It all came together for the Dodgers tonight: Randy Wolf allowed one run over eight innings, while Andre Ethier (double), Manny Ramirez (double) and James Loney (single) combined for four runs in the fifth inning. And it got better in the seventh: Manny hit a two-run home run, which Kemp followed with his three-run shot. Dodgers take this crucial series and have the momentum going into tomorrow's afternoon's tilt against Tim Lincecum.
photos by Ben Margot/AP
We're coming to get you, Timmy!
According to True Blue LA, the knuckballer Charlie Haegar was called up to replace Stults.
Buster Olney on ESPN Sunday said the Dodgers and Giants were two teams heading in the opposite direction. Who knew he could be right without trying.
He also said the Yankees would not make the playoffs this year (back in April).
I think I'm finally ready to vote in the poll.
@MLASF: Correct. Vin confirmed this during the broadcast.
Did anyone else notice that Russell Martin's jersey had "J. Martin" on the back?
Lasorda, you show up in August and you ask this???? Surely, you must be joking.
Lasorda, we've already given away your parking spot.
@Mr LA SF: I tell you, keeping track of these multiple personalities is tiresome.
Wait, this is all fake? Are you just screwing around with Lasorda's account? I nearly had a heart attack, thank you very much.
I hope Charlie gets to pitch, can you imagine a how much a knuckleballer in relief will throw off guys timing? Broxton coming out of the pen will look like he is throwing 110 mph in comparison.
Clearly, Lasorda is still groggy after his hibernation. Keep your voices down and make only slow, deliberate movements.
@Nic J
Knuckleballers - they don't know where it's going, either.
It'll be a Tom Candiotti flashback!
I can't take this. First Pedro, now Lasorda.
Hey, what do you guys think about the Manny Ramirez signing?
LASORDA ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was at the game....truly awesome. Very upset that the television coverage didn't pick up the Dodger fans in our section shouting "KEMP KEMP KEMP KEMP!"
Orel- Who's this Manny Ramirez? Is he that lanky kid who plays for the Cleveland Indians?
Nice to see Mr. No Decision get himself a win.
Hey, did any of you guys notice they put names back on the jerseys again?
I don't like that those new box seats eat into foul territory.
I'm not sure how I feel about the FOX ownership so far. I hope they don't go out and splash cash on aging, injury-prone pitchers like Kevin Brown.
Fox? When did the O'Malley's sell the team?
In other news: Who's repping the SoSG at the Big Phone today? Someone needs to heckle Timmah.
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