Today I saw this banner ad:
Sitting in the ad are images of 101 Dalmatians, 102 Dalmatians, and 101 Dalmatians 2.
Which raises the question: what name do we give the next sequel?
- a) 101 Dalmatians 3
- b) 102 Dalmatians 2
- c) 103 Dalmatians
- d) 103 1/3 Dalmatians: The Smell of Fear
I don't even know what the order is in the existing canon, so if anyone can explain that to me as well, that would be great.
e) 10201 Dalmations: The Next Generation.
10210 Dalmations - Trials and tribulations of rich, pampered hounds who live in Beverly Hills.
Maybe they'll "reboot" the franchise a-la Star Trek and just call it "Dalmatian"
See also The Rambonacci Sequence.
What, no comment thread for the State of the Union speech? *points browser to Sons of James Carville*
I had it streaming just now.
I'm not able to restrain myself from discussing tangential and potentially controversial topics such as religion, sex, and the putrescence of Liverpool football. Not abusing others with my politics is the one shred of dignity that I have left to me.
The Wolves scoreless draw was indeed putrid. No other way to describe it. And look on the bright side: ManUre are not top of the table!
re:SOTU - all this anti-lobbyist talk is making me uncomfortable.
State of the Union address is just another bullshit reason to preempt Jeopardy.
Also, James Carville having shtuping Mary Matalin on a semi-regular basis disturbing enough without progeny.
Drew said it best - "Dude, their children would have hooves."
It's because Trebek is always fronting for the pro-Canadian agenda.
I had the misfortune of watching that burgeoning romance back during the campaign (from the Clinton-Gore side, mind you) of '92. *shivers* I will never understand that despite seeing it blossom from the beginning.
Also, I used to live near the two of them when they had a flat in Cleveland Park in DC. They used to walk their matching dogs, each of which just like them. It was SCARY.
One hundred and ooooooh shit is that Michael Vick????
I won't discuss my workers party of chateauneuf du pape views anymore. People can be so intolerant towards Grenache.
Chateauneuf du pape is among my favorites. I've even traveled there. Also the subject of a fine Beasties lyric.
Embarrassingly, tonight I'm only up in some ho-hum swill that I scrounged up - some Cupcake shit.
Nice Dusty! A fellow southern Rhone Ranger and my new idol for actually visiting the region.
I have some nice central coast syrah-Grenache blends that make California proud but still not the same.
Cheers, Paul.
Here is a shot from my trip, circa 2001:
State of the Sax: I'm drinking Heineken tonight. Bottle. Satisfying, but I really think I need to get me one of them mini keggerator things.
the mini kegs are great. Someone at my old employer left one for me on my last day of employment. That was a fun and high liability day.
Just a finger.
@ Sax, Orel-
I really wanted to hear more about jobs, tax cuts, and health care reform from you guys tonight. I mean, where's my stuff?
Awesome pick Dusty!
Pic. Excuse the iPhone burp.
Almost dusted my bottle off with my Irish friend. Speaking of I purchased my saint patty's day dodgers tickets today!
Now there's a campaign slogan I can endorse.
Thanks, Paul. It's a tiny little town that shuts down early after the old geezers finish their Pastis and Pétanque, and I loved the scene.
"Not a fingah!"
-The Old Man, "A Christmas Story"
Two fingers, you say? Well, if you insist...
I just realized I'm the only one still in this bar.
I'll take a fifth.
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