Roberto of Vin Scully Is My Homeboy has done some legwork, posting the at-bat/entrance songs of just about every member of the entire Dodgers lineup. Good job, Roberto!
Looking for the entire list? Dodger Player Songs (Dodgers.com)
photo from Deadspin
Mark Loretta's song is Creed - Mf Sacrifice. BOOOOO.
My suggestion: The Beatles - Get Back, especially when Paul says "get back home Loretta." But feel free to leave out the part about the low neck sweater....
For Matt Kemp: M. Bison's stage music from Street Fighter II.
I have to say it's a pretty bad batch of songs this year. Nothing, outside of Ethier's song, gets me particularly fired up. Blake needs to go back to Enter Sandman. Furcal's is pretty much the worst. I'm sure it's a fine song on its own, and I'm sure he likes it, but it really sets the wrong mood for an at-bat.
I like Randy Wolf with the switch hitting of songs!
Chad Billingsley is definitely a Midwestern kid.
Mark Loretta saddens me.
Props to Andre Ethier for using Tres Delinquentes - that song is still the jam.
Kuroda's song is a no brainer and my son's favorite Foo Fighter song.
Other than that, meh.
4 comments in and no one mentions the fact that Jason Schmidt has a song yet hasn't played for the team in what like three years? WTF.
They've been playing the hell out of Schmidt's song over at Inland Empire. Rumor has it the Topes are downloading a copy for future use.
That list makes me sad.
I can't believe that no one has commented on the irony of Schmidt's choice
raffy's music is the worst.
How can you not appreciate R.Wolf's "Danger Zone"?
Nothing, and I mean nothing(!!!) beat former Dodger Andy LaRoche's nod to "Karate Kid" every time he came up to bat. He seemed to be the only one who got the joke and realized that taking your "at-bat" music too seriously is consistent with the highest levels of Douchebaggery.
Dr. Geek, I concur. Would somebody please give these guys a mix tape of bands from the last 8 years?
Creed and Soulja Boy are especially egregious choices.
I have now found my new favorite dodger. Randy Wolf likes Tool? I vote he stays in the rotation as long as his ERA stays below 12.
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