Thanks to SoSG reader Gibby's Limp for the heads-up on the awesomest Dodger billboard yet, featuring Yoda! We want T-shirts of this design!
Earlier at SoSG:
Dude, Identify This Dude
Highly Dubious
photo 1 from Partnership Activation; photo 2 from Flickr user OctopusHat
The Dodgers and George Lucas could make a mint selling tshirts, stickers, posters, and lunchboxes with that design!
And yes, I want one too!
This almost makes up for some of the other D-list celebrity billboards.
I bet this was Randy Wolf's idea!
The correct term is: Nerd-vana.
Now that Conan O'Brien is in LA, it would be cool to see him on one. I drive by Joe Torre everyday on my way to work. It feels pretty damn good.
Conan O'Brien is one smooth cookie.
Sweet. Yoda bats left. And he's probably the only guy with a smaller strike zone than David Eckstein.
OK, if it makes it to a shirt, I'm in. It will compliment my "Juanpierrewood" shirt perfectly.
I'm also thinking of getting a "Judas" shirt with Bret Favre's number in purple. I could care less about Favre or the Packers. I just think it's funny as hell.
Oh, and I spotted a "This is My Town" billboard with female soccer star Marta on it near the HD Center in Carson. Guess Mia Hamm refused on grounds of intra-marriage strife.
Two words: Awe - Some. I need a T-shirt of this.
That is awsome.
Does anyone know where that billboard is?
Josh S: Yoda = MSJ?
Mini Sirloin Jedi?
Josh S.: Actually if the movies are indicative, Yoda is a switch hitter who is equally adept right sabered or left sabered.
I saw this on Sunset Blvd. just west of Amoeba music.
Josh S - Yoda at least bats lefty. Look closely at the 4th photo in this post for verification. Wouldn´t surprise me though if he switch hit.
Yoda's right hand seems to be on top here, which means he's batting righty, and perhaps just facing the crowd for a little showmanship before getting in the box. If he were a lefty, his hands would have to be placed the opposite way.
Grown adults commenting over whether Yoda is right-handed or left-handed.
Does anyone else find this F***ing hysterical.
Neeebs / Spock: "Does anyone else find this F***ing hysterical."
This debate is not logical.
Erin makes a good point. I'm thus thinking righty, at least by this picture. But then again, Yoda can make any pitch end up as a hanging curve, or at least a ball, or for that matter make any contacted ball jump out of the ballpark - so handedness probably isn't a huge issue for him. He can do that from the dugout too I suppose. Talk about making your teammates better.
I can concede that he's a righty. So, this picture must have been snapped from the ump's perspective when Yoda turned back to "convince" him that the last pitch wasn't a strike.
Randy Wolf was already established that you can't get ejected for using Jedi mind tricks.
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