Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Tuesday Notes, Best Wishes Edition


Fred's Brim said...

I totally forgot we had Nick Green. Why do we have Nick Green?

Dylan administers a serious burn with this line: "Nick Green, who after Monday's game is batting an altitude-enhanced .219"

Fred's Brim said...

ahh Nic beat me to it in the Scooby Doo thread. Call me Scooby Dum for not reading that one first

Paul said...

4 in a row on the the 4th?

Sounds like the Dodgers ready for more good four-tune.

Kyle Baker said...

I forgot we had Nick Green in the time it took for me to read FB's post about Nick Green to the time it took me to read Paul's 6:48AM post.

Kyle Baker said...

I woke up this morning with thoughts of Scooby's cousin, Scooby-Dum, in my head.

For shame, Nic, for shame.

Josh S. said...

Dave Roberts' Wikipedia page needs better pictures.