Vicente Padilla (8-6, 4.92--but not with us) vs. Jorge De La Rosa (12-8, 4.76).
COMMENTS: Well don't bore us, get to the chorus!...er, make that the rubber match, of what everyone has told us is "the most important series of the season (so far)". And we're sending out Hiroki Kuroda's replacement, a late-season pickup dumped by the Texas Rangers. Did I mention Padilla recently tested positive for swine flu? Hold on tight! You know he's a little bit dangerous!
Taking this game and sticking the Rockies with the big L would leave them fading like a flower, four games back. Listen to your heart, Dodger fans. We've got the look. And I say, nah nah nah nah nah. (And as for you, Rafael Furcal: start walking like a man, hitting like a hammer.)
As an aside, who was that celebrity that Orel mentioned in a post yesterday? Oh, well. It's over now.
1 – 200 of 464 Newer› Newest»Did anyone else read that Milton Bradley claims the Cub fans are yelling racist remarks at him? "You suck" isn't racist. Just like when Jeff Kent called him out for not scoring from 1st on a double and he immediately turned on Kent calling him a racist.
I love Andre Ethier and all, but can we please get that lovable Milton Bradley back?
Anyone else feel a little more springy this morning? I sure do. Thanks Andre, I love your silky smooth swing baby!
Sending some positive vibes for Josh S today, hopefully he/she is a lefty and can break that stigma of not being able to hit left handed pitching.
I think that Hong Chih S. is a good name for a boy.
Ned Colletti's best move, Ethier for the toxic Bradley
ratbutts! somebody just scheduled a meeting that starts right at gametime
Milton is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. If he was always charming and endearing, I could accept that. Alternately, if he were always a screaming lunatic, I could accept that, too.
As it is, I'm equal parts sympathetic to him and fed up with his crap.
You gotta employ defensive scheduling, e.g., preemptively block off your shared work calendar during game time.
Epale from the hospital, SoSGers!
After a long night of nothing, things started moving and grooving this morning. Considering when the labor started, he has a good shot at being born during the game.
No PT in the hospital, btw, but there is a radio.
I have no sympathy for Bradley anymore.
If you named the child James you could call him King James S.
Josh S! Keep us posted! Good luck!
Keep us posted, Josh. Let's get a win for Josh's big day!
Padilla, this big day is all on you. No pressure.
we're back up to 98.7% playoff odds
Juan S.!
Baby Beast Mode!!!
If he's born with a lot of facial hair, gotta name him Casey for sure. Or her.
OK, she just got the epidural, or the epadillaural, if you will.
Save some of the meds in case we need to numb the pain after the game.
Dusty, you doubt the mound-mastery that Vicente Padilla will provide us today?
Abreu optioned, Schmidt to 60-day DL to make room for Padilla.
Naw, I was just joshing (no pun intended, Josh S) re possibly losing. I'm all behind Padilla (as long as he doesn't cough on me). I was actually talking smack in the threads over the last coupla weeks that we should pick him up, so if he excels today, it's on me. And if he fails, then I make all sorts of excuses.
Hey I just looked it up and I was born on an off day...... It was following a 8-0 win against San Diego.
I think Furcal gets a rest day, or we get a rest day from Furcal.
My back is hurting from watching Furcal's futility. I definitely need a day off from him.
Per Dylan Hernandez:
"Reporting from Denver - Jason Schmidt was placed to the 60-day disabled list today to clear room on the 40-man roster for recently acquired Vicente Padilla, a move that most likely signaled the end of Schmidt's 14-year major-league career.
Because the move is retroactive to Aug. 6, Schmidt will not be eligible to return in the regular season."
I have to give props to Schmidt. He tried his heart out to return and contribute, but is body wouldn't let him. He wasn't just content to ride out his contract like some others might have been (Kevin Brown?). Sorry it ended this way but was glad he got to get back on that horse one more time and get a couple of wins. A for effort, Schmidt.
Furcal SS
Kemp CF
Ethier RF
Ramirez LF
Blake 3B
Loney 1B
Hudson 2B
Ausmus C
Padilla P
Schmidt possibly returning in the regular season? Is that really likely?
I'm sort of surprised that he hasn't just called it a career. The dude's got cojones, I'll give him that.
@ Mr.C-
I think that was Hernandez' polite way of saying Schmidt was done.
In other news, NOT that I'm not working my ass off here in the office or anything, MLB.com reports:
"Penny drawing interest from contenders
Reportedly eyed by Rockies, Marlins, Rays, White Sox, Rangers"
In contrast to Schmidt, Penny is a lazy sack of shit that doesn't have a lot left in the tank.
You must have made a typo. I am sure after the last two games and this being a day game following the night game, Furcal would not be in the lineup much less in the lead off spot.
I have been harping on him so much he has to have a great game to shut me up right?
mmmmm harps....black and tan sounds good. Ahh well have to wait till the weekend.
I think that Josh S. will make SOSG history as being the first baby "born" during a gamethread.
And I'm still placing my money on Andre S.
Because if he ever goes to a latin country he won't need to change his name, they'll just call him "Andres."
I love the call of Loney's homerun on the Rockies network.
"Get foul.....get foul....not gonna happen."
What a great call...very professional.
@ Neeebs: nice. Or should we call you Neeeb S.?
I agree, Furcal in the leadoff spot is befuddling. Give the man a break. He's 1-for-his-last-14, 2-for-his-last-22, and hasn't had his average above .270 since the first week of the season. His OPS+ is 75. Stop the madness.
In case any of you want to hear the HR call Paul referenced for yourself:
Texas 3, Yankees 2, bottom 4. yankees still threatening.
Mets putting the smackdown on Florida, 8-1 bottom 5
Meanwhile, A-roid hits a weak comebacker to end the Yank-me's threat. 3-2 Texas after 4 innings.
Someone please start this Dodger game as I am going nuts in anticipation
Okay Sax
Furcal hits a ground ball to second. one out.
I don't know what happens after that.
Since I have MLB.TV and watch a lot of non-Dodger games online, I have to hear - nay, suffer through - the call of local announcers for all manner of shite teams around the MLB. And let me tell you, these are some shitty ones. There is so much bias out there in contrast to the professionalism our announcers have. SOmetimes I even get irritated with Vin (in a oving sort of way) that he seems to like the other team TOO MUCH. But you listen to, say, a Cubs broadcast, and these guys are practically cheerleaders. Don't even get me started about the Yankees announcers. For some reason, the Jays announcers stick out in my mind as being solid and non-biased (but maybe they're just numb to it all at this point).
Exactly - start this *&(^^&$*&^%^& game already!
sorry Mr C, I try not to swear on the company dime, but i will keep a gamecast going this afternoon while I "work"
We want a win today, crush the Rockies' spirit!
F the company - this is Dodger baseball!
I might supposed to be "working." They expect me to be "compiling reports" and "writing up analyses." I'm supposed to "answer the phone" and "return calls," too. These fascists are killing me!
yeah, i had my secretary take a message for all calls today. no messing with important business!
Police blotter - Belly update edition:
"Associated Press
PASADENA, Calif. -- Los Angeles Dodgers relief pitcher Ronald Belisario pleaded not guilty Thursday to misdemeanor drunken driving.
Belisario's attorney entered the plea for him at his arraignment and scheduled a pretrial hearing for October.
The 26-year-old rookie right-hander is with the team in Colorado and did not appear in court.
He was arrested in Pasadena early on June 27 after California Highway Patrol officers said they saw him talking on his cell phone while driving and arrested him on suspicion of driving under the influence. He was released on $5,000 bail.
Belisario spent 10 years in the minors before becoming one of the Dodgers' most effective relievers this season."
@Josh congrats again! :) (hope you keep us posted)
Booger sighting. I guess he was jealous of the Loney Fan sighting.
I have to design a catalogue for my brother's business and i feel like paying all my attention to the game. I'm a bad person,
I'll have to "multitask"
It's actually S. Neeeb, but don't tell anyone. I wouldn't want my secret identity known, either.
@Paul "Furcal hits a ground ball to second. one out.
I don't know what happens after that."
Don't be sure, he can strike out too.
Booger and I only have time for the important day games when we can ignore all the work we have to do.
Watch that multi-tasking, Karina:
I dont like coming around during losing streaks. I dont want to get banned for my profanity laced tirades!
You may be right but I was trying to think positive and hope that he makes contact.
Cool names on the 40-man roster: Charlie, Scott, Blake, Lucas, James and Travis.
okay let us get this party started already.
@Paul Touche.
@Dusty Baker read your link, i'm screwed.
I am listening to clubfmradio.com Indie Alley. Not a bad station for a lazy workday afternoon.
Lets go guys - I get to watch the first inning then gotta go to work!
Furcal works the walk. Baby steps...
Furcal is on???? oh my lord.
Furcal smirks at all the doubters here.
Nice AB by Raffy. Hopefully a sign.
DB, love the new avatar
De La Rosa does throw pretty hard.
Lot's of lawyers hanging out here at lunchtime
YEAH!! I n Kemp we trust!!!!
See ya later babe.
Bison Mode.
@ Neeebs-
Neeebs - This lawyer wishes he was sitting in the stands for that one.
I don't know if I'm more excited that Furcal walked, or that Kemp homered
2 to zip again?!
@ Sax
ur double happy right now
According to Vinny, we could have predicted that shot. He owns Jorge.
Gotta be Furcal.
Sweet beginning of the game.
Furcal doing his job and scoring a run in the first. 2-0 is so much sweeter than 1-0!
gosh that was a monster homer
Now if only if Frankenberry or Booberry showed up here.
@Dusty Baker wow, Richie Rich!
Kemp is on the verge of being the Dodgers' first 20/20 guy since Shawn Green in 2001. Outside shot at 30/30.
@DB 11:52a: Remember that Cubs fan with whom I spent the Sunday game? Speaking of homers, he just tried to tell me that Harry Caray STARTED the tradition of singing Take Me Out To The Ballgame.
They really need to do something about the bat situation. There are so many hits taken away because of broken/splintered bats that at this point it is affecting the outcome of MLB games. I know MLB is collecting bats to study the issue.
One thing to say for Jorge. He throws everything hard.
Qual es el nombre de Richy Rich en espanol?
Dusty - Ask the players and they will protest constantly. Apparently, despite the dramatic way in which these thin handled maple bats break, ash bats don't last nearly as long. Apparently the ash ones get really beat up and their effectiveness can wane.
Vin keeps mentioning the Kemp HR being a monster shot, hammered the ball, deep shot, etc. etc.
It's almost like he thinks De La Rosa is listening to the game, and Vin's trying to get in his dome.
Keep it up, Vinny!
@ Sax
Harry WROTE Take Me Out, according to those Cubs fans, right?
Harry also invented the internet.
@ Karina
Avatar is related to a new SoSG post (newer than this GT).
Do you think Padilla will throw at the Rockies because the Dodgers hit a homerun?
Why is Carlos Gonzalez playing :( ?
I hate you, Tracy.
@Neeebs Ricky RicĂłn
Hilarious, Paul.
22-pitch first inning for JDLR
(not related to the Jewish Defense League)
Vincente is throwing pretty hard.
Since he is from Nicaragua and likes to throw at people, perhaps we should nick name him "The Great Cornholio?"
I will throw at your bunghole!
I can't believe none of you guys are riffing on the Roxette references.
Except for Dusty Baker's new avatar, which is Dressed for Success.
Porque no Ricardo Rico?
You will need TP for your bunghole when I throw.
Holy shit. That curve was half eephus pitch.
Perhaps the Great Cornholio was just unhappy in Texas. An understandable thing.
Roxette? Feh!
thats too bad
that would had been an awesome play
Now Padilla hits Tulo.
there goes the no-hitter
What did I say? 97 under the chin.
if hawpe comes up, im walking him
Hey Vicente, the strike zone is that little white box that we're looking at on Gameday
Public Enemy No. 1 you say? Cornhollio will hit him.
Ken - Padilla doesn't walk people. He hits them.
@ ali
might as well
keep his pitch count low
Cornholio? are you threatening me?
So much for that apparent advantage we had on pitch count
karma biatch!
Thankfully Helton is in a wheelchair.
Helton needs TP for his bunghole.
awesome. I can't wait to see that clip of Helton falling down and getting tagged out.
Sax - Ethier threw an absolute pea.
Helton, you should call 800 360 0329
damn its hot outside
Ok. If Padilla hits someone, everyone say "Are You Threatening Me?!"
@Sax do you want us to say: "walking like a man, hitting like a hammer"
Wow, Loney has brutalized JDLR.
Lets say "Are You Threatening Me" if the Dodgers hit a homer too.
loney hits homer in bunches
so maybe he will take him deep
Giraffe Man Walking.
Good job James walk like an Egyptian. wait wrong group.
O-Doggio is due for some fireworks.
Nice rip.
dodgers in business
FJL walks!
O-Dog singles!
Come on, Ausmus! Make us merry!
Really? A curve to Ausmus? Do they not have a scouting report?
Assuie brings them all home? That would work for me.
I sense an Ausmus double
Porque no Ricardo Rico?
i absolutely have no idea.
Russ needs new sunglasses. Those don't fit right.
I suppose I should have used this rather than Roxette for the GT reference. Maybe next time we face this pitcher.
In the meantime, you can consider me a renegade of funk.
Every time Vin mentions Kemp's monster home run, a duck drops from the ceiling
Take your hand off your junk Ian.
@ Sax
a Duck Dodgers u mean? shameless plug, please visit me blog~
See. Ausmus can't handle heat like that.
did I already ask you if you are a Condorito fan? If not, are you?
i havent seen padilla hit in a long time
I like that Padilla doesn't just show bunt right away.
very nice sac
Wow. If Cornhollio had any speed at all, that would be a hit.
Alright, Raffy, lean into a pitch.
Furcal, no pressure here but a walk won't cut it
i would like a wild pitch, pass ball, watever
i would like a wild pitch, pass ball, watever
Josh - I want to see him hit a run up homer like he used to.
@Ken, I appreciate your gentle segue into a plug. Well done.
On the other hand, that won't cut it either, Furcal
My lunch break is over in 15 minutes and the boss is looking over my shoulder.
If Furcal is going to ba an automatic out, he can at least take some frickin' pitches
remember when furcal was good?
Furcal all I wanted was a solo hit not a soloistless hit.
ehhh my best RATM reference.
Padilla will make the Rocks sleep now in the fire.
RATM references are always appreciated
@ koufax
wasnt that last year, then he got injured?
@Neeebs i'm not a Condorito fan but my dad and brothers LOVE him.
Don't forget that we signed Furcal to a three year deal this year.
Cornholio is like a Latin Brad Penny. Throws hard, but everything is in play
I miss those guys...
Let us hope the Dodgers don't settle for nothing in the 3rd.
oh how if we paid adam dunn the 20 mil
we wouldnt have to make a big deal outta loney finally hitting one out
32 pitches for Padilla through 2
39 for JDLR
2-0 Dodgers. Let's see if the 2-3-4 hitters can score some more runs, after Raffy extinguished the threat on his own last inning.
@Sax liked more the Roxette theme...however i know your business but i don't know your name :)
re Furcal
I would say next year he is a pinch hitter off the bench who can give us bunts, sac bunts, etc. and let one of our young hotshots take over at short.
Except that Frucal can't bunt worth a shit either.
Let's make sure there's No Shelter for JDLR in the third
@karina, thank you for the Roxette reference. Now I can sleep easy!
Ken, seriously? Loney has hit it out 8 times. With Dunn, we'd be grousing about his strikeouts and awful defense.
Furcal will have a better year next year. He can still field he just needs to get his swagger back. I'm glad we have him for two more years.
The boys probably like Yayita, too!
if only pierre could play infield~
I think Adam dunn would put us over the limit in animal nicknames too.
I have to appear via court call at 1:30.
to say four words but have to be prepared to say two thousand words.
I hope they don't call during a critial moment. They might think I am really happy or really pissed about the hearing.
What is "Condorito" you ask?
If only the Dodgers had the best record in the National League.
sheesh... malcontents
@ nic
yea the bison, the man-ram, beast-mode, the big donkey
"Notice waived?"
Furcal's back swaggering might be the problem.
what was the barmes error?
i do not like the fact that the giants series in sf is on the weekend
the hotel rates are gonna kill me
"We request a continuance"
Already stipulated by the parties. Ahh the formalities.
Could be worse, you could have appeared in person, much to the chagrin of your client's wallet.
"Before he leaves that mound, he'll take somebody with him."
--Vin re-telling someone's take on Padilla.
I do think the Dodgers will be able to deal with Cornholio's attitude issues. Torre will deal with him on the soft side while Martin and Manny will deal with him physically if need be.
Man. Padilla can go from 96 to 66. He should K way more guys.
That sucked.
@Neeebs can you find Condorito's comic books in the US? are you a fan?
Charlie Haeger is better than Vicente Padilla.
Damn Bermuda Triangle.
AFLAC question - Eric Young Sr., Juan Pierre and who else? Quinton McCracken?
If hits are to Padilla what caffine is to Beavis then Cornholio should be appearing soon.
Isn't James Loney awesome? he can hit doubles!
I am a fan. I get them shipped from Chile. It's hard to understand sometimes because its filled with hardcore Chilean slang.
Ausmus was all over that.
OK guys lets score some runs by means other than the home run
On the next day off, Torre should call a mandatory practice to go over how to sacrifice to advance runners and manufacture runs. Until then, a hint: don't hit a fly ball to the outfielder directly behind the runner you want to advance, because then he isn't able to.
eh we are starting to look sluggish.
Ranger 7-2 over Yank-mes in bottom 9th.
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