Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Controlled Interview

Anyone on the Twitters knows that #ElyMania has hit Dodgers fans, and hard. Turns out John Ely is in control in front of a microphone as well.


Kyle Baker said...

He's being attacked by Nerf balls.

Alex Cora said...

Sounds like Crash Davis got to him...

Never F$ck with a winning streak...

Josh S. said...

When he's pitching on TV, I put down my remote Ely.

Kyle Baker said...

I watched a re-run of Get Smart last night that featured the KAOS vs ELY story line.

Steve Dittmore said...

When faced with tough decisions today, I have found myself asking WWJED.

Kyle Baker said...

Hah! Nice one, professor. You should get little bracelets made up.

Kyle Baker said...

And Professor - we know what JE WOULDN'T do: BB

Kyle Baker said...

X-Man called up and will bat second tonight.

Steve Dittmore said...

Thanks Dusty... I'm taking it to Twitter. Games like last night's are when I actually wished I forked over the money for Extra Innings... Quickly played and with a positive outcome.

I've conditioned myself for late night emotional letdowns.

Steve Dittmore said...

Leaving Martin in leadoff?

Kyle Baker said...

Martin C
Paul RF
Manny LF
Kemp CF
Loney 1B
Blake 3B
DeWitt 2B
Carroll SS
Kuroda P

Kyle Baker said...

^ Yes, per TBLA.

Kyle Baker said...

Prof Dittmore said "I've conditioned myself for late night emotional letdowns."

Me, too. That's why I usually just end up watching the baseball game instead.