Thursday, August 06, 2009

Game 109 Thread: Aug 6 vs. Braves, 7p

Randy Wolf (5-6, 3.47) vs. Derek Lowe (11-7, 4.21).

COMMENTS: Best record in the majors? With the Yankees a half-game behind the Dodgers, that could change tonight with a Yankees win and a Dodgers loss. But even with Lowe fresh off a win over his old team, the never-wrong AccuScore (accuracy is part of their name!) gives the Dodgers the edge tonight. Nothing against Wolf, but did Mr. A. Score watch last night's game? Actually, here's something against Wolf: He has a 4-12 career record against the Braves and is 0-5 against them since 2004.

(The 100SS finale is tonight! Will it come down to Mr. LA Sports Fan vs. me, or will another contender burst forth from lurkerdom?)


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Steve Sax said...

I am going to do my part to help with the 100SS comment volume tonight.


Steve Sax said...

fanerman, all you have to do is stick the landings at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600, and hope your opponents miss a couple as well, and you've got the win!

MR.F said...

HAH. I'll definitely be shooting for that. Though with my clicking skills, my score will probably only go lower.

Ken said...

i wonder which Dodgers team will show up tonight

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Ok, I think that I figured out all of the SOSG members, except Lasorda. He remains an enigma to me.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Maybe I'm late to the game, but I just discovered that there is an I love Jackie page on Facebook. Surprisingly, only a hundred or so fans.

Ken said...

We should all join the I love JJ page then

Josh S. said...

Let's go for epic thread length for the finale!

A SoSG-fest, if you will.

MR.F said...

Brilliant, Josh S.

Steve Sax said...

@Neeebs: so what did you figure out?

Is that you hanging outside my house in the dark car at nights?

Anonymous said...

no kemp tonight

oh yeah, hello

karina said...

For all the Victor Martinez for James Loney supporters aout there, maybe Victor Martinez will crush the Yankees, so far he's got 2 BB

Yankees 6-Red Sox 3

karina said...

3 RBI HR by Posada, Yanks 9-Red Sox 3. Erin must be very upset.

karina said...

JuanLove, your screen name and avatar are glorious...

MR.F said...

Yeah. That is an AWESOME avatar.

MR.F said...

(I'm trying to pad the comments)

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Sax: No, I'm not that guy. That guy works for another agency. I'm the guy who walks the dog in the morning when you pick up the newspaper. And don't worry, you made the "good" SOSG list, not the bad list.

karina said...

Wonder who are in the "bad list"

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Karina: Only if you venture to the dark side do you get on the bad list. Remember, these aren't the droids you are looking for.

Nostradamus said...

I don't know what the "bad list" is, but I am unquestionably on it.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

And the Customer is always right

Neeebs (The Original) said...

And if you dress like your avatar you are definitely, "BAD"

Matt said...

Are you allowed to make a Star Wars reference when you have Star Trek as your avatar?

Nostradamus said...

"And if you dress like your avatar..."

says the man in the powder blue jumpsuit.

Say what you like, it's got panache.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

That would only be logical, wouldn't it?

Neeebs (The Original) said...

MC: It's space, powder blue. And it's not a jumpsuit, its a top. My slacks are black. My boots are black. And my phaser's black.

Are we padding this thread sufficiently?

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Actually, I'm going to the Pirate/Cards game tomorrow night. Anyone want to go with me to see King Albert and the gang?

karina said...

Neeebs, Dumbledore is the incarnation of good, in a very Rock 'n Roll way.

karina said...

It's lovely you are talking about Star Trek, Dumbledore and Renacentist sartorial items.

Nostradamus said...

If you give us long enough, there may be some baseball talk, too.

Nostradamus said...

tip-o'-the-hat to Karina for not letting my amateur wordplay go to waste.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

What, the Pirates' game doesn't count as baseball talk?

Nostradamus said...


It was tangential to the tangential discussion, so I didn't count it.

karina said...

@Mr Customer: it's a pleasure

@Neeebs: of course it's baseball, the question lies if it is or not MLB baseball

rbnlaw said...

Here's my contribution to the padding:

I'm out for a board meeting and regular date night at the local burger stand. I'm a class act all the way, baby!

Good luck MLASF, Orel is gunning for you. If anyone sees J. Steve, tell him to go for broke.

rbnlaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rbnlaw said...

I didn't think a double-post would be the best way to pad things, so I deleted.

Josh S. said...

@karina: It's the Pirates, so no, it's not MLB baseball.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

So who should I root for, that's the question.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

I'm really more interested in checking out PNC Park.

Nostradamus said...

"So who should I root for..."

That depends. How much of an optimist are you, really?

karina said...

@Josh: you mean a non MLB baseball team playing in a MLB park?

karina said...

It's time for Dodgers baseball!

Master Randy Wolf,you're my only hope

karina said...

Furcal, SS

Ethier, RF

Manny, LF

Blake, 3B

King James, 1B

Martin, C

Hudson, 2B

Master Wolf,P

Beast, CF

very unorthodox, let's see how it works

Orel said...

Can't believe Escobar didn't turn that into a triple off of Pierre's arm.

karina said...

Maybe he's not aware of the Pierre's arm weakness

karina said...

Epale, Orel!

Unknown said...

If Bison is playing, that is a long single.

Orel said...

Nice K of GA!

Orel said...

Epale, Karina!

Steve Sax said...

45 comments in only 1.5 innings? Good pacing for 100SS!

Unknown said...

GA got owned there. Wolf read the book and stayed away. Lefties who throw inside to Anderson get murdered.

Unknown said...

I love Randy Wolf's curve almost as much as Clayton Kershaw's

Nostradamus said...

not good.

Unknown said...

Wow. Kemp throws Escobar out there.

Orel said...

Word is out on Russell's arm.

Unknown said...

Huh Orel? Russell has a great arm. Word is out that Wolf and Schmidt can't control the running game.

Orel said...

You're saying they're stealing on the pitchers then?

Unknown said...

Wow. Juan Pierre just cost the Dodgers 2 runs.

Orel said...

Matt Kemp wouldn't have made that.

Okay, he would have!

mpearse89 said...

Why does every team that faces us hit with RISP and 2 out and we can't?

Unknown said...

Orel - Last night, Mo was indicating that Schmidt is consistently clocking in excess of 1.9 to home plate. A 25 year old Pudge Rodriguez would have no chance. Wolf too, despite being a lefty, isn't much at controlling runners.

Orel said...

MSB are back!

Unknown said...

I wonder what Torre's meeting was about? Perhaps the rest of the team (other than Juan Pierre of course) is pissed that Kemp gets shit on?

Orel said...

Good to know, Ali.

Orel said...

@mpearse: Lack of clutchness.

Nostradamus said...

This team is better than this. Can we get off the schneid already?

Unknown said...

Mr. Customer - Slumps happen, but you are right. Torre's "brilliant" management hasn't helped today. Kemp keeps at least one of those runs from scoring.

Unknown said...

Yeah, that was so outside the zone.

Unknown said...

I don't like the bunt there. 1 out already and Wolf is a decent hitter.

Unknown said...

Wow, Lowe hung that first sinker. Kemp would have cornholed it.

MR.F said...


Unknown said...

So, Juan Pierre just looked awful there.

MR.F said...

My is not working right now. I have no idea why. Ugh.

Nostradamus said...


I won't begrudge Bison his day off, but we seem to be gifting a lot of runs in the last couple weeks.

I'm done whining, now.

Unknown said...

Mr. Customer - Bison is 24 years old and plays the outfield. He really doesn't need days off.

Unknown said...

Especially when he is tearing the cover off the ball.

Unknown said...

Wow, are you kidding me ump? He let one clearly down and out of the zone go for a strike for Lowe, but that clear strike was called a ball? WTF?

MR.F said...

Oh. Internet Explorer saves the day. Yay. I guess.

Unknown said...

Throw the slow curve Randy.

BTW, is Prado not a hidden gem?

Unknown said...

Ok Larry, I need you to get a hit, since you are on my fantasy team. Then Wolf should get McCann.

Unknown said...

First half done.

Orel said...

Does Kemp catch that?


Unknown said...

Orel - Maybe, but I want Larry to get hits. BTW, the ump made another awful call on that first pitch to Brian "I am not as good as Russell Martin" McCann.

Orel said...

Kemp catches that with more panache.

Okay, I'll stop now.

MR.F said...

Kemp would have made that catch.

MR.F said...

I'm probably going to be quite slow commenting.

Unknown said...

Man, not a lot of commenting tonight.

karina said...

Frustration is impeding to superfluous commentary.

I Alivandi said...

Nice hit Clutch Mode.

Steve Sax said...

Dodgers get on the board!

Nostradamus said...

Informal poll:

Does Chipper Jones get to 500 HR in his career?

I'm always surprised at how good his numbers are.

I Alivandi said...


karina said...

Ethier triples, Manny gets him in!

Steve Sax said...

Ooooh, it's the 100 tension.

Can you feel it baby?

I can too.

Steve Sax said...

Marky Mark in the house!

Orel said...

Ali, do you really mean that with Martin and McCann?

I Alivandi said...

Mr. Customer - Larry has been Eddie Murray-like in his consistency. I am not surprised at his numbers and I think he has a better than 50/50 chance if he stays healthy and interested.

I Alivandi said...

Orel - Absolutely. Martin is so much better defensively that it isn't a contest.

Orel said...

100, y'all!

Steve Sax said...

Beard SB!

Steve Sax said...

Orel snags the +100!

It is indeed ON!

I Alivandi said...

I actually got the "conflicting edits" page when I tried to snag 100.

Orel said...

I guess there's no UZR for catcher, huh.

MR.F said...

Damn. Completely missed 100.

I Alivandi said...

Orel - Nope, and Martin may be the best overall defensive catcher in baseball. No one is as good at the all around defensive game as he is.

Also, his .375 OBP doesn't hurt.

karina said...

Quick to 200, fellas.

I Alivandi said...

Geoffrey is due for a bomb.

Steve Sax said...

Hey Derek, is that Trina I see behind home plate?

With a voodoo doll?

I Alivandi said...

And he is still due for that bomb.

I Alivandi said...

Sax - Ha ha ha ha. Now, is the voodoo doll of Lowe or of Carolyn?

Steve Sax said...

Wow, that was indeed a rapid rewind.

Nostradamus said...

Pads killing the Mets 6-0.

Delino will not be pleased.

I Alivandi said...

Yunel is surprisingly bad against lefties. That said, it didn't keep him from cracking that double off Randy earlier.

I Alivandi said...

Sax - How do you mean?

I Alivandi said...

GA can still hit the baseball.

Nostradamus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I Alivandi said...

Randy needs to gut this one out.

BTW, when will Diaz learn to pronounce his name?

Nostradamus said...

penalty points to me for unnecessary correction, and embarrassment points that I would know it was wrong in the first place.

Orel said...

Jamie McCourt Flexes Her Power (SoSG)

I Alivandi said...

Oh come on Randy. Lowe is a decent hitter, but you really should just challenge him.

I Alivandi said...

See. 92. That wasn't so hard, was it?

Nostradamus said...

Let's keep it close, boys.

I Alivandi said...

On the thing about the McCourt's not being happy with the Hughes affair - 1) He married her 2) Its none of their business and 3) I think the whole 4/60 demand (that the Braves gave him) might have had a little something to do with it.

I Alivandi said...

Randy is throwing hard. Nice to see.

I Alivandi said...

Seriously, 3 pitches at 93 to McLouth.

I Alivandi said...

What an awful pitch. That, Orel, is why Russell Martin is better than Brian McCann.

I Alivandi said...

Yikes. Come on Randy. Get it together.

Nostradamus said...

Rash of walk-in runs recently. What gives?

Steve Sax said...

I don't like the New Union Bank logo. I think i'll post on this later.

Green Lantern JBJ of Sector 1138 said...

vinny calls hudson the candyman.

wonder if that has anythign to do with the movie character... see img below

Steve Sax said...

I Alivandi? Alireza? one and the same? I'm confused here. It's all Jekyll and Hyde.

O-Dog, base hit 1000

Steve Sax said...

And that's why you don't make Wolf bunt

(arm falls off)

I Alivandi said...

Sax - Yes. Different e-mails. I used to use the other one a lot more, but I am trying to use this one because it is the one I blog with.

I Alivandi said...

And that is exactly how far Juan Pierre can hit a baseball.

MR.F said...

Joe Torre is a genius!

Steve Sax said...

JP almost hit that out

juicing, perhaps?

Just kidding Beast Mode

I Alivandi said...

Well, the ump made up for his bad first call on the first pitch by calling that POS a strike.

I Alivandi said...


Steve Sax said...

First SB for Wolf, career!

Maybe we don't need Schmidt, for his arm, bat, or legs

I Alivandi said...

And that is why you can't blame Russell Martin when guys steal on his pitching staff.

Josh S. said...

Dang. One short, but they're still in it.

I Alivandi said...

Ouch Raffy. That was right down the middle. I guess that is the power of the sinker.

Orel said...

Yankees win. A loss tonight and we no longer have the best record in the majors.

mpearse89 said...

Hopefully Wolf doesn't give the run right back again.

Orel said...

Yankees picked up Chad Gaudin from the Padres today. So how does that work, do the Pads have to put him on the waiver wire first?

I Alivandi said...

Hideo Nomo still deserves the ROTY over Larry.

Orel said...

Nothing will be easy tonight.

I Alivandi said...

Orel - I would suppose he cleared already. I am surprised he did, because he is a useful arm.

I Alivandi said...

Now I see why Randy isn't throwing the curve tonight. He has no command of it.

I Alivandi said...

And yet another strike by Wolf called a ball by Laz Diaz.

Orel said...

Wolf is wobbly.

I Alivandi said...

Orel - Wolf's command is definitely not peak, but he is getting screwed by the HPU

I Alivandi said...

Randy also has Russ Martin rather busy tonight

Orel said...

6-U DP!

I Alivandi said...

Rafael Furcal saves his bacon. If Wolf walked GA (who never walks), there would be a problem.

MR.F said...

Double play!

I Alivandi said...

Come on Andre. Pop one over the short porch.

Orel said...

This better not be another one-run loss against Lowe.

Steve Sax said...

Manny, let's knock a home run here please.

Pretty please.

With sugar.

Steve Sax said...

Well, if Chipper says it, it must be true.

Steve Sax said...

I Alivandi, I just realized your ROY comment was about Chipper. Ha!

I agree.

Steve Sax said...

Hey Alireza Alivandi AliOllieOxenFree,

Would you mind please asking me why kensai puts my name in quotes over on MOKM? I don't get it.

Orel said...

That was a whale of a swing by Manny.

Steve Sax said...

Boy, we gotta stop putting our bats in the humidor the night before Wolf pitches.

Steve Sax said...

Boy, I wish I could sleep outside on a picnic blanket.

I need me some Wawanesa Insurance.

Steve Sax said...

When did National Geographic become "NatGeo"?

We always called it the N-Graph over at our house.

Steve Sax said...

Vin looks sleeeeeeeepy tonight

Steve Sax said...

So let's talk John Hughes, who passed away today.

I liked Pretty In Pink, but I'm glad he did it better with Some Kind of Wonderful. I prefer Lea Thompson.

Orel said...

Nice cutoff by Ethier to hold LaRoche to a single.

Erin #2 said...

I'm sure you look pretty in pink Steve, but I prefer you in Dodger Blue........

Steve Sax said...

Howard Deutch? Wow, Lea, you could have done so much better with Steve Sax!

rbnlaw said...

Hey, thought I'd check in on the game. Orel with the first 100.
Nice play.

Now back to this one.

Steve Sax said...

Touche, Erin #2.

3-2 Braves, mid-5

Steve Sax said...

Loney HR right here

rbnlaw said...

RIP John Hughes. The guy knew his soundtracks in the mid 80's.

rbnlaw said...

Notice how Lowe always seems upset with every ball call. Baby.

Steve Sax said...

"Dodgers have killed a lot of worms tonight."


Loney flies out.

rbnlaw said...

2 nights of sleepy bats? Inconceivable!

Steve Sax said...

Martin with a basehit. A clean base hit, at that.

Steve Sax said...

19 comments to +200. Orel, you awake? rbnlaw? Mr LA SF?

rbnlaw said...

I'm with you Sax. MLASF is playing possum. Orel is sneaky fast; I fear him.

Orel said...

Ugh. Hope we can get to their bullpen.

rbnlaw said...

Freaking GIDP. I'm beginning to worry.

Steve Sax said...

what the f, hudson? come on dude, GIDP? ugh.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

I am Mr. Assist.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

And here I come

Steve Sax said...

Orel is sneaky fast. You know that Empire Today commercial where the carpet floors roll out superfast? Put that commercial on still pause. You'll see a blur--that's Orel.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

I missed 100, who got it?

Steve Sax said...

Yankees do indeed look like they will be the majors' best after tonight

rbnlaw said...

Hah. Just found out that 4COL means "for crying out loud."
It's how I feel about every rally being killed by the dreaded GIDP in the last two weeks.

Steve Sax said...

@Neeebs, Orel snagged the +100 to regain the lead

Neeebs (The Original) said...

RBN reading his Yahoo feeds?

Steve Sax said...

Sorry, my bad math. Orel is still in second

Nostradamus said...


Erin #2 said...

Well, you don't have to worry about me getting it.......I suck at this game!!

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Should I spoil, or let them decide it?

rbnlaw said...

That's a long way to go for a point.

Chipper Jones delende est!!

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...


Steve Sax said...

Dammit, Larry with a HR

4-2 Braves.

Poor Wolf, he is not a lucky man this year.

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