From a Dodgers press release:
The Los Angeles Dodgers will offer fans a free Dodger Dog, courtesy of Farmer John, on Monday, September 14 when the Dodgers host the Pittsburgh Pirates at 7:10 p.m. Farmer John, a 51-year partner, and the Dodgers will distribute vouchers to all fans good for one Dodger Dog as they enter the turnstiles.
This promotion falls somewhere between the All-You-Can-Eat Pavilion and free parking. Will the lure of a hot dog worth $5 bring more fans out on a Monday night? All I know is they better get there early, because the concession lines are going to make it look like they're giving away iPhones stuffed with Hannah Montana tickets.
An additional curiosity:
The Dodgers will also have a hot dog eating contest on free Dodger Dog night. Fans will have the chance to win a seat upgrade and passes to a DodgerLIFE "Under the Lights" event where they can take batting practice on the field.
I'm not a big fan of eating contests (so much gluttony when so many are going hungry), but if the Dodgers could work in a charitable component for the Los Angeles Regional Foodbank and/or the Union Rescue Mission, it certainly would make it more palatable.
photo from Flickr user EileenRose
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