Saturday, May 11, 2013

Post-Game 35 Thread: Very Superstitious

boob + pentagram = win


We know ballplayers are a superstitious lot. Turns out, so are bloggers. So when boobs reappear in the GT, and loyal readers BJ and Karen start a new superstition, and Ryu pitches like a boss:

and Ethier goes 4 for 4 with a nice diving catch, and Shoe-mocker has 3 RBI, and Uribe has 2 RBI ferchrissake, and Crawford has a web gem....

UPDATE: Oh yeah and Dee homered!

Eight was enough. Time for a new streak, and another drink!

photo from Escape from Beckyville


Steve Sax said...

We have a shot at beating the Marlins in a series, and I'm overfuckingjoyed.

Something is very wrong.

Hideo Nomo said...


Paul said...

That's the best saltine cracker I've ever had!

Orel said...

Whoops! Post updated.

Paul said...

Donny must have been following the game thread re: champagne comment.

Dusty Baker said...

I love how at least three of the Sons were too drunk to post a PGT. I'm concerned about the other Sons, though.

I had to take a nap, but now I'm back on the sauce.

Dusty Baker said...

I want to scribble on Deez nuts.

Dusty Baker said...

Can't wait to honor and thank Neeebs' mom tomorrow.

Paul said...

I think I found Stubns in my vineyard. He has been adopted by a family of coyotes.

Paul said...

Stubbs too.

MR.F said...
