Friday, May 14, 2010

SI Mailbag: Does This Sound Familiar to SoSG Readers?

From the May 3 2010 Letters page of Sports Illustrated:

SI should not have allowed [Steve] Nash, who is not a US citizen but gets the privileges of this great country and a fabulous income from the NBA, to lecture Americans about US war involvement, education and health care. Write about sports or start a political magazine. (emphasis mine)

Oh my god, why don't you start a political magazine and go (post) that news in that magazine. (Right?)


Josh S. said...

*arm falls off*

Fred's Brim said...

*pulls up painted-on socks*

Jason said...

*clears the Johnson spot*

Kyle Baker said...

Middle finger sent!

MeanieBreanie said...

LMAO - God I love you guys!

Nostradamus said...

*Runs for cover*

Fred's Brim said...

Could I request a SOSG Glossary entry for *arm falls off*?