Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Did I Miss Anything?

I sure picked a good night to miss my first game of the season!

Poetic thoughts of the Dodgers from Jon Weisman:

With the bases loaded in the bottom of the sixth inning and the score tied at 2, Ramirez replaced Mark Loretta in the on-deck circle, waited out a pitching change, stepped in, saw 726 inches of a meat fastball and swung a sonic boom.

Ramirez plugged the erstwhile Big Red Machine into a light socket; he dropped them in a bath with a toaster. His grand slam, the 21st of his career, brought the fans to their feet and popped them like champagne corks, and turned the tight game into a 6-2 Festivus for the rest of us.

photos by Chris Carlson/AP


Neeebs (The Original) said...

Do you think that there is any correlation to the fact that the day I leave town the Dodgers begin a five game win streak?

Orel said...

Not sure, but you better relocate to Hawaii just to be safe.

Raintes said...

Just enough roid to clear the Mannywood sign. :p