I was taking a dump this morning and reading the LA Times sports section (one often leads to the other), and noted a piece regarding Matt Kemp's lingering shoulder issues, post-surgery. I guess we all knew there would be complications after this type of surgery, but Matt is young and great and gives cleats to sick kids and stuff, and he was ready for Spring Training, so I think many of us just glossed over the fact that many baseball players who have gone through the same surgery have experienced lingering issues for a long time afterward. Clearly, Kemp is in that category at this point. And even more evidently, it's getting to him.
Kemp's frustration was obvious during early batting practice Friday when stormed out of the cage, snapped a bat over his knee and stomped into the clubhouse, where he declined to blame his struggles on his shoulder.The article goes into detail about how Kemp can't extend at the end of his swing, and the type of spin he needs to be getting on the ball, and so forth. The power: gone. Not sure what the solution is, other than time, something the Dodgers are quickly running out of.
Perhaps SoSG softball team should look into this excuse for a lack of offense/power at the next softball tournament. I want to see SoSG AC break a bat over his knee.
I couldn't read the LAT during my morning dump...
I liked this part at the end of the linked article:
"Jerry Hairston Jr. (left groin strain) played six innings at third base for Class-A Rancho Cucamonga on Friday, going 0 for 3. He is expected to play six innings again Saturday and if there are no setbacks, he could rejoin the Dodgers."
You mean we can get back a guy who goes 0-for-3 against lowest-level minor league pitching?
Fucking awesome!!!
Debating if we want to go to the game today. Are tickets half price yet? We suck enough to warrant that
That was exactly my thought re JHaJr when i read the article, Sax.
If we have to take Hairston back, we should at least get a set of steak knives
@ Sax
Third place: you're fired!
@dusty. I break bats over my head. Especially when I watch the dodgers play this season.
Nice job to whomever added the picture
I added it later. I was driving through a construction area and saw one of those signs. And it immediately hit me that I needed to add a graphic.
Always thinking about the important things, I am.
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