Good morning, puzzlers! Here's today's offering. Yes, it's the 2nd poem in 2 puzzles:
The shepherd swains shall dance and sing,
To unlock meaning in the verse;
Amid the wild waves weltering,
One has to know where to traverse.I sometimes hold it half a sin,
The task at hand is to unwind;
And half conceal the Soul within,
The two diverse threads intertwined.Sweeter than those dainty pies,
The ones and twos are mixed and matched;
The sickle motion from the thighs,
The twos are mine the ones are snatched.With two sister Graces more,
But who are these victims of heist?
The weary, wayworn wanderer bore,
Look down their names is my advice!
Hint #1 (11:16am): I suspect most of you will have to use google at some point in this one. I certainly had to.
Solution here.
Puzzle Rules: The answer to the puzzle is a Dodger. Comment freely in the thread, but if you have the solution, please don't give it away to everyone in the comments section. Instead, do the following:
- Email us with the first and last name of the Dodger player who is the answer, along with your reasoning (answers arrived at via luck or the wrong reasoning, even if correct, count for participation credit only). And please include your screen name somewhere in the email; and
- Post a comment simply saying you have emailed your solution attempt. I may not be able to reply to your original email promptly, so please be patient and check back on the comment thread for the latest news; I may confirm correct answers there.
You have until midnight PT tonight to submit your answer. Solution will be posted tomorrow. Good luck!
*New to SoSG's PCS Puzzle Series? Here's how it works. Join the fun, all are welcome!
Man ... I hate:
(1) Poetry.
(2) How I'm too dumb to figure out these puzzles.
Answer Sent!
This is a puzzler.
Do we have to look outside the poem to decipher the name?
Mr. C is in:
1. Mr. C
MLASF, I'll try to post a hint when I get a chance, but may be awhile
En fuego
Answer sent!
Answer sent.
Drew and jason in. Ok folks I'm gonna be out of pocket for a few hrs, but keep on puzzlin'. Ill be back -
crap... forgot about this. I've got a masters thesis to read and all I can think about is a puzzler.
My goal is to beat Dusty, since both of us were too lame in Puzzle #1
I suppose you could write your critique in iambic pentameter.
Check that, tetrameter.
In! (Maybe 10 minutes ago, but Blogger comments were on the fritz.)
I was looking forward to this puzzle since I felt like I needed a day off from watching the Dodgers. Then I saw the puzzle...
I need to start writing down the ideas that skitter through my brain while scrambling for the solution every time one of these things comes out.
I probably come up with 2 or 3 different derivative ideas every time.
Professor, I'm sure you'll beat me as I have a whole host of meetings all morning and the precious moments I had I took time to rant about the LA Times pathetic Dodgers coverage (the paper, not the reporter).
I'll take my partial credit now.
Ok, I'm back. Solvers so far:
1. Mr C
2. drewdez
3. Jason
4. Greg Finley
This one has me stumped so far...
Wow, I'm surprised that I got that much of a jump on the champ for this one.
It's either well-suited to my knowledge set, or I'm benefiting from the new Monday-only schedule as all my precious bodily fluids have not yet been contaminated by the work week.
MMMMmmmmm.....dainty pies.
Answer sent...this was a good one!
My Monday morning has sucked so far. I need to solve this thing to get some sort of positive spin on the day.
Answer sent.
Matt is in, will check yours soon dunkhawk.
Will also try to post hint soon
Good grief!
What a waste of time... but I can't look away.
Oh, how I long for a puzzle I can print out, draw on, and cut to pieces.
I feel less dumb than I did when I first looked at it, but no major breakthroughs yet.
Found some interesting stuff in there. But no solution yet.
Hint posted. And Dunkhawk in:
1. Mr C
2. drewdez
3. Jason
4. Greg Finley
5. Matt
6. DunkHawk
Answer, sent.
Thesis, not finished.
Answer sent!
Hmmm...I wonder who's email got through first between us SD.
I guess I'm not the only one helped by the hint... answer sent.
Two more solvers:
1. Mr C
2. drewdez
3. Jason
4. Greg Finley
5. Matt
6. DunkHawk
7. Steve Dittmore
8. 7777
J Steve too:
1. Mr C
2. drewdez
3. Jason
4. Greg Finley
5. Matt
6. DunkHawk
7. Steve Dittmore
8. 7777
9. J Steve
I got it, but I don't have access to my e-mail.
I've got nothing so far just a jumbled set of letters, I had a hunch the web would be needed.
Forgot that I hadn't changed my screen name back to normal. Done now.
answer sent! that hint did help a lot...
Oh, google, is there anything you can't do?
Answer sent.
Answer sent! Back on the horse, baby!
A few more puzzlers in:
1. Mr C
2. drewdez
3. Jason
4. Greg Finley
5. Matt
6. DunkHawk
7. Steve Dittmore
8. 7777
9. J Steve
10. Ubragg
11. LLCoolL
12. Josh S
Answer hopefully sent. Now begone foul puzzle beast!
I think I need a cigarette after re-reading some of this imagery.
Answer sent!!!
And this time I mean it.
rbnlaw in! Sorry Dusty...
1. Mr C
2. drewdez
3. Jason
4. Greg Finley
5. Matt
6. DunkHawk
7. Steve Dittmore
8. 7777
9. J Steve
10. Ubragg
11. LLCoolL
12. Josh S
13. rbnlaw
Late to the party, but my answer is sent.
Correct answer sent!
Two more in:
1. Mr C
2. drewdez
3. Jason
4. Greg Finley
5. Matt
6. DunkHawk
7. Steve Dittmore
8. 7777
9. J Steve
10. Ubragg
11. LLCoolL
12. Josh S
13. rbnlaw
14. golem
15. dusty baker
got it. I'll send it in.
1. Mr C
2. drewdez
3. Jason
4. Greg Finley
5. Matt
6. DunkHawk
7. Steve Dittmore
8. Quad
9. J Steve
10. Ubragg
11. LLCoolL
12. Josh S
13. rbnlaw
14. golem
15. dusty baker
16. Dusto Magnifico
Ahh, the Dust brothers are in.
Late to the party (probably a recurring theme this season), but...
Answer Sent.
Mr F follows the dust brothers:
1. Mr C
2. drewdez
3. Jason
4. Greg Finley
5. Matt
6. DunkHawk
7. Steve Dittmore
8. Quad
9. J Steve
10. Ubragg
11. LLCoolL
12. Josh S
13. rbnlaw
14. golem
15. dusty baker
16. Dusto Magnifico
17. Mr F
Answer sent - nice one!
MLASF & Jose in:
1. Mr C
2. drewdez
3. Jason
4. Greg Finley
5. Matt
6. DunkHawk
7. Steve Dittmore
8. Quad
9. J Steve
10. Ubragg
11. LLCoolL
12. Josh S
13. rbnlaw
14. golem
15. dusty baker
16. Dusto Magnifico
17. Mr F
19. Jose
Two puzzles in a row? Surely my luck must run out soon.
totally forgot and checked 12 hours late, but sent in.
Answer sent. Subtle, but sweet.
My better half says that GOOGLE is cheating. But nevertheless awesome.
Answer sent.
Coming late to this particular party, but it was a busy day. Still, answer sent before midnight.
answer sent, pony express style.
Traveling all day. Brain fried. I got nothing.
Lauro, not sure we received your email. Please re-send it.
Other than Lauro, here are the solvers:
1. Mr C
2. drewdez
3. Jason
4. Greg Finley
5. Matt
6. DunkHawk
7. Steve Dittmore
8. Quad
9. J Steve
10. Ubragg
11. LLCoolL
12. Josh S
13. rbnlaw
14. golem
15. dusty baker
16. Dusto Magnifico
17. Mr F
19. Jose
20. Bryan
21. Nicholas
22. Curious Gene
23. Trite Fantastic
For the sake of archiving accuracy, here are final standings now including Lauro:
1. Mr C
2. drewdez
3. Jason
4. Greg Finley
5. Matt
6. DunkHawk
7. Steve Dittmore
8. Quad
9. J Steve
10. Ubragg
11. LLCoolL
12. Josh S
13. rbnlaw
14. golem
15. dusty baker
16. Dusto Magnifico
17. Mr F
19. Jose
20. Bryan
21. Nicholas
22. Lauro
23. Curious Gene
24. Trite Fantastic
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