Chad Billingsley (9-5, 3.76) vs. Bronson Arroyo (10-8, 5.07).
COMMENTS: Ace vs. ace! But Billingsley is coming off the worst start of his career, and Arroyo, while pitching well recently, has to deal with, well, pitching for the Reds. Hard to tell what kind of game we'll get tonight. Could be a pitchers' duel, or a slugfest, or a blowout. Way to go out on a limb there, Orel.
Poker in the game thread and I'm heading to Chavez Ravine tonight. If you had thrown a mention of scotch in there somehow, I'd have a trifecta of favorites!
Q7 - That was yesterday's thread. Seriously. Look and see.
Here's the lineup:
Furcal, SS
Hudson, 2B
Ethier, RF
Blake, 3B
Loney, 1B
Kemp, CF
Martin, C
Billingsley, P
Pierre, LF
Lincecum done gave up a run early.
Do I have time to go from work (midtown) to Pasadena and back to the Ravine, or should I just meet my seatmates? There won't be any traffic tonight, right? *sarcasm*
Bobblehead night curse has struck again.
No manny, bills has been terrible lately, and arroyo has been lights out his past few appearances. I may make it home by 9 tonight.
Careful Nic, you're starting to sound like your avatar.
Kidding! Don't hurt me.
I wish someone would pay me to write bullshit.
Mr LA SF, methinks we should invite Quadsevens to our scotch night.
Bills batting eighth
No Manny
Atlanta up 4-0 in the bottom of the 4th
I'm up for that.
Quad, MLASF, Sax,
Scotch and the game thread go together like Scotch and... pretty much anything.
lol sold out crowd to see manny and get the bobblehead and he's not playing.
cmon Chad! do well and my name is "Chad'sStillRad"
I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly. Mm-Mm-Mm
Still 4-0 Braves, top 8
Scotch night sounds good to me. Are we each bringing a bottle to share?
manny's hand is swollen. cant put it in his glove. he loves the bobblehead though
I'll bring the Hennigan's
I'm sitting in the cheap reserves way up by the foul poles and they play the Spanish radio braodcast rather than the english in the restrooms.
Just saw another "This is my town" bilboard. Emailed a pic in to the Sons.
I'll bring some Glenfiddich.
Nothing wrong with Jaime Jarrin, that is if you can understand him.
Will you turkeys stop talking about good Scotch? All I have access to is 13 dollar Tecate and long lines.
Two great things about playing the Pirates six times in September. Aside from the obvious, all their best players will be gone by the time the Dodgers match up with them.
Manny bobble - check. Aforementioned expensive mediocre beer - check. Still hot as hell - check. Poser douches right in front of me - check. No Scotch - check. Making my sister in law stand in line for food - makes it all better.
Dusty, if possible, please describe these poser douches. We can relay clever insults to you to shout at them.
Dodger PR people leafleted the drink holders with a sales brochure advertising packages for 2nd half of season. Isn't it in bad taste and bad karma to advertise availability of World Series tickets???
No flask? Not that I would encourage bootlegging. No, sir!
Poser douches: only here b/c it's Manny bobblehead night. Don't know yet that Manny isn't starting. Just claimed we have winning record against AL this year. Disrespected Dodger Dog. Obsessed with getting on pre-game fan cam. I am POSITIVE that these will be the first to start blowing up beach balls.
What kind of beer do they sell at Dodger Stadium?
Are there other alcoholic beverages available?
Beer at stadium: tecate, dos equis, all the cheap crappy american light beer kind of stuff, gordon biersch (local brewery). Nothing extraordinaory. Not even sam adams or sierra nevada.
Oh, forgot ur question was a 2-parter.
They sell margaritas (watered down) and pina coladas (I have NEVER had one).
If u are sitting on the bourgeouis levels, there are "full" bars where u can get basic cocktails.
And then of course there are the stadium club options if you have admittance.
Chad isn't making me a happy camper.
Mrs. Dusty just invented a new word:
The congestion caused by maximum crowd attendance on bobblehead giveaway night: bobbleneck.
Actually, I like what I am seeing from Chad. He is just pumping in fastballs and letting his movement do the talking. The first curve was the one he threw to K Nix. Nice work.
BTW, I wonder if Chad knows there is a restaurant on Pico named Billingsley's?
Dusty is very picky with his alcy-hol
Dusty - Gordon Biersch is a national chain, not local. Their HQ is actually in San Jose.
As for the beer, they do serve Dos Equis and Tecate at Camacho's with the Mexican food and Biersch serves heffeweisen. The rest is Miller Lite.
Arroyo is already making them look foolish.
'Dre dinger!
1st inning goodness, again!
Thanks for the insight, Fred's Brim.
Hope those posers don't make it rough to you.
Hm, posers. Other than pointing out their obvious lack of knowledge, there's not much you can do. Unless you want to do that.
Of course u r right about Gordon Biersch. I was sort of looking 4 a shortcut way to describe non-Miller Lite while typing on this tiny keyboard instead of watching the game.
1-1? What happened?
Not worth it. It's like peeing in the ocean.
2 Red doubles and an Andre-homer.
You could shout out names of former Dodgers to see their reaction. Maybe make a Big-Game James reference.
Probably not worth it. But I am a little grumpy coming off last night's soccer match @ the Rose Bowl where posers kept blowing those infernal horns. Don't push me...I'm close to the edge.
Boy that was a bad half inning. 1-1 after two.
And did I mention the dodgers lost?
Say what now?
Ethier and Furcal with the only two Dodger hits so far
Karros, Piazza, Mondesi and I think Zeile got to 30 on the final day.
Votto with a leadoff basehit
Billingsley doesn't want his 10th win, does he?
3-6-3 DP!
Nice play by Martin to save a run.
Nice Play!
Woops, heard the trivia question wrong
Hmm someone needs to tell Vinny that 9-7 is a pace for 91 wins.
Hooray for lack of effort!
Let's hope Jerry Hairston doesn't rev it up rev it up little boy let's ride
And just like that, Hairston has a leadoff 2b
And just like that, Russ erases him.
Quiet day.
Boy, runners at the corners...
It's you & andrew w/ supporting cast, apparently.
(Not counting the landlords, of course.)
Dammitall Chad! how can you work so hard to get out a jam and then give it away like that?
Double post & WP.
I'm guessing bills is getting a ND.
Damn passed balls
Fucking Taveras.
Wow, Orel takes one day off and the GT suffers.
Blake just misses going yard, oh well
It's still tied, so I'm not sure I exactly understand why this game is pissing me off.
The Dodgers have something cooking...
Here comes the bobblehead now...
Manny comes out to a standing ovation as a pinch hitter, and Dusty has to break a toothpick and make a double switch of his own in return.
Go Manny!
Bases loaded with one out, 2-2 tie, bottom 6
The crowd is going nuts right. Feels like a playoff game.
Hey, so my cousin Alex is coming over tonight.
I hope he's cool.
I wonder if the posers in front of Dusty just woke up.
No way.
No way!
Even Kim Kardashian is cheering.
Vin: "Well, that didn't take long."
Best moment of the season?
Hard day's work for Manny Ramirez.
one pitch
one GS HR
two curtain calls
locker room
6-2 lead Dodgers
I honestly didn't see that coming.
I love Manny acting like a Bobblehead!
Wow. Just...wow.
The Reds seem a little deflated.
Let's hope the bullpen can hold the lead, unlike last time.
great inning, G-Mo
too much variation in this God Bless America
my ears are bleeeeeeeeeding
this singer can't find the notes with a frickin' map
Wow, this was quite possibly the WORST God Bless America I've heard all year.
Stick to the music, sweetheart.
GBA score: 1 (out of 10)
Great, now the eBay prices for the bobblehead are going to be astronomical.
Question: Now that the Red Sox have Adam LaRoche, what becomes of Mike Lowell?
I was contemplating pizza during the bottom of the sixth. Did I miss anything?
Josh S, are ANY bobblehead prices on ebay astronomical?
Is it too early to give Matt Kemp a muli-year, multi-million dollar extension?
Who doesn't want to see him in CF for years to come?
Just three more outs
you can never have too much good stuff
Is LaRoche the elder really considered a top shelf 1b? I think they'll probably just use him to spell Youk & Lowell
@ Delino: What toppings on your pizza?
Salami, natch.
I hadn't noticed that before, for some reason.
One away...
Two away...
Double Scotch in the thread = double posts in the thread, apparently.
1 more out...
one more out, brox
this may be a sparse GT, but this was a great win
Post-Game Thread is up!
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