Monday, May 10, 2010

The Giants Are So Boring, Keith Hernandez Can't Take It

Nice footage of Mets broadcaster Keith Hernandez, who can't even stand to watch Saturday's game, even with the Mets winning (hat tip, BLS):

Baseball fever! Catch it! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Kyle Baker said...

He should get back on the blow for some help staying up.

Steve Sax said...

Oh my god, why don't you go start a Giants are boring blog and go......


Fred's Brim said...

In that post, BLS links to a good article about Gary, Ron and Keith. This article nails it on the head. They really are enjoyable to listen to, even if the Mets are frequently impossible to watch

Kyle Baker said...

This is strangley coincidental, FB. I was listening to Nats v Mets last night on the way home (Mets broadcast team). I thought, man, these guys are really good compared to the usual tripe I have to put up with. One thing I noticed was that they were fine with being critical of the Mets (how else can you be?!?), e.g., when David Wright let himself get doubled off late in yesterday's game.

Fred's Brim said...

yeah they will give it to anybody and will congratulate anybody. And they tell great stories, the stuff you want to hear as a fan.

Gary's a lifelong Mets fan and he still holds grudges (especially with the Cards). If there's a homer in the group, it's him. Keith is a Cardinal first. Ron is Mets, but you can't tell.