Hyun-Jin Ryu (5-2, 3.30) vs Joe Blanton (1-7, 6.19).
In the concluding game of this two-game series (which continues tomorrow in Anaheim for two more games; WTF, MLB schedulers?!), the Dodgers look for a series sweep of sorts. Fresh off their biggest come-from-behind victory this season (five runs), the Dodgers face the Angels' version of Josh Beckett: Joe Blanton, who just lucked into his first win of the season last outing, against Kansas City.
Can the Dodgers beat Bizarro Beckett? Possibly, if Adrian Gonzalez (9-for-11 in his last three games, with 7 RBI, 6 R and 2 HR) can bat third, fourth, and fifth in the lineup. Other than that, even with Dee Gordon down in the minors, it may be another error-filled (for us), high-scoring (for them, and maybe even us) evening.
This GT is late, by the way, courtesy of gogo inflight, which is slower than fucking molasses in January. My apologies; blogging from the plane. Sorry about that (and I do hope the SoSG accounting crew reimburses this expense...).
Answer sent!
Twenty examples of Dodger grit in five minutes
(Dodger Thoughts)
Why does it take Jon Weisman so long to edit?
I don't often booo but when I do it is in a SOSG game thread.
As bad as I hate the Angels, I'll be in and out for this one...bigger fish to fry, so to speak. Game 7 Kings vs. Sharks.
Matty is sliding down the lineup
Crawford LF
M Ellis 2B
Gonzalez 1B
Ethier RF
Kemp CF
AJ Ellis C
Uribe 3B
Cruz SS
Ryu P
Some lucky bugger who gets a t-shirt tonight will get to throw out the first pitch.
Alden Gonzalez @Alden_Gonzalez 26m
#Angels have scratched Josh Hamilton because of back spasms. Team said Scioscia is hopeful he'll be available later in the game.
On the sofa, Vinny!
Kings up 2-0 early!
I know I have said this before but what the hell is that on Blanton's chin??
Matt is on base! HBP tho.
Blanton plunks Kemp. Fans boo. Matty just can't win!
Kings still up with 2 goals at end of 2nd period.
GT wasn't that late. 4:20 was a good time to post it.
ps- I tried to post one earlier but Blogger app iPad continues to blow chunks.
SF and SD both losing. It would be nice to get out of last place today.
These two teams are locked in a classic suck off.
@DB: totally agree with you on the blogger mobile apps. For iPad and iPhone, it sucks both ways
Inflight MLB.com over wireless.... Ryu doubles to break up the no-hitter, and Crawford and Mellis can't convert? That's pretty weak sauce.
SF losing in Oakland, 2-1 (T3)
Rox won
Trout, out.
I don't know if I like the crowd booing Pujols. I like Pujols. And if he keeps grounding out against us, I'm ok with that.
Trumbo, gumbo.
Ryu sounds like he made a sweet kick save there!
0-0 through 3.5
KLAC plays "gangnam style" on the fade out song. Hmm.
Please baseball gods, don't let Ryu be hurt.
Shit, it sounds like we lost Ryu on that play. Dammit, Sue Falsone!
Ok Matty. Nows your chance to regain your hero satus.
Ethier double! One out
C'mon Kemp
How deep was the kemp fly ball? Charley called it reasonably deep but with him you never know
Giants down 4-1 in the third
Fuck! We needed AJellis' OBP right there
Shit, 2-1 Kings, 13:20 left in the third
@Saxy...Matty's fly was caught at the wall. He came close but no cigars.
Did it ever come out exactly what that Golson kid did?
He wasn't making prank calls to Manti, was he?
Callaspo, clasped. Two out.
@karen: thank you. With charley on the mike, it could have been a fly out to the pitcher's mound
Iannetta, netted.
0-0 through 4.5
Kid K clean shaven. I hope he's not messing with the jinx juju.
On the hockey now. Too close for comfort.
Kid K shaved, then Blanton glued the clippings to his own chin.
I am sitting in first class listening to this game. Dammit, more beer!
"A red-hot Uribe!" —Vin
Gamecast is useless for hockey, so I will need to depend on you guys
The only time red hot is used in a sentence with Uribe is when mike and Ike's are also around
8:54 top go in third. Kings up 2-1.
Though that was a lead off single by urine, indeed
Errant beach ball, with Uribe on the mound. Better get that off quick or he might chase it thinking it's a marshmallow
Cruz with his daunting .104 average
Come on Cruz, show us something
Gameday deeeeeelay!!!!
Cruz is a half-Mendoza.
Charley almost fell out of his chair on that HR call
Wtf? Is the apocalypse coming?
"That is one happy dugout, clapping for the very popular but struggling Luis Cruz! Cruz is being pelted down there jumping up and down!"--charley
I should belittle Cruz more often!
2-0 dodgers, B5
Rick Monday now spinning a yarn about how he noticed Luis Cruz in the locker room, on the verge of breaking out.
Rick scouting out young talent in the locker room?
I haven't even been to this game thread until right this moment. And I was coming on to say, "Are in Bizarro World?"
Ok Matt. With that HR, you are officially the suckiest on the team.
MEllis keeps it going in the 5th.
Camera caught Cruz in the dugout giving Matt a lesson on how to hit a baseball.
2:00 left in hockey game, Sax.
Vin regaling us with tales of old favorite Paul Lo Duca.
Sharks with the empty net. Quick with the save, 1:19 left.
Paulie!! I loved Lo Duca.
I'm about to eat this beer bottle I'm so nervous about the hockey game.
One minute left!
You mean Paul "Fuck the Dodgers" Lo Duca?
Crunch time for the Kings, final minute
Kings win!
I phrased that in past tense.
Why is this hockey game stalled at 41 seconds on my ESPN browser?
How you doing with that beer bottle now,Dusty?
I have a lot of little shards of glass in my teeth.
And then a Kemp double!
@Sax: Timeout at Staples Center for Kings fans to boo Matt Kemp.
Kings win! Suck it, NorCal!
Man, Ryu is locked in.
Pulgas scuffling almost as much as Matt is. All this standing at first base must really be taxing him.
Ryu retires 17 in a row and we go to the bottom of the 7th.
Gnats are losing. Suck it, NorCal!
@Dusty: ditto.
I enjoy nice weather. Suck it, NorCal!
Iannetta doubles. Boo Ryu!
Ethier sure wasn't in any sort of hurry was he?
Ryu gets out of it. We need 8-10 runs for Geico once the pen comes into play.
Way to go, Psy Young!
A-Gon HR here would be cool with me.
Or not.
If Beckett was pitching we would be in the 3rd.
FU Seattle, can't beat the pads.
Complete this game Psy.
Angels broadcast is boring.
Ryu back in to pitch the ninth.
Kemp out to bitch about the ninth.
Is Shoe mucker really that big of a defensive upgrade in Center?
Come on, Ryu - it would be epic for you to get this CGSO.
Backward K to start the ninth.
Kemo is having elbow pain after being hit.
Psy Young is my favorite comment of the season. Well done, Nomo.
They're on their feet at Dodger Stadium.
Nice stop Juan. Snagged that like it was a burger.
Wow, that was beautiful. CGSHO
Holy cow, nice game Ryu!
2 4 2!
Suck it So So Cal.
Saw a tweet that Mark Walter gave Ryu a big hug on the field after the game. Bottle that feeling and take it to OC for the next two games.
Bummed I had to catch most of this one on Gameday.
Double bummed it was on KCAL so no replay.
Juan Uribe suddenly gets excited, leaning the next trip is to Orange (Julius) County.
@Gnomes: kcal still has Evelyn Taft however. Hang on
Triple bummed that I don't know anything about comic books so can't put together some sort of thematic PGT.
If only there were a man who was super....
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