Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Tonight, Aaron Heilman got the W as the Mets beat the Cubs (on a walk-off walk). His line reads as absurd as Michael J Fox's basketball stats in Teen Wolf.

.1 Innings Pitched

One Batter Faced

ONE Pitch Thrown

One Ground Ball

One Out

One Win

Meanwhile, Tom Glavine (the game's starter) is still stuck at victory 294, and can't ---k enough ---ks to make it to 300.


Steve Sax said...

Are you saying that Fox padded his hoop stats? I always thought the little Canadian guy had a sweet outside J!


Anonymous said...

I remember something about a pitcher winning a game without actually throwing a pitch.

The reliever came in with two outs and a runner on first. Before throwing a pitch, he picked off the runner - inning over. Next half-inning, the team takes the lead and the pitcher is pinch hit for.

I don't know if this actually happened or if it's just a theoretical thing...

Steve Sax said...

Congratulations, Delino, on the first smurf reference on SoSG. You should be proud.

Go Blue!

Eric Karros said...

Steve, that was BJ Ryan picking off Omar Infante, May 1, 03: