Tuesday, January 19, 2010

NL West Catches Catcher Fever


Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!

Steve K said...

And Lincecum apparently asked for "only" $13M. I was hoping he'd break the bank so that they couldn't afford anyone else.


Kyle Baker said...

J. Steve-

I just read [some publication/Tweet] a few minutes ago that said since Jints also just re-signed B. Molina, they would likely be through with spending now (or, rather, they would have to be through, given their budget). So Timmeh aside, and w fatty fatty two by four behind the plate again (not KFP, the other one), looks like they will end up not having done all that much. Aubrey Huff and De Rosa don't really signify a momentum shift in my book.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

@J. Steve - After signing Bengie Molina, they literally can't afford anyone else.

Buster Olney: Heard this: With the signing of Molina, the Giants are basically tapped out with their money, except for minor stuff. No Johnny Damon in SF.

Steve K said...

All that sounds great to me. I was worried because I read the theories that Lincecum might ask for over $20M. If the Jints were planning on $20M, then $13M sounds like they would have money to spare.

Plus, I already knew they had signed Molina since Orel put it in the original post... but apparently they're now tapped out.