Thanks to Vin Scully Is My Homeboy for the following billboard pictures:
Now here's one we wouldn't mind seeing in billboard form:
UPDATE: From Diamond Notes:
UPDATE: My utopia has been realized! Thanks to SoSG reader Jeanette for this excellent catch:
UPDATE: From Josh Rawitch at Inside the Dodgers:
I'm glad someone asked about the celebrities on our billboards. Rest assured, they haven't replaced the players as our primary "faces." Not by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, we probably have a wider array of players on our billboards this year than in any year that I can remember. There's a mix of players, celebrities, other athletes, etc. that is intended to show how wide our fan base is...hopefully you guys will see them as you drive around LA (those of you who live there).
I saw one (didn't get the picture) near Sepulveda and Olympic of Brett Michaels. I think the end is near.
P.S. I will try to get a picture...
I have a picture of one downtown (on Olympic near 5th, I think) with Villaraigosa and the "my" is scratched out and "our" is there in its stead. I'll try to send the picture.
Michaels and Kardashian?!? Basically, the trend is release a "private" sex tape, become a spokesman for the Dodgers. Who's next, Rob Lowe?
"I saw one (didn't get the picture) near Sepulveda and Olympic of Brett Michaels. I think the end is near."
Are you freaking serious.
You are kidding, right Ben???
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