Thursday, May 16, 2013

Off-Day Distraction: Baseball Card Vandals

This concept is so simple, yet so BRILLIANT. I wish I had thought of it. The geniuses behind Baseball Card Vandals (slightly NSFW: wiener doodles like this one on Bill Russell) take baseball cards and deface them with a Sharpie (no Photoshop used at all) to create hilarious new works of art. (Like when you used to deface your Pee-Chee folders in school. Did I just date myself?)

But don't take my word for it. Click! Go! Laugh your ass off.

H/T to the podcast "Get Up On This", where I first heard of BCV.


Alex Cora said...

E-ze is awesome. Nice find.

Cliff Beefpile said...


spank said...

Rock Raines!