Hiroki Kurøda (3-5, 4.73) tegen Rick VandenHurk (1-0, 3.00).
BECOMMENTARIËRT: Honkbal! Kurøda had één het slechte inniŋ van də vijf tegen Astros. Hij stond drie looppas, met inbegrip van een twee-looppas Homerus door Geoff Blüm toe. Maar hij stond ook zeven klappen toe en sloeg œyt slechts. Wanneer bij zijn beste, wordt hij voorœyt in tellingen en maakt də verdedigingssplitsers van də hitterʃacht in het vœyl, maar het hasn' t dat een onlangs gebørt. Də manager Joe Torre gelooft omverwerpingen Kurøda, veroorzakend een mechanisch gebrek dat in het trekken van zijn hoogten resulteert aangezien zij worden geleverd.
Opgeroepen van drievoudig-New Orleans op 20 Juli, VandenHurk werkte zes slagbørt die nacht in San Diego, werpend 88 hoogten. Də 24 jœyst-hander-herstelde éénjarigen hielden də Aalmoezenieren van də raad voor 5 2/3 slagbørt, alvorens rijtjeshomers aan Adrian Gønzalez en Kevin Kʌuzmanoff over te geven. VandenHurk was 4-1 met een ERA 2.77 in negen begin voor New Orleans. Hij heeft nooit də Ontdœykers onder ogen gezien. VandenHurk verzamelde zijn eerste wint sinds 22 Juni, 2008 tegen Braves.
(Dank opniøw aan Nic j voor də inspiratie!)
Hallo, hoe gaat het?
Furcal, SS
Hudson, 2B
Manny, LF
Ethier, RF
Blake, 3B
Loney, 1B
Martin, C
Kemp, CF
Kuroda, P
Ik spreek het slechte Duits. Nederlands is als slechte Duits. Aldus, spreek ik uitstekende Nederlands.
(with apologies to the Dutch, the Germans, and pretty much everyone)
Tonights lineup in Dutch.
Rafael Furcal, Kortestop
Orlando Hudson, Tweede Honkman
Manny Ramirez, Linksvelder
Andre Ethier, Rechtsvelder
Casey Blake, Derde Honkman
James Loney, Eerste Honkman
Russell Martin, Catcher (no Dutch word)
Matt Kemp, Middenvelder
Hiroki Kuroda, Werper
Matt Kemp, Də Bizon
"Tweede Honkman": Next time I see O-Dog I'm going to call him that.
I hope Kuroda can werp into the late innings tonight.
Tweede Honkman was my porn name.
"There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch."
-Nigel Powers
"I am from Holland, isn't that vierd?"
Sax here. I'll be at the game tonight, field level third base side. Comment if you want to grab a beer!
Like my Opa used to say "If you ain't Dutch, then you ain't much."
Unless your andruw jones an your Dutch AND not much.
Ps we have a little Dutch boy in our farm system, kenley Jansen. He is a catcher so we probably won't see him for a while if at all. He looked great throwing out Dominican players in the WBC though.
Sax is officially in the house, having showered after the Hollywood Stars game!
"Comment if you want to grab a beer!"
Hell, ye...
Oh, you mean at the game. Never mind.
Scott Stapp of creed is singing the anthem.
It is awwwwwwwwwful.
Creed sucks.
Grabbing a beer and settling in for this one. Probably taking the rbnlaw crew out to the game tomorrow.
Look for us in the LF loge.
I give no credence to Creed.
Again with the two outs.
Colorado taking it to the Giants. 5-1, bottom 7
Raffy with the derdehonkslag!!!!
That was quick.
Orlando with the honkslag to tie it up!
Furcal with a bellywhopper, according to Vin.
Vin giving props to Bert Blylevin, famous Dutchman from Garden Grove.
Went to Santiago HS.
Vin telling the story of the Sigfried Line involving Einhoven and the bridge at Arnhem.
No word on the Roy Line.
Vandenhork's making a load of pitches this inning, thanks to Dre.
Love the patience from Ethier.
Thank goodness for the walk.
Andre bats at starting to look like they last year. Tons of fouled off pitches. I love it.
Breng ze thuis, Beard
de baard got it werped right by him there.
Godverdomme! Two honkloppers stranded.
At least the swearing is pretty much the same.
Cody Ross = David Eckstein + Power
8-2 Rockies over the Gnats.
Cody Ross is a mini lendenen Burger?
We just can't go 123 anymore.
More that he is perpetually tormenting the Dodgers, but he is a bit kort.
Did you see Kemp fly down that line?
en hij loopt de werper!
Hiro has 5 Ks through two innings!
Google translate is a wonderful thing.
Gnats lose to the Rocks
8-2. Fading fast.
It occurs to me now that Braden Looper is almost as bad of a name for a pitcher as Grant Balfour.
another K for KKKKKKuroda
Ethier is starting to go back into Gardener Mode.
Goede Avondheren!
Gardener Mode?
Haha, he is starting to rake again
Thanks for the answer!
Curious about something: are you Dutch?
Me? Yes, of Dutch herritage. My grandparents are from holland. So I grew up rooting for the Oranje
Another K, Hiro is on fire.
Bad throw, son. Let's cross fingers that runner doesn't score.
Would of had them if it weren't for the bad throw.
Thanks for that Russ.
It's still early in the game, hope we don't regret it at the end.
Nic j, my dad's grandmother was Dutch but we don't have much of an Oranje heritage because she decided to marry a Lebanese man, so that's the dominant heritage in my family.
Man we are just killing rallies left and right tonight.
We just can't get anything going tonight.
Patience, it's a very close game, right?
It's getting less and less close.
Palos for the venezuelan! Go Blue!
Why did they put this fathead Pinto in? I mean, I'm glad they did...
King James RBI single. Was Loney out because Duncan told him to run or was his decision?
That was some pretty terrible baserunning by loney. Good job on the RBI though
Dusty Baker, why do you complain? we should complain he was removed.
So far, this game has has a couple of bad delivering of fundamentals: bad throw to second, runner finally scored. Then, bad baserunning by Loney.
New game due to Martin's RBI single.
Hiroki is off the hook! And can still get a win if we manage another run this inning.
Heh...I'm not complaining. I said I'm glad they did!
Boooo, why don't you throw to home plate? are you afraid?
I like Kemp's chances here.
He's very afraid. Like a frightened schoolgirl.
Let's see Blake send one into the Loge.
Vin said "aeroplane" as if they just invented some new-fangled sky bus thingy.
Kiko fears Montreal Speed.
Hey we tie it up. Come on Blake, one more hit before you get sent back to AAA to make room for Kuo.
DB - Perhaps he was channeling Russell Martin speaking French?
Please green light DeWitt here.
Nats now 10-0 over Padres.
Raka fraka fraka frik.
Even when I'm at home, I start getting antsy sometime around middle of the 6th and run to get a beer before they close down sales. It's just instinctual, I guess.
Manny single after two outs.
Two Out rally?
Ethier singles!
I'm watching images from the yoga event hosted by Ethier, in the Marlins broadcast.
Dusty: that's pretty funny. Do you charge yourself 10 bucks?
That foul was close...
what a waste
I charge myself $13 and stand by the fridge for about 9 minutes before I get the beer out. Then I let it get a little hot and flat before I start drinking it.
hahahahahahaha, that's pretty funny!
do you also curse when you miss something important?
You should hear how I go to the bathroom at home during the game...
Jeez, I thought that one was going out.
I love you, 5-tool Bison.
Just got back from dropping off the daughter in Huntington Beach.
Here's a tip for those of you who ever think of heading to the beach.
Stay home.
Meanwhile, the Bison strikes out. Get ready for the 9th.
If you have a trough in your bathroom, you're my new idol.
i have a urinal in mine.
Sweet Nic.
If my house had a urinal and a bidet, I might never leave.
Except to buy beer.
Is Andre's uniform ripped in the back?
Manny has had some solid defensive play tonight.
the two things i always wanted when i was younger was a soda fountain and a urinal in my house. just gotta work on the soda fountain now.
It would be cool to have a trough in the bathroom complete with a just baaaarely wide enough shelf above it so that when you set your beer down there while you do your business, you have to keep looking down at it nervous that it will slide off the shelf.
Ha! Take that Cody Ross!
I do the same thing when I use the urinal and carry my beer with me.
It's precarious.
Meanwhile, Brox with a nice K.
Dusty, don't forget to hang advertisements for local sports radio stations and headblades over the trough
Guys, TMI but very funny.
JP would of had a homerun there if he were playing in the hollywood game.
perfect bunt by raffy
It really is a tedious situation when you think at any time you might have to drop, er, what you're doing and stop your beer from sliding off the shelf.
At least the whole thing is completely sanitary. *sarcastic eye roll*
Marlins broadcaster about Ethier: "Mr. Walk Off"
sorry, karina. it just weighs on us.
pierre needed to hit that one with LESS power so it wouldn't carry to the CF. never thought i'd say that about him.
the table is set for manny.
Magic time.
"It's all set up for a Hollywood finish"
What poor SOB will they put in to pitch against Manny?
a submariner. interesting.
Andruw Jones has been cut from the Texas Rangers as he was found to be the source of the swine flu that Vicente Padilla contracted.
Men love the potty talk and Manny batting with runners aboard.
Dusty, when you grow up with 2 brothers and 80% of your friends are guys, you pretty much get used to this kind of conversation.
well more of a sidearmer
Mr. Walkoff on deck.
Pitcher's delivery and release is really hard to read.
Well, that sucked.
"Manny struck out, here comes Mr. Walk Off"
andre's been raking all night so this should be good, hopefully
E probably won't get much to look at.
Ethier is tied with Pujols as NL leaders in RBIs at home.
Going the distance...
Rancho Ardiendo, heren!
Casey is (over)due.
Derde Honkloppers!!
ill take a wild pitch right now.
JOY IN MUDVILLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beard Mode!
Mug him!
His Beardness!
Get off Casey! He's older and can get hurt under that scrum.
Win win win
i hope they didnt mess up his beard.
The mighty Casey's bobblehead is getting a real workout from everyone in the house.
What an awful interview. "Did you know that one was gone..." Um, it didn't go out.
Love that they're piping Jeanie zelasko's interview over the stadium pipes!
It's really cool how they've recently piped in the audio to the crowd after a big win. Great showmanship from the stadium crew. Did the same after Bobbleslam game.
Zelasko, eh. Not a fan.
10 up on the Gnats
9 up in the Rocks
I'd still rather look at Zelasko than Michael Eaves
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