Randy Wolf (5-6, 3.55) vs. Joe Martinez (2-0, 5.87).
COMMENTS: The suddenly-third-place Giants find themselves in need of an ace, but he doesn't start until tomorrow. Instead, they're turning to the hard-headed rookie Martinez, who won his first game back from the disabled list last week. Martinez matches up against the wily vet Wolf, who will...(shakes Magic 8-Ball)...receive a no-decision? There's a surprise.
James Loney figures to return to the lineup, but don't expect to see Orlando Hudson, who suffered a groin strain in last night's game. (Although Hudson will undoubtedly try to wheedle his way into starting.) And Manny Ramirez, who went 2-for-4 last night, just might be rediscovering his stroke — if not his ability to ignore distractions.
photo by Jed Jacobsohn/Getty Images
Manny shows them where to kiss.
I admire their commitment, except for the fact that they just end up looking like Dodger fans on camera.
Yeah... they really just look like weird Dodger fans.
Young Giant fans are drunk and surly, for the most part, so yeah, they look like weird Dodger fans.
Going to be interesting to compare what the noise sounds like on TV as opposed to being there. Hopefully more Blue in the CF bleachers.
are the dodgers going up to the bay next month? if so i will fly up there
Ken, yes they'll be up in SF at some point in September.
Furcal, SS
Martin, C
Ethier, RF
Manny, LF
Blake, 3B
Loney, 1B
Kemp, CF
Castro, 2B
Wolf, P
i will go up there
we should all meet up!
Hudson better nit hurt himself more tonight. Gotta admire a man who wants to get out there and beat the hated ones though.
big game tonight, lets get some more clutch hitting.
I know it's a little off topic, but i just read an article on FoxSports that is titled as: "10 ways the 09' season can be better". There are two items related to the Dodgers: 1) the possibility of a Dodgers-Yankees World Series 2) the possibility of a Dodgers-Giants NLCS. While these topics can make anyone daydream big time, don't you think it could be a jinx to the Dodgers?
I certainly think it would be a mistake to look ahead to the world series or the NLCS. While I am not panicking like some, I recognize that if we had got swept by the Giants this weekend our lead would have been only 2.5 games. Furthermore, we are competing against 2 teams. The team needs to knuckle down and play playoff type ball right now for me to feel like the NLCS is on the horizon.
Hey, karina's wearing my threads!
As far as the FSN jinx is concerned, my main worry about the Dodgers is about complacency, not bad karma.
Hopefully the boys are going through enough adversity in August that they won't finish the season with a sense of entitlement.
I think that is a big reason why teams that have been in competitive races down to the wire seem to perform better in the postseason.
When, oh when will Torre quit it with this Kemp hitting low thing...I mean eventually it really does start hurting the team.
@Koufax: same feeling here, i think we should worry about getting on the playoffs, then worrying about the consequent stages.
@Mr. Customer: when you found that image, i told you i was going to use it as avatar, because it was coincidental.
By the way, you have a point about winning teams in the postseason.
Until they win anything I'm still going to gripe and moan about starting pitching depth. Billingsly's injury doesn't help much either.
@ Andrew, seriously. Kemp should be hitting 5th and Loney & Blake should be dropped down in the lineup.
Time to get this ball rolling.
The iPod and and earbuds are actually a Mr. C photoshop special.
Some Buonarotti guy aparently did the rest;)
I think Russ was doing it just for fun. Seems it has been eating at him.
At least the dodgers know what a sac run looks like now.
That took a bite out of Martin.
"You mean you don't have somebody else in the dugout to face a left-hander?"
Vin Scully rules.
Randy's command is not there tonight.
Pablo isn't the kind of hard/strong fat a guy like Bengie Molina is. He is just a tub of goo with the ability to hit the baseball.
Can we get Loney to actually take a hack? He swings like a little leaguer.
Hong Chih, if I am filling out the line up card tonight it goes:
If I'm filling it out it goes as follows:
Garko chokes up a bit. Kind of like Blake.
@Ali quite the ability, it's impressive. Not only that, he's a garden sprinkler, he hits the ball everywhere in the field.
I feel sad the Dodgers didn't score when Wolf hit the leadoff single.
Alireza - love the line-up. Although, I would bat Kemp first and Martin second.. Furcal definitely should be batting at the bottom of the order.
@Mr C: i didn't know the earbuds and IPod were your idea. Liked it a lot. I think that sort of artistic collaboration is called "mashup"
Rowand looks so damn uncomfortable up there. Then again, he has a $60 million contract, so it isn't all bad.
Wolf's curve looked great there. Rowand was fooled.
@Ali i think your idea of putting Ethier between Kemp and Manny is brilliant.
Cabell - Kemp's higher contact rate and increased power make him more valuable in the 2 hole, while Martin sees a lot of pitches and gets on base with speed.
As for Furcal, hitting him 9th isn't necessarily an insult. His hitting style actually makes sense in that slot.
Martinez may not throw hard, but he has a ton of movement on that heater.
Furcal getting on base is the problem.
Martin batting first or second is fine. But, last season when Kemp batted lead-off, he looked very comfortable.
Too bad Raffy didn't swing there. That is the pitch he can golf out of the park.
As I say that Furcal draws a walk.
Go figure.
How strangely refreshing it would be for Wolf to look up and see run support for his outing.
How sad that it's not going to happen, yet again, for the sleepwalking Dodger bats
Sax - I feel bad for Wolf.
He deserves better.
Wow what a great play that never happened. Thank god
That is out of most parks but a nice double!
Rockies losing 7-3 in the eighth, but they'll probably come back since it's the Pirates
Is that what the kids are calling it now?
@Cabell, I hear you. The Wolf factor is really incredible, it's like they don't know how to bat when he's out there.
As I say that, we take a 2-1 lead on a Andre double to deep center!
Alivandi...as Kemp and Ethier our two best hitters, why not surround Manny with those two. Manny would not be pitched around as much with a .900 OPS guy behind him.
I also like how we're making Martinez pitch (77 pitches through four frames, while Wolf has only 57)
In play, run(s)
What did Manny just do???
Hey, I'm on Gameday here guys, so any input you all can give on the play whiile I'm in that horrible "In play, run(s)" purgatory would be highly appreciated!
No Dodgers TV where I am, let's just say that
(thanks in advance)
3-1 Dodgers, Manny run-scoring double down the left field line to knock in Ethier from second.
Blake then grounds out but gets Manny over to third. one out.
How loud is it there at big phone park, anyone who is watching?
Loney liner over second to drive in Manny
Come on kemp let's keep it going!
FJL with a single to right to score Manny! 4-1 Dodgers. Kemp at the plate
Double into the corner.
King James RBI single!
@karina, you've got 1000 views on your profile! Congrats
I bet 900 are from me alone
Wolf gets run support.
There were sone boo birds at the park now gotta love it.
Wolf must be pinching himself in the dugout, he can't believe it
Here comes Erin's favorite pitcher, Merkin Valdez
@Paul, who created your avatar? It's beautiful.
Come on, Juanster
pickoff attempt? Please don't send Loney and run us out of this inning
If Loney gets CS at second, it screws the momentum
Loney, 6 SB this year, 2 CS
Well, that was not an effective way to work a 3-0 count. Castro strikes out.
4-1 Dodgers, to the bottom of the fifth we go.
Gotta run for a second, guys. Be back shortly
Is there anything worse than the gameday "in play, run(s)" when the other guys are battingn though?
It's like getting mail from the IRS. You know its bad, but you have to know how bad.
It is a print by artist kadir Nelson from his book "we are the ship" about the Negro leagues. He does some great work. I have a signed wille foster print. The Jackie one as far as I know is only in the book. I would love to get a print of it and frame it.
Let's hope Randy fights the urge to give those runs we just got back.
Gonzo went 6-6 tonight!
Hopefully we can actually score off the giants pen tonight.
Wolf's pitch count?
I feel bad for Eric Stults.
He must feel so used.
74 through 6
It would be nice to get a couple more runs than last night. I don't want another 9th inning heart attack
Manny Jack!! No doubt about it!
Epale, all! I arrived just in time to Manny's homer!
No way in hell Wolf gets an ND after this.
James Loney freed?
Manny's golf shot was very similar to his wrigley field bomb in the playoffs last year.
Oh my lord kemp crushed that dead center. Buh bye
Will Wolfie go for a CG now?
Bison hits that one outta the basin!!
Rockies lose!
The umpire had an awsome mustache.
Man I haven't felt this this good watching a game in a long time.
Paul - agreed. This is fun.
And it bodes well for tomorrow.
Hey now let's not get crazy.
It's too late.
So, can we sneak some runs across on Timmeh tomorrow for the road sweep?
If anything it puts pressure on the giants for tomorrow.
If the giants continue the light hitting we might only need a few runs.
They are throwing things at manny. Classy
I see Wolf has stopped shaving.
The way Wolf is pitching, you'd think he had an eight-run lead or something.
I have engaged...the Borg.
Or the Giants fans. Same thing.
We're apparently too pleased to post anything.
Where we sat, someone above us kept blowing bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles.
I see they're there again tonight.
"I love how Dodgers fans have to come here because all of the Dodgers blogs are terrible and nobody ever comments on anything.
"Because L.A. is a city of fairweather fans who come in the 3rd and leave in the 7th even in Giants games, and they cheer a cheater who was caught after screaming 'steroids' at Bonds. (funniest part — he never tested positive for anything Hank Aaron didn’t take, and the alleged 'steroids' he took were not classified as such by the FDA at the time he took them, according to Yahoo Sports.)
"Most Dodgers 'fans' are hypocrites or bandwagon flakes. Only a few exceptions exist, and the world feels sorry for their horribly misguided and consequently pitiful lives."
—a commenter at McCovey Chronicles
no drama = no commenting
I mean, what are we going to bitch about tonight?
"I mean, what are we going to bitch about tonight?"
Casey Blake, of course!
And Martin.
Casey's up right now!
Randy's not going the full 9? Why the hell not?
(There's another complaint.)
We barely get a pitcher into the seventh. Beggers can't be choosers.
Casey strikes looking. Commence your piling on.
MLASF, loyal soldier.
That quote perfectly illustrates why I refrain from reading the competition.
It's also why large swaths of the cable tv dial are forbidden to me.
Just doing my duty.
Mcdonald? I am back to bitch about this.
I must admit, using J-Mac is a head scratcher.
That quote perfectly illustrates why I refrain from reading the competition.
It's also why large swaths of the cable tv dial are forbidden to me.
Who would you put in?
I've got a complaint. Why can't we get 10 runs.
Ask the cognoscenti at the MCCC how many World Series they've won. Hell, how many they've been to.
And as for "leaving early:" If I knew my team was hitting like the Giants, I'd sell my tickets on Stub Hub. Oh wait, they did.
"And the panda masks rejoice."
—Vin, after Pablo Sandoval's single
Mota maybe.
Love the ninth-inning DP!
Tailor made DP!
Vin is right, Castro is can sure turn the DP.
Series win!!!
I like winning going away! Lead is 6.5/7.5 over Rockies/Giants!
What was wolf's pitch count? He could have finished but mcdonald closed quickly so nevermind. Things are perfect tonight.
I'm back.
@Paul, thanks. I recognize Kadir Nelson now, he was profiled in SI a while back I believe. If you ever find out how to get a print of that, please let me know; I'll go in with you (maybe we can get a discount)
Take that you battery chucking knuckleheads!
We now suck to the tune of 7.5 games over your pitiful, orange clad team.
Hot damn, that was a sweet game. 9-1. Can of whup-ass effectively opened.
Way to go, Dodgers!!!
Let's go for the sweep.
Oh, and good work Orlando Zepeda at the game.
Where's the weather, KCAL 9?
@Orel: As for your comment earlier quoting the McCovChron dude: Even though I'm not watching the game, I can visualize the seagulls picking up errant chardonnay-soaked garlic fries from the stadium floor, like vultures picking on carrion, amidst the bones of an empty stadim structure
will do! He would make some sales of that print for sure.
Wolf was at 103. I wonder if when it's all said and done, Stults will still have the only CG of the season.
Like the Dodgers' fortunes, the Post-Game Thread is up!
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