NO 49 (39%)
Manny Ramirez has apologized to his teammates and Joe Torre, Frank McCourt and Ned Colletti. That about does it, right?
Not so fast, you say. What about us?
July 3 is nearing, but don't hold your breath for an apology to the fans. And if Manny starts producing right away, we'll forget all about it.
We've put a new sidebar poll up. Go vote!
UPDATE: Let's hear it, SoSG Orel. From Jon Weisman, in the comments:
Manny Ramirez, May 7, 2009:“I want to apologize to Mr. McCourt, Mrs. McCourt, Mr. Torre, my teammates, the Dodger organization, and to the Dodger fans. LA is a special place to me and I know everybody is disappointed. So am I. I'm sorry about this whole situation.”
I guess I should have said, "Does Manny owe Dodger fans a specific apology?" He's talked individually to McCourt, Colletti and Torre, and had a special meeting with his teammates. Should he put out a statement just for the fans?
Manny Ramirez, May 7, 2009:
“I want to apologize to Mr. McCourt, Mrs. McCourt, Mr. Torre, my teammates, the Dodger organization, and to the Dodger fans. LA is a special place to me and I know everybody is disappointed. So am I. I'm sorry about this whole situation.”
I don't think those percentages add up.
I'd much rather have an apology from andruw jones.
Nic j, we forgot to mention that -9% think we owe Manny an apology.
I'm so sick of hearing how "Manny falls to sixth place in voting". Is that all the All-Star Game has to offer, Manny?
there are people actually voting for people other than Pierre to sit when manny comes back? Juan Pierre did awesome as a fill in but manny's numbers are still better and he is clutch.
JP might make a nice trading chip now.
It's hard to choose. All three are starting to do well. Two weeks ago it would've been Ethier, 100%, but now that he's getting hot, it's a tough decision. I'm sticking with Pierre since his numbers are starting to taper, and Furcal's improving enough to go back to leadoff.
For goodness' sake, enough with the apologies. What I would *like* is a clear explanation, but according to the union agreement, he is not required to give one. So I'm not expecting one, especially given his recent utterances. Maybe one day he'll phone up Simers and tell him, but I wouldn't count on it. We'll just have to make our own surmises, and get on with things.
Egregious adding mistake fixed. Thanks, Nic.
I don't see a new sidebar poll. I see an unclickable question there, no poll results, no "poll closed" either. Just my timing? - all done now?
It should be right above the "Top Commenters" section. 38 people have voted so far.
zito is getting shelled by the angels right now. haha
an eric aybar 2 run jack just knocked zito out of a 6 run 4th inning.
LAA 8, SF 0, bot 6
Go Angels! (The enemy of my enemy is my friend.)
The "who sits?" poll does not appear in Firefox Mac 3 (latest: 3.0.11) - just the question, nothing else. I switched to Safari 4 and found it OK there.
Sorry, but Beast Mode goes back to being the #4 outfielder when Manuel comes back.
. . .and go angels.
see what you can do against Timmah.
In other news, The McCovey Chronicles shows its championship envy:
"When teams from Southern California win championships, bad, bad things happen to the world"
Wouldn't they love to find out how it feels.
the Not LA Angels won 9 -7.
PS when did the angels pen get so horrible?
How did SF almost creep back into it?
And why didn't FSW show the game? All I got was a crawl saying, "If you can't see the Angel game, call your cable provider."
the angels chose this year to charge extra for premium games and some cable companies opted not to pick up the extra games. Which means i get to laugh at my roommate, an angel fan on an almost daily basis.
Thursday is Lakers night at dodger stadium on thursday. Looks like i have to make two trips down to the ravine this week.
will arnett, joe torre, and spinal tap.
what a tonight show lineup.
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