Clayton Kershaw (3-4, 4.26) vs. Kevin Correia (2-4, 5.13).
COMMENTS: CK vs. KC. The Dodgers aim for a season-high 21 games over .500 tonight after last night's pleasantly refreshing display of power. For the Pads, the 28-year-old Correia continues to be statistically pretty much the same slightly below-average pitcher he was with the Giants. Meanwhile, the Dodgers' 21-year-old Kershaw looks to develop his ability to pitch deeper into games. He's 2-0 with a 2.70 ERA lifetime against San Diego.
photo by Amber Matsumoto/Dodgers
1 – 200 of 344 Newer› Newest»Re: the Ethier photo
What's the matter, Matsumoto?
Pierre, LF
Hudson, 2B
Ethier, RF
Loney, 1B
Blake, 3B
Martin, C
Furcal, SS
Kemp, CF
Kershaw, P
Let's see if Ethier can keep up the hot hand in the three-hole.
Are you permitted to use the terms, "hot hand" and "three-hole" in the same sentence?
BTW, do you still like my avatar?
I think it is time for a change Neeebs
I'm going to go ahead and predict that one of the five guys who didn't homer last night will homer tonight.
Will there be guys on base? Only time will tell.
More Kemp in the 8-hole. At least Martin isn't batting cleanup.
what are the chances of a meteorite hitting fenway right about now?
Im just saying...
Is there something going on in Fenway? Besides the Red Sox and Yankees playing, and all the blah blah hoopla to go along with it?
LoneyFan: OK you get to choose the avatar today: 1) New Spock; 2) Alien Clint Howard, 3) Greedo; or 4) Anna Kornakova
You only have until 6:00 pm until I leave the office.
I wonder if the eight-hole has the most HRs on the team. After all, Kemp hit one last night, and Blake hit most of his in the eight spot.
I'm sure there are statistics out there to determine how many HRs are hit per spot in the Dodger batting order.
I think one of the other blogs had info on just this, about a week or so ago...
According to that, the Dodgers have 10 HR's frome the 8-spot and 3-spot. So yeah, the 8-spot is tied for the most home runs hit.
Yes, Sax, but we are loyal only to the SoSG, so we never would have seen it.
Besides, MSTI has been rather cynical lately.
Trump to Miss California:
"Yer Fired!"
So I guess we put our power in the eight and three holes, eh?
Ethier and Kemp...I'll go for that.
Matsumoto wont be able to watch this game...
Think I'm gonna leave soonish. I'll be pissed if I don't get my cooler bag. I missed this year's blanket by 10 minutes.
Tom Pacorek? (sp?)
Paciorek. Got it.
You didn't ask for my opinion, but i'd choose Greedo, though i think i might be late.
Have fun guys and comment a lot! i don't think i'll make to the game, going to this birthday party.
Don't the Yankees and Red Sox play 18 times during the season?
It's time for Dodger baseball!
SF 1, ARI 1, top 2
Gwynn picks up where he left off. Leadoff single.
gwynn is a bit of a pest, he is doing his father proud.
MSB singles. Here we go again.
this looks familiar.
I worry that this game is de ja vu for the starting pitcher.
Of course, Tony actually pulled this one. He father is probably frowning on that.
Oooooh. Pitch 3 was right on the top of the letters.
Yes Clayton, we get it. Adrian can't hit the inside fastball against a lefty. If you can't throw it for strikes, don't keep trying.
Sacks juiced, no out.
Russ, get out there and settle your lefty down.
all we need is a triple play
that sucks.
his foot was on the bag.
Nic - Make it better and have it be an unassisted triple play :-P. Then again, Gameday would probably blow up.
Vin pointing out that in getting the out by tagging Kouz, Loney actually hurt his own case.
Damn Eisenreichmanof again.
it looked like he was on the bag and made the tag.
His foot was on the bag and he tagged the do you miss that?
Then the outs canceled each other out.
In some ways, it is better that the sacks are still juiced with a GB/K pitcher like Kershaw. This way, they can force at the plate.
Personally, I'd like a shallow fly to Kemp or Ethier and Eckstein to get thrown out
if MSB was a normal height he would be out cold on the liner.
Just throw a hard one down the middle Clayton and see if Headley can catch up.
Nice pop-up. Now all we need is a DP.
1 out. lets get a double play ball.
Wow. Gameday actually called the infield fly rule.
damn, 2 runs.
Damn Clayton, throw more curves like that and you aren't in this position.
hope they didnt pack the homerun bats for the roadtrip yet.
This does not bode well.
Ah yes, no inning is complete without a WP.
Damn it Clayton
lets get it back.
2-0 isn't bad, all things considered.
34 f'ing pitches to get through the Padres' first inning. Come on, Clayton. Buck up!
Thank goodness that is over and thank goodness Hank White never saw a high enough heater to swing at.
Now let's see how the bats are doing.
60 comments through a half-inning. At this rate we'll have 1020 comments for the GT.
Wilson does a Forkal! Beast Mode on first!
JP reaches!
"60 comments through a half-inning. At this rate we'll have 1020 comments for the GT."
And Kershaw will be out of the game by the fourth.
With all the fastball hitters on the Dodgers, I have to believe they will feast on Correia.
Juan steals second
Steal bases like Juan Pierre
Moved him over on the jam shot.
O-Dog grounds out, advances Juan to third.
Only a single? Ethier's slumping.
Ethier's back!
Ethier, you only got an RBI single and not a two-run HR. Hit the showers.
Just kidding! 2-1 Pads
The Mailman delivers again.
Loney needs to atone for his 0-fer night last night
Dodgers MVP: Josh Wilson
Time for Blake to get his 10th homer.
So many modes!
My cynical nature has transfered from Ethier to Martin.
Wow, Correia reached back for that one.
are they pitching around russ to get to raffy?
Marikym sighting!
nope, and 55 strands two RISP.
2-1 after one frame.
That's how you get back on the horse, Kershaw. Walk the #8 hitter.
i'd like to report a missing strike zone.
C'mon, one more foul bunt.
Nic - Absolutely right. Kershaw struck Wilson out with a proper zone.
Clayton has 4 outs and 45 pitches. At this rate, he may not even make it to the fourth inning.
Gwynn's uniform gives him superstrength.
This ump is allergic to calling strikes.
Just hit Eckstein and get it over with.
One thing I like that is going to serve Clayton well is that he is able to change speeds on that heater.
It's David vs...Clayton.
nice play by raffy.
vintage Raffy
Orel - LOL. I'd actually prefer that with Eisenreichmanof.
Hmmm, is Furcal loosening up?
hey look at that! a single by furcal.
mattie like that strike call.
Furkey's .768 OPS so far in June is looking up a bit.
BTW, I would have been kicked out if I was Matt Kemp and that last pitch was called a strike.
raffy singles. too bad Martin couldn't have reached last inning...
warning track
holy crap, MR LA SF, "transverse mode" is pretty f'ing serious stuff. Nice pull.
It is one thing if the ump is calling a crap zone for everyone. In this game, however, Clayton is getting squeezed and Correia is getting a Glavine/Maddux zone.
two-run JP home run, right here
Juan didn't waste any time.
That last AB was a bad sign from Pierre.
ground out to MSB. Same thing.
2-1 after two.
Kershaw needs to K Adrian. That will dial him in.
This game has a last night feel.
Oh FFS, that isn't a cutter Gameday, it is a change up. Interesting that he is using it a fair bit today.
That was a clinic on how to pitch Adrian Gonzalez. Lets see Clayton do that some more.
My goodness. Kouzmanoff can't hit against anyone but the Dodgers.
Another strike. I really hope MLB keeps its promise and uses Gameday to keep the Umps honest.
damn again.
Wow. Kershaw has thrown three strikes in a row and the ump hasn't called one.
That was f'ing gross. The only reason that run scored is because the umpire is a moron.
woo, that was close. That was a pretty good shot.
oh come on, that curve looked good.
If the Dodgers lose this game, please entitle the post-game thread "Jim Reynolds has no business behind home plate"
The Kershaw learning curve in progress.
If Lou Pinella was the Dodgers' manager, he would have already been tossed.
I think we'll see Weaver tonight.
i think the ump has a rule that curveballs cannot be strikes.
weaver warming up
This is a goddamn Susan Powter game. Stop the insanity.
come on kid, get this.... kid
Come on Minotaur, smoke him.
at least the pitcher is up now.
Kershaw's really struggling today.
Wow. F'ing wow. Another strike called as a ball. If I were Kershaw, I would have an ulcer by now.
MLSF - Not really. The only thing he is struggling with are the calls by the umpire.
mid-batter pitching change?
and there you go dear. 2-0 weaver in.
Nic - Why would they do that with the pitcher up?
poor kid.
This is a joke. Kershaw should have 4 Ks and be at about 68 pitches right now. The umpire has ruined this game.
clay just want hitting the zone, two pitches way low.
in that at bat at least.
I feel like starting "Fire Joe Torre Now"
Nic - Take a look at the Gameday of Headly's AB, as well as Blanco's and Wilson's. Then look at earlier innings. This umpire is terrible.
someone get clayton some cotton candy, he looks so sad.
yeah true, but there is nothing you can do about a bad ump.
Jeff Weaver is The Cleaner.
hey look at that the strike zone got big again!
Nice job weaver, bailing minotaur out
Martin or Ausmus should go talk to him and remind him that there is nothing he can do about a loser umpire.
The pitches Weaver had called for strikes would have been balls if Kershaw was pitching.
you can have you catcher "miss" a high fastball...
Fred's Brim - I saw that clip by that HS pitcher too.
yeah that was rough
Maybe its Leslie Nielsen behind the plate.
was the queen scheduled to attend this game?
Honestly, if Martin missed a Kershaw fastball, the ump would be in the hospital and that isn't good for anyone.
of course not, Ali. it was just a joke
Miserable outing for CK. But only a 2-run deficit!
haha i love the VIn voiceover for MSB
two straight foul balls off of MSB, ouch.
I just hope MSB doesn't pull a Ray Durham and jack a homer after hurting himself on the foul.
Charley steiner makes an ethel merman reference. Yeah, he's cool with the kids.
MSB injury delay.
Is Weaver ever planning on throwing a breaking ball?
haha, vin just said twitter.
About time he grounds out.
"Honestly, if Martin missed a Kershaw fastball, the ump would be in the hospital and that isn't good for anyone."
It would be good for the hospital.
I can't watch Gonzalez' combined with Weaver's penchant for giving up gopher balls.
"Boy I've come a long way, to read about Facebook and Twitter and blogs." —Vin
You don't have to watch much. That at-bat lasted all of one pitch.
Just jammed him enough. Nice work Weave.
Weaver with a solid 4th
Aflac: Who is the only player in Padres history to lead the N.L. in home runs?
answer: Fred McGriff (35 in 1992)
come on russ, hit one out for your GF
time to start hitting this bum
Yeah Russ. Show Marikym you can still hammer something other than her.
Correia is living dangerously if he keeps throwing Martin fastballs.
I wish someone would show Russ the film of his AB against Joe Saunders last year when he hit that monster shot. Or perhaps the one he hit off Burke Badenhop in Florida.
Weaver to Kershaw:
That's how it's done.
lets hope she was in line to get a dodger dog
How are we getting shut down by Kevin Correia?
Badly fooled, Russ.
I like that Russ was up there hacking. He needs to do that more.
Badenhop? Apodaca?
Let's go, Forkal
Orel - Actually, it was off Scott Olsen. Badenhop's name sticks out more.
Looked like a strike from here
Im surprised that Dave Winfield never led the league in HRs as a Padre
ok i gotta hit the hay. i expect a 5-3 win for the good guys when I get up
I think Furcal didn't realize that Correia could throw that hard.
Someone needs to pitch in and get me one of those "Dodger Life" packages.
Late to the commenting party, but sadly, not to the game. Maybe some of that late inning magic will return.
Oh, and leave it to the ever-amazing Vin Scully to get me to admire the ever-annoying MSB.
raffy looked a little pissed of there.
Jeff Weaver = antidote to Kevin Eisenreichmanof.
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