Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Keep Sax A Son!

I'm still awaiting a response from James Carville, Karl Rove, and David Plouffe on whether they'd be interested in providing some pro-bono consulting services guiding me on how to run my campaign to be retained on SoSG staff for 2010. Surprisingly, none of them has returned my email yet.

So, let me start with some early campaign thoughts on why I believe should remain a Son (and these points are unfiltered by any campaign manager or publicity agent):

More exciting news from the campaign trail tomorrow!


Nostradamus said...

Not to mention that without Sax, EK would have near-absolute control over the PCS. Can he really be trusted with that kind of power?

Of course, EK might well make the same argument.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

+1 for effort.

Orel: 5
Sax: 1
Everyone else: 0

For every day of inactivity, I deduct a point. Get cracking, Sons.

Kyle Baker said...

Considering Carl Rove as campaign consultant: -666

You've dug yourself a hole now, Saxy. Donna Brazile can't help you dig out of this one. Note: don't sign up with Martha Coakley's campaign manager, either.

Oh, and my services are always available.

Kyle Baker said...


Paul said...

Man this might get as ugly as the 1840 Van Buren -Harrison presidential election!

Paul said...

I hope no pics of one of the sons with a Barry Bonds bobblehead surface!

Kyle Baker said...

EK shouldn't have let himself get caught up in Abscam back in the early 80s. That doesn't look good in this campaign.

Kyle Baker said...

And AC, if this thing is close, please tell me you're not going to run whining to the Supreme Court in the event of a re-count? Although there is a distinct possibility of a hanging Chad (Billingsley) complicating the balloting process.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Pedro, Lasorda, Delino, AC, and Karros have an hour and a half before I deduct a point.

Jimbo said...

But a hanging Chad (Billingsley) will result in a surefire homerun!

AC would be a fool not to swing at that one.