I know, I'm about to compliment the San Francisco Giants' organization. I'm feeling generous.
I have to admit that I think the 2007 MLB All-Star Game logo is really beautiful. For a while now, I've admired the clean lines and Edward Hopper-like shadows of the image, with the ball splashing into the waters of McCovey Cove. The logo was designed by Michael Schwab Studio, whose work is familiar to Bay Area residents who have visited the Golden Gate National Parks. Most of Schwab's work has the same fonts, color schemes, and shadows. You can see more of Michael Schwab Studio's posters here.
Posters of the 2007 ASG logo are available online here for $200. However, though there are three shots available, and one from the same right-field vantage point, none of the posters available have the iconic ball/splash, which is a little odd. Maybe you have to get the offical logo through MLB.com (but I couldn't find it).
On a more humorous note, I also did a bit of digging around and found this logo from Toon Refugee. They've written, "The Giants and Barry Bonds are hosting the All-Star Game. Just move the game a few miles north and the next time someone “goes yard” it’s the prison yard." Nice.
steve - You're a Dodger and a SoSG. Get off the sauce... You should know better than to write down what you just wrote. (a) It's the Giants - how dare you compliment those cheaters (b) they should know better than to use their horrible halloween colors as part of the logo...is there a worse combination than black & orange? (c) thank goodness someone re-drew the logo like it really should look.
Hey, I like Edward Hopper, man. What can I say.
I'm still hoping for Russell Martin to foul one off toward Bonds' swollen head.
you're very metro...i guess that's what you get for your yankee years. come back to the dodger/springfield isotope times...they were much better
I can't have an ongoing discussion with an anonymous poster. It brings back too many memories of my multiple personality disorder.
By the way, if you want to be critical of the logo, you could mention the arc of the ball makes it look like a player threw the ball from the bullpen mound up the right field line.
Yeah, good point, Steve!
You know that ball isn't spalshing into McCovey Cove. It is actually a ball exploding and spraying all of the steriods that Bonds takes.
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