I wake up from my Saturday Memorial Day Weekend nap, and I find this: "No evidence Dodgers pitcher was involved in assault". Oh, great. So Vicente Padilla technically wasn't involved with a police proceeding, but it doesn't sound like he was at Bible study last night in Denver, either:
Attorney David Lane told 9NEWS pitcher Vicente Padilla was accused of attending a club with a woman and then slapping her when they went back to his downtown Denver hotel.
Denver Police say the incident happened just before 4 a.m. at the Ritz Carlton in downtown Denver.
Denver Police say the investigated the allegations and did not find enough evidence to recommend that charges be filed against Padilla and say he will not be arrested. DENVER - Police say they are not charging a pitcher with the Los Angeles Dodgers after allegations of domestic violence were made at him early Saturday morning.
Flashbacks of Joe Beimel's late-night carousing flashed through my head. And then there was that whole gunshot wound incident for Padilla this off-season.
But Padilla wasn't charged in Denver, right? So hopefully it was like he wasn't even there. Or at least, the Padilla that wasn't there won't be out a 4 a.m. again, not slapping women.
Thanks to Mr. LA SF for the headsup earlier today.
First of all I would like to say that I find any kind of abuse towards a woman is terrible.
I have two thoughts on this.
1. WTF? I thought the team was broke. No money to offer any top shelf starters but were staying at the Ritz!?
2. I find it hard to believe that a woman would actually leave a nightclub with Padilla. Yuck.
SNM loves the domestic abuse posts.
I can't root for Padilla anymore. Besides, what was he doing partying if he's coming back from an injury and had to pitch a simulated game today?
VPad not guilty of good decision making.
Most teams stay in very swank hotels because these hotels offer privacy and security that you can't get at the average Holiday Inn. So for logisitical purposes, that's where pro teams stay. Sure, the luxury is a ncie perk, but it keeps the riff-raff from bugging the players for autographs and photos every waking second. Ritz and Ritz-like hotels are used to handling high-profile clients.
LA Players Should Never Talk To Girls in Denver, Ask Kobe!..... What Too Soon?
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