Thursday, August 20, 2009

Game 122 Thread: August 20 vs. Cubbies, 7p

Jeff Weaver (5-4, 3.71) vs. Tom Gorzelanny (5-2, 5.24).

COMMENTS: The Dodgers are coming off a particularly painful series against the Cardinals, where we lost games Monday and Wednesday by the slightest of edges, but it was just enough to make one question the vertebrae of the team down the stretch run. And now we get the Cubs, the team we summarily dispatched in last year's NLDS, but against whom we split when we played four at the friendly confines earlier this year. Oh yeah, and we're starting this four-game series with Weaver, forced into action to replace the injured Hiroki Kuroda, to go against Gorzelanny (who has been decent since the Cubs got him from the Pirates). Sure, I feel wonderful about this series, what with the Rockies and Giants nipping at our heels.

Postseason odds still have us at 98%, second-highest only to the Yankees, and the Rockies' odds at 59% with the Giants at 19% I don't know why I'm worried. But I sure wish the Dodgers could help me put these worries behind us.


Erin said...

I rode in an elevator with Manny on my way to the press box, and managed to avoid peeing myself.

Fred's Brim said...

hehe well done, Erin! that's more than I could manage, that's for sure :)

NicJ said...

How did he look Erin? Hopefully like a man that is going to start hitting.

Nostradamus said...

I'll be at the game tonight, hopefully to see the start of a big winning streak.

Anonymous said...

i like it.

Furcal, SS

Kemp, CF

Ethier, RF

Manny, LF

Blake, 3B

Hudson, 2B

Loney, 1B

Martin, C

Weaver, P

Neeebs (The Original) said...


Did you ask him why he hasn't adjusted to every pitcher pounding him inside?

He seems unable to hit the inside fastball these days.

rbnlaw said...

C'mon, the Cubbies are the feel good story of baseball. They gave Pedro Martinez a zillion run cushion in his first outing for the Phils to welcome him back. They surely will help put troubled Dodger minds at ease by giving us a nice 4 game sweep.

When the hell to the Gnats and Rox play some real competition? Like each other. The Rox get the Nats to fatten up on, and the Gnats got the Reds. Tough stretch.

That said: Reds 2 Giants 1 in 10 innings!!!

Need the mojo back tonight.

Paul said...

It has been a long day I tried to double up on work before I leave early tomorrow to go the games this weekend.

I am tired, my head hurts and the dweeby Attorney across the hall who is a Giants fan can't stop giggling when she notices the worn down look on my face and knows it is because my team is falling like my drunk uncle at his 60th birthday party.

All I ask for is a good seat at my local pub, a whiskey, cold beer back and a Dodger win so I can feel good about purchasing tickets for the next two games. Is that too much to ask?!?

Josh S. said...

Erin, the question is: Did he manage to avoid peeing HIMself?

Nostradamus said...


Of your list of items, I've already accomplished all of those things today except getting the Dodgers a win. Hopefully that bodes well.

Erin said...

Josh, I can't for sure, but I can confirm that the next time I saw him, he was wearing different clothes.

As for the inside pitches, I'll see what I can do about asking him about that one.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Ok, I don't drink, because it would necessarily lead to stupid postings.

But...I vow to take one shot of pisco for every dinger the Dodgers hit tonight.

Who's in with me?

Paul said...

Well I hope so Mr. Customer!

rbnlaw said...

Did you not see the comment about the Giants' loss? Rub that in the little waif's face, march down to the local, order a Jamison's neat with a draft backer, and smile quietly to yourself knowing things, at this point, really can't get much worse.

Can they?

karina said...

I love the atmosphere on this thread, everyone wishes the Dodgers start a winning streak.

Kyle Baker said...

@ Neeebs

I'm in. Thank god Mrs. Dusty's family is Peruvian so we keep Pisco stocked, or I would have to try to track all around town for some.

Kyle Baker said...

Karina in tha heezy, optimism in tow!

I almost feel like starting a "Let's go Dodgers, let's go!" chant just to kick the atmosphere up a notch.

Paul said...

Your right Rbn! Heading to the bar now. Positive thoughts for a winning streak comes our way soon!

NicJ said...

so is everyone excited about Padillamania?

He is going to take the city by storm.

Too optimistic?

Steve Sax said...

@Erin, I just heard on the pre-game show that Manny Ramirez said, "I just rode in the elevator with the Robots Took My Medicine blogger, and it was all I could do to avoid peeing myself."


Kyle Baker said...

I've got a baaaaaad feeling about Blogger tonight. She's slow as molasses.

*voice of WW II movie sergeant character in a scared-right-before-battle scene*

Orel said...

Epale, y'all! Sorry I haven't been around, but rest assured I've been following these games. Last night kinda sucked, no?

Steve Sax said...

Whoops, Josh already took my joke. My bad.

Josh 1, Sax 0.

Let's Go, DODGERS!!!

Erin said...

Sax, I'm glad you could confirm what we had all suspected.

As the post I just put up will tell you, I have affected another Dodger in my short time at the stadium today. I think we should be expecting some big things from Ramirez as well as Kemp tonight. And I'll take all the credit.

Kyle Baker said...


Last night? What do you mean? What is this "last night" you speak of? Last thing I remember was a man wearing a black suit who told me to look at the light at the end of his pen, then a flash...

NicJ said...

tulo pushes the rox lead 3-1 in the 8th.

Erin said...

Josh speculated, you confirmed. It was a team effort.

Orel said...

So many avatar changes!

Kyle Baker said...

@Orel re: avatar changes

It's a new day!

Steve Sax said...

Rox over, Nats, 4-1 in the bottom of the eighth

karina said...

Tomorrow i'm getting interviewed for a documentary about Aguilas del Zulia 40th anniversary. I'm freaking out.

Kyle Baker said...

Jaysus...Mrs. Dusty had other plans for this evening. Meaning that she didn't plan on me sitting on my ass drinking 14 beers while watching the game and posting masterfully insightful, decisively witty rejoinder on SoSG. to a nearby MEX restaurant to watch the game and have 14 beers. Will check in later.


Josh S. said...

1 pitch, 1 out!

Erin said...

The guy from Fox Sports who's sitting next to me just showed me this:

NicJ said...

luck seems to be breaking our way.

karina said...

Erin, your night keeps getting more and more interesting.

NicJ said...

Great slide by kemp! and we got a run!

I Alivandi said...

That's what happens when a Bison runs into a Cajun.

I Alivandi said...

Now that was a beautiful Manny pull swing. Great sign.

NicJ said...

a nice solid shot by manny. i love seeing that smooth easy swing.

karina said...

That's "Erin's magic"

I Alivandi said...

Ethier was brilliant on that. Theriot got mixed up on that fake out.

Erin said...

Thank you Karina. Quite obviously, I am the sole reason for Manny's hit and Kemp's great slide.

NicJ said...

its a start, now build on that boys.

Erin said...


Erin said...

Fair amount of Cubs fans here tonight.

I Alivandi said...

Yeah. That was going to happen at some point. Hopefully Weaver can keep a lid on it.

NicJ said...

already weaver? wtf.

I Alivandi said...

Why does Soriano crouch so much if he never walks?

I Alivandi said...

That was an awesome throw, but Ethier had no chance.

I Alivandi said...

Why are they walking Hill? He is about as light hitting as a pitcher.

I Alivandi said...

James Loney just saved your ass Jeff Weaver.

I like how Loney takes it himself most of the time.

karina said...

Me too, Ali. If his hitting improved...

I Alivandi said...

I still blame Mattingley for Loney and Martin's struggles.

I Alivandi said...


NicJ said...

wow, a two out RBI. i love it.

I Alivandi said...

To our Latin members - What is the song Furcal always comes to the plate to?

I Alivandi said...

Man. Kemp swings at that before this year. As bad as Mattingley has been for Martin and Loney, he has done wonders with Kemp.

NicJ said...

damn, weaver come on.

karina said...

Isn't there a section on the Dodgers website with a list of the songs used in the at-bats?

Ali, i'd wish i could help.

Erin said...

One website says this about Furcal:

"The song is Permiteme by Wisin y Yandel."

Steve Sax said...

Oh boy, this is going tone one of those games. 2-1 in the top of the third, weaver struggling

Erin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NicJ said...

weaver isnt giving us anything tonight.

Erin said...

They must mean "Permitame" by Tony Dize & Yandel. It's on iTunes, but I don't remember Furcal's song well enough to confirm it.

karina said...

Erin, it might Wisin y Yandel, a very popular reggaeton duo.

Steve Sax said...

We are IBBing a .273 hitter

NicJ said...

please no 2 out 0-2 madness

NicJ said...


karina said...

Ali, do you want me to transcript a piece of that song?

NicJ said...

so much for the 1 run an inning strategy

Erin said...

It's pretty crowded for a non-bobblehead night.

Erin said...

So, what should we be rooting for this weekend in the Giants/Rockies series? Some event that causes both teams to forfeit all three games?

Erin said...

Ha. One of the blooper reels playing on DodgerVision includes a shot of Brian Wilson doing his little post-game hand gesture.

karina said...

Erin, i feel like a bad person to say this, but i don't want the Rockies to go into the postseason. Best Aguilas player is with the Rockies and we need him very badly.

Alex Cora said...

Interesting - Torre with the hook. Belly is in!

Alex Cora said...

2 on no out!!!

Kyle Baker said...

Walking Loney to get to Martin? I don't even know where to start.

Erin said...

MARTIN. Fucking finally!!

Nostradamus said...

Oh hell yes

Alex Cora said...

Slumping Russell with the Grand Salami!!!

Kyle Baker said...


Erin said...

Man, the crowd is WILD.

karina said...

My son is back!

karina said...

Is that a little more of your magic, Erin?

Erin said...

I totally didn't even notice the bases were loaded. Not being able to cheer from the press box makes it harder to pay attention.

Erin said...

I don't know if can take credit for Martin...

Erin said...

...but I will anyway.

Kyle Baker said...

Take credit, Erin. Hitting is contagious, and you started the trend.

NicJ said...

Martin is acting all cool and collected but you know he is giddy like a schoolgirl on the inside.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

I have to take a shot of Pisco

NicJ said...

Aww a congratulatory hug from manny to j mart.

Hopefully this is where we get our swagger back.

MR.F said...

Squee! Russell!

karina said...

We should propose the team that Erin and Sax should be going to more games, just because Sax's streak and Erin's magic.

Erin said...

Well, I'll be there on Saturday and Sunday. And I'm buying Sax a beer at the game on Sunday, so that has to mean magic.

Kyle Baker said...

Ok, Neeebs...I'm right there, too. Down the hatch, salud to J. Russ!

Erin said...

Oh, all right. Someone take 100 already.

Kyle Baker said...

Caballero Carmelo pisco...not so great as a shot; much better in a pisco sour.

Erin said...

Am I the only one who has no idea what pisco is?

Erin said...

I just looked it up, so now I know. I guess you learn something new every day.

Kyle Baker said...

@ Nic J

I definitely have my swagger back. I'm prancing around the crib like I'm Abner freakin Doubleday.*

*If he actually had anything to do w baseball's invention.

Kyle Baker said...

@ Erin

You could have gotten away with not knowing this and still had a great day. But anyway, it might be good to file away for a SoSG reference later. ;-)

karina said...

Injury delay?

Erin said...

Troncoso had a trainer visit the mound. Don't know exactly what was going on, but he's back at it now.

Erin said...

Thanks Dusty. I haven't been around these game threads consistently for a while, so it'll be good for me to in on something you guys have been discussing for once.

karina said...

Thanks, Erin. Hope everything's all right with Tron.

Kyle Baker said...

Possible blister or something. He finished up the inning.

Erin said...

Yeah it looked like he was looking at his hand.

Kyle Baker said...

@ Erin

File it under The Most Important Thing Ever, please. Put it in a red folder! ;-)

Erin said...

My two guys are 4-7 with a run scored and an RBI tonight, for the record.

karina said...

Don't forget the grand slam!

Kyle Baker said...

We're just coasting now, swinging wildy trying to knock another pisco. Come on, guys, focus.

Like Manny just did.

karina said...

A double for your first guy,Erin.

Erin said...

I know. So now it's 5-8 with a double, two runs scored, and an RBI.

karina said...

More Dodgers 2 outs scoring!

Kyle Baker said...

Leave him in!

Erin said...

Casey could have easily gotten to third there.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Actually, Crusty it was a pisco sour mix, not a true shot. Imported from Chile.

Remember, in the beginning of the thread I promised to take a shot for every HR the Dodgers hit tonight.

NicJ said...

I bet loney is counting the days till the road trip to Colorado. He owns Coors Field.

Paul said...

Back from the trenches and I must say when you get a Jameson on the house you take it because Russel Martin hits a grand slam as soon as I raised my glass. cheers to the big inning!!!

Not that you ever deny anything that is free but I was about to leave and miss that inning.

Kyle Baker said...

@ Neeebs

Yeah I saw your post, that's why way back when I hit the thread up with:

@ Neeebs

I'm in. Thank god Mrs. Dusty's family is Peruvian so we keep Pisco stocked, or I would have to try to track all around town for some.

8/20/2009 5:42 PM

Erin said...

Paid attendance: 48,974

Erin said...

I hate this song playing when we're winning, but I enjoy almost nothing more than singing along when I'm in the stands. I'm a walking contradiction.

Funny guy acting out the song on DodgerVision. Pretty awesome.

karina said...

This was a great night to attend Dodger Stadium.

Paul said...

Nice crowd. I didn't see too many cubs fans on TV.

Erin said...

You could hear the Cubs fans earlier in the game, but they've probably all left by now.

Erin said...

My parents just called me to see if I'm certain I'm their child, since they don't know what to do about my affinity for gangsta rap (as mentioned to Matt Kemp, and reported on my blog, earlier in the evening).

Neeebs (The Original) said...


Well, then our respective Ms' are South American neighbors.

Viva Pisco!

karina said...

Your parents are adorable, why not gangsta rap? why if it was metal or punk?

karina said...

By the way Erin, that Kid Cudi song is stuck in my head!

Erin said...

I think if it were metal or punk, they'd wonder the same thing. They asked if maybe I was switched at birth or something. They were mostly just being funny (and adorable), but I don't think they'd ever be willing to give, say, Lil' Wayne a chance.

They did tell me that they did not go watch the Kid Cudi video, because I asked them not to, so they are good listeners. It's been stuck in my head for days, Karina.

Paul said...

Is gangsta really gangsta anymore? Or has it gone the way of alternative rock. I don't even know what that means anymore. Now it is all about indie Rock but I digress.

Josh S. said...

Epale, y'all. I missed JMart's granny while I was feasting on some Rubio's. It was still pretty awesome on the DVR, though.

Erin said...

I'm using "gangsta" loosely, and mostly just as a joke because I hardly look the part. I have no idea what qualifies as the genre; I just know what I like. It's probably all just mainstream rap these days.

Alex Cora said...

Finally back on track thanks to the Cubbies. Night all! I'm missing the game tomorrow due to work - and yes I am an assassin.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Josh, you need to take a shot for JM

Paul said...

I am guessing just like my parents everything is gangsta rap that I listen to even dean Martin old school gangsta music.

Kyle Baker said...

Weirdness...if you go to the LA Time website right now, and scroll down on the home page to the "Your Scene, Your Comments" section, they have a picture up that I took and uploaded to the website back in April. It's the one of the bullpen and 3 sisters view from the outfield. I was just reading the site and thought, "Damn, that picture is familiar. Someone is biting my work."

Erin said...

That catch almost made me break the press box code of silence. I came dangerously close.

Kyle Baker said...

Gold Glove for Manny!

Josh S. said...

Manny's glove has nearly surpassed his bat. Whoda thunk it?

Anonymous said...

i like playing the cubs

Erin said...

All right, guys. I'm packing up the computer. Not heading to the clubhouse after the game because I'm not making my fiancé wait while I do it, and I'll likely be back here some time this season anyway. Good game from our boys. Let's do the same thing tomorrow. My magic has staying power, so I don't even need to be at the stadium to have an impact. But I will be there on Saturday and Sunday, just to be sure.

Kyle Baker said...

Cubs: Can we play you every night?

Paul said...

Game over. Winning streak at 1!

Kyle Baker said...

1.000 in the last 1 game!

Kyle Baker said...

Can't wait for the HFYPGT (Hell Fuckin Yeah Post Game Thread)!

karina said...

This is one of the very special nights at Dodger Stadium this season. Let's remember this when we feel in the occasions the Dodgers are not that good.

Go Blue!

Anonymous said...

gotta love Weav too.
those back-to-back K's with the bases loaded was the game

Steve Sax said...

PGThread up!

Kyle Baker said...

well said, karina and j. love.

Steve Sax said...

Sorry. Make that HFYPGT up. Thanks, Dusty!