Tuesday, May 11, 2010

SoSG Glossary: Rancho Ardiendo

Here's another entry in the SoSG Glossary, compliments of SoSG regular and resident eternal optimist, karina. Today's topic: "Rancho Ardiendo". Take it away, karina:

From all the terminology created in the always-entertaining Game Threads sponsored by the Sons, this phrase might be a little difficult to understand for either the English or Spanish-speaking readers.

To understand it, it’s not necessary a literal translation. In Venezuela, “Rancho Ardiendo” is slang for two situations: a large family, which the mother is pregnant; or, applied to a baseball game, it means bases loaded.

“Rancho Ardiendo” started appearing on Game Threads around April-May 2008. Time has passed, so Sons and readers have modified the term, randomly in the spur of the moment (as we all live at the SoSG bar), according to some play or player: e.g “Rancho Caseando” means Casey Blake contributed to the bases loaded situation. Sky is the limit to the variations of “Rancho Ardiendo”.

As a reader, I’d like to think this blog is always in the other common use of “Rancho Ardiendo”: a large family of passionate Dodgers fans and new people always joining in.

If you'd like to contribute a SoSG Glossary entry, just email us with your entry and we'll try and post it. Thanks again karina!


Erin said...

I really hate this time difference. And my apartment's complete lack of internet fast enough to watch a Dodger game and/or keep up with the comments in a game thread. I miss all you guys. I hope you'll be counting the days until June 5, when I'm finally back in the States. Not quite back in Los Angeles, but at most only two hours away from Pacific Coast time.

Steve Sax said...

It's funny, Erin: last night, I started adjusting our post lineup to weight a little more heavily in the mornings, partially in order to address our readership caught in Europe through the end of the month...

You're missed as well. But the pictures look sweet! Too bad you'll miss ESB night (not to be confused with MSB night, where everyone dresses up like David Eckstein).

Nostradamus said...

Did someone say MSB night?

MeanieBreanie said...

Thanks for your contribution. Since following SoSG, I'm amazed at what I learn on a daily basis : )

Kyle Baker said...

It's really sad that I use the "Rancho xxx-iendo" construction around the house for various situations.

Steve Sax said...

@DB: do tell, what kind of situations?

if all the bathrooms are full in the house, is that "toilet ardiendo"? Or is that "rancho shitter-diendo"?

Fred's Brim said...

this is my favorite glossary term by far

Steve Sax said...

@FB: there's only been two entries to date

and why the hate on the term, "MSB"?

Kyle Baker said...


Looking at my post, to be clear I wasn't referring to any proverbial "xxx" situations. xxx was a mere placeholder, alas.

I think I used a version of the phrase over the weekend upon noticing the kitchen sink was full of dishes, saying "Rancho Sinkiendo" or something like that. I've also grown fond of using it to indicate a fridge fully stocked with beer: Rancho Drunkiendo.

Kyle Baker said...

Sax said "@FB: there's only been two entries to date"

We need Small Sample Size to weigh in again!

Fred's Brim said...

I think Small Sample Size will confirm my opinion

Paul said...

Great job Karina! That entry really made me smile and laugh.

Kyle Baker said...

MR C! I just had time to peek at your avatar. Oh man. Oh man. Too rich.

Nostradamus said...


Paul got me thinking about that yesterday when we were talking about Brad Penny eating a flock of middle infielders.

Kyle Baker said...

@Mr C

I like the way your mind works.


Nice boutique!

Nostradamus said...

I've heard they have the finest in men's clothing.

karina said...

Why do you thank me? . It was the highest of honors, if you think you have idea, you don't.

karina said...

@Dusty Baker actually, that's a good use for the phrase. You can say "Rancho Ardiendo" when there's a lot going on.

@Paul stop teasing! i'm blushing!