Monday, August 31, 2009

ESPN Swears They Watch West Coast Games, Yet Forget To Mention League-Leading Dodgers' Arms

Steve Berthiaume of Baseball Tonight focuses today's column on the west coast, protesting that the BBTN staff over at Bristol do in fact stay up to watch the west coast games:

There's always the East Coast bias conspiracy theory, which states that we don't pay enough attention to West Coast teams. For those out there who subscribe to that theory, this one's for you.

We here at "Baseball Tonight" watch every West Coast game. In fact, we don't leave for the night until the last out is recorded in the last game. So I dedicated this week strictly to some of the best and perhaps most unheralded West Coast arms I've watched this season.

Let's start with the A's Michael Wuertz...

Cue sound effect of car slamming on brakes. What? Michael Wuertz, whose team is over 20 games off the divisional pace (though to be fair, only 19 games off the wild card)?

Berthiaume goes on to mention arms from the Mariners, Rockies, and Giants. No mention of Randy Wolf. Or Chad Billingsley. Or Clayton Kershaw. Or Jonathan Broxton. None. Nah, let's leave off the Dodgers; why devote time to them when we can cover the Yankees and Red Sox?

Look, I believe that the BBTN staff stays up to watch west coast on Sunday August 30, when all the games ended before 7p ET.


NicJ said...

Well to be fair, they at least have a reason not to mention bills.

Kyle Baker said...

Those ESPN suckers are the suckiest bunch of suckers that ever sucked.

Fred's Brim said...

damn wiener announcers

Gagne's lucky glasses said...

The MLB Network is much better than ESPN in my opinion. They seem to be less biased and don't felate the Red Sox and Yankees like ESPN does

Kyle Baker said...

Gagne, totally agree. MLB Network is a breath of fresh air. It's what, at least if memory serves, my grandfather used to tell tales of from the old days during which they called the phenomenon "news." During this so-called "news" program, facts and information would be reported without regard to personal preference by the person relaying said "news." It was an interesting system, no doubt. To me, the MLB Network comes closest to reviving this "news" format.

Kyle Baker said...

That said, ESPN2 has picked up the Sunday Padres v Dodgers affair, which will air @ 5:10 PM PT.

Kyle Baker said...
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Kyle Baker said...

Multiple reports that Bad Penny will turn up at Gnats. No doubt he will turn into Cy Young and just kill us when we face him.

NicJ said...

I can't wait for the giants series down here now. Penny will be booed relentlessly until my throat is sore.

Kyle Baker said...


I'll try to sit on exactly the opposite side of the stadium as you so can can give it to Penny in stereo.

NicJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rbnlaw said...

Nice Homer quote.
I really wish ATT would pick up the MLB Network. We can get the NHL hetwork if we pay extra. Since I don't, I miss endless replays of the 2009 Play-offs.
Stupid me.

Kyle Baker said...

" we can..." I meant.

NicJ said...

You might say we are going down to dodger stadium to give Penny our two cents.

Kyle Baker said...

Well said, Nic.

Will Nickelback be there when we face Penny?

Gagne's lucky glasses said...

We got a bunch of comedians in here

Kyle Baker said...

That's using the term loosely, Gagne.

Ken said...

Billingsley is nothing to write home about. After the first two months of the season, he has absolutely been a guy who cant pitch more than 5 innings.

Jesse said...

I noticed that right when I read it. It's almost like they intentionally are trying to slight the Dodgers.

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