theme for a puzzle.
I will be rooting for you in tomorrow's puzzle, Karina
Nice try by Renteria there, but even Casey's faster than that.
Awwwww, thanks, Eric.
That's why you always get your camion de carino :)
Juan with another base knock. Boy I hope he can keep it up.
By the way, #100 was Eric's.
3-3 for Pierre today.
Look, Merkin at the bullpen!
I picked up JP today in my espn league. I need SB bad
(From wristwatch)
Oh, I'm back. What did I miss? Oh, that amazing Pierre batted. Man, I wish I got to see that.
Nice try, Karina!
Karina's on the Merkin bandwagon!
Again: Is Furcal hurt?
O-Dog has pink shoelaces!
If Broxton gets the save today, we can thank Stults for saving his arm.
Orel, that is your and the crew's influence!
Belisario is rockin' the pink Phiten!
We will corrupt you once and for all, Karina.
Uh-oh. Giants have men on 1st & 2nd, no out.
Wade double-clutches on the bunt. Rancho Ardiendo for the Giants.
That wasn't save
What's up with wade.
It's lovely you corrupt me. At least i won't put any resistance.
Wade K's Aurilia! Let's get a DP now!
Wade seems to be making good pitches. They're just making better contact.
Sac fly ties it up. If we keep it that way, we'd be lucky.
Tied game.
Lincecum gets off again.
If we can get out of this inning with only giving up a run, it's a miracle.
Game of the day might be nationals - diamondbacks. It's a shoot out. Who knew they had it in them?
"If the bullpen isn't involved, it doesn't seem like a Dodger game." —Vin
Don't worry guys. JP is up 4th.
what just happened?
WTF wade
Thats just what we needed!
Rich Aurilia just killed us.
XP up
Free Lambo
Was #3 Delwyn Youngs number?
XP base knock!
man loney has been horrible this home stand.
Congrats, Xavier Paul. Now, it's Bison time with two outs.
Nice call, Damon.
Wow. Molina levels down XP.
Wow, someone made contact against Broxton.
Gotta go :(
Charlie Steiner: "Some of the players are using the pink-painted bats today on breast awareness day."
Broxton 1-2-3!
Every day is Breast Awareness Day.
Bye, Karina!
Amen to that
Odds of Ausmus walk-off homer?
Can Juan prove us all wrong one more time?
I hate rowand
Damn you, Aaron Rowand.
So close...
o dawg was not happy there
Good thing we have the day off tomorrow.
this game has loss written all over it.
Broxton can't pitch 3 innings?
That would be pushing it.
Phew, not a great route by Ethier but he catches up to it.
Wow, since last year, the Giants are 18-89 when allowing four runs.
McD 2-out struggling.
The rest of the league isn't going to treat us this kindly.
This mini sirloin burger ad is a little grisly. I don't want to think about cute little mini cows getting slaughtered.
Got to cut my posts short today. There's veal for dinner.
This is not exactly riveting baseball.
Here comes J-Mart to save the day!
lets go russ
"Ballgame is almost four hours old now, so there's a distinct thought that it might go on until Father's Day. We'll see." —Vin
Matt Kemp + pink bat = let's get a walk-off here
Thank you, G. Mota.
BLAKE with the defense!
Blake saves Mota's bacon for the first out.
I'm leaving in 20 minutes to see Star Trek , they better get this over with before then.
Mota is killing us. Bases loaded for the Giants, one out.
We look so incompetent right now.
Why is Mota even on the roster?
Mota pitching. Pretty much what I expected. (if they knock in another run or two, that is)
Come on Ausmus - at least take a cut.
What a horrible way to lose.
The bearded wonder!
Casey visits Mannywood!
They better get another one, 'cause there's nobody left in the pen
C'mon JP, work some magic.
Damn aumus. Why wasn't he on base.
Like I said, nobody in the pen
And were back where we started.
One pitch, one out. Keep it up.
Come on, Mota - prove me wrong.
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