Clayton Kershaw (8-5, 2.95) vs. Josh Johnson (8-2, 2.74).
COMMENTS: Ace vs. ace! Last time I said that, something wonderful happened. But it's a long season and we can't rely on minor miracles every day. Instead, we'll hope for another strong start from co-ace Kershaw and for the bats to do a reasonable amount of damage off Johnson. The Dodgers' winning streak is at five; the Marlins are tied with Atlanta for second place in the NL East. Other teams may be dealing, but the Dodgers can only control their own hand. Hit me!
Furcal, SS
Hudson, 2B
Manny, LF
Ethier, RF
Blake, 3B
Loney, 1B
Martin, C
Kemp, CF
Kershaw, P
i think mannys lil kicks at the plate might cameo as the Ace of Diamonds
Alas, I'll be catching the game in progress after my softball game.
And I'll likely be surrounded by Angels fans (who double as my friends).
Why is Manny batting third when he's obviously more effective coming off the bench with the bases loaded.
C'mon, Joe. Wake up.
Pocket aces two hands in a row? I'm watching the deck closely if I'm playing poker against you guys.
Manny hit by pitch again.
I'm under the impression Josh Johnson totally owned the Dodgers in Florida.
His Beardness lead off triple!
The Beard has become a triple machine. He has sneaky speed.
Nice WP Josh.
Wild Pitch, Blake scores
Dodgers 1-Marlins 0
He may have made an out, but I think Russ showed his bat speed there. You have to get the head around to chop a 97 MPH fastball into the dirt.
Ok Clayton, here is a plan for Helms. Gas, Change, Curve. If you miss on one, gas on the corner.
Or jam him with a heater on the hands. That works.
Spectacular play by O-Dogg!
4 pitch walk? I know its Hanley, but you are an ace now Clayton. Challenge him with that fastball in on the hands.
This is a snoozer of a game thread tonight. Everyone out partying?
Wow. That curve was absolutely strike three.
Looks like everyone is partying, just you and me here, it seems.
Kershaw might have confidence issues.
Karina - I wouldn't say that. Hanley scares people almost as much as Pujols. Still, Clayton has a lot of success jamming RHB with inside fastballs because of his velocity and movement. Sort of like Mariano Rivera but from the other side. That may be the key for him. Saw off the RHB and K the LHB.
The umpire is an idiot.
That wasn't a strike.
Epale, all. I feel lucky that we scored that one run.
Seriously. The ump keeps giving Johnson the inside strike on lefties.
You have certainly a point there, Ali. But sometimes he looks like he loses concentration or gets anxious. Just saying!
Epale Orel and everyone else!
@Alireza, PC and Orel: the umpire is an idiot.
I can't believe I left that game in the fourth inning.
Clayton's curve looks good tonight.
Oh wow. If Clayton keeps throwing changeups like that, he is going to brutalize the league.
My Uzi weighs a ton
Because I'm public enemy number one!
Clayton is throwing a pitch that Gameday calls a slider, but I think it is actually a harder curve. Sort of like Francisco Rodriguez.
It's definitely a curveball.
Commenter formerly known as PC: The BobbleSlam game?
72 mph!
Orel - yeah, I left after the fourth inning. I saw the slam on tv.
that was naz-tee!
That last pitch was a very fine work of art.
I love watching Clayton work. He really is blossoming before our eyes.
Brett Carroll was so over matched there
PC (I'm going to keep calling you that): I'm assuming you had your reasons. Still, the fourth inning is when some people are arriving.
Good eye, Manny.
a PE reference in a game thread? I thought this place was all star wars and grammar quizzes!
Penos - There is that harder pitch, goes around 10 MPH faster than the Buggs Bunny curve that Gameday calls a slider. I just think that is a harder curve. That is a nice little pitch.
I'm fine with PC. My kids were asking me who PENOS CABELL was.
We had to get the kids from the babysitter.
Manny was sitting dead red there. Johnson was smart to throw that 2 seamer.
Nice piece of hitting by Andre. He needs to do more of that.
BTW, at the game where Manny was hit in the hand, I was sitting at field level in section 9 and got a good look at the Dodgers on deck. Ethier has one of the most beautiful swings this side of a young Ken Griffey Jr.
PC, i take it Dick Pole wouldn't be a good handle either?
Fred - Dick Pole was my second choice.
@FB "a PE reference in a game thread? I thought this place was all star wars and grammar quizzes!"
We're hard like that!
Casey giveth, Casey taketh away.
For his own sake, Johnson needs to be careful with all the heat he is throwing. Blake murders hard stuff.
Fred's Brim - Jack Mehoff and Mike Hunt might not be either.
straight gangsta!
Alireza, Fred's Brim - funny!!
I found my new favorite Major League name...a pitcher in the 1920's named Urban Shocker...wonderful.
Nice hit by Bonafacio.
i am guessing Bonafacio's gonna head towards second soon
Hugh Jass?
We never seem to throw the guy out at the plate. Maybe they should have held Helms there.
Gets Hanley to pop up. Nice.
Ugh,tied up. Come on kershaw!
Damage limited. 1-1 tie.
SF 3, COL 1, bot 9
Martin HBP. All these plunks look accidental, but it makes one wonder: Are the Marlins protecting the Reds?
Martin HBP, that pitch looks the same to the pitch that hit Manny.
Who is this generic-looking fella in the Ford commercial?
Ethier watching O-Dog there. Ethier should have caught that.
Shit. WP makes it 2-1 Marlins.
That pitch was wild, wild, wild...Marlins up 2-1
Man what's up with the defense today.
Wow. Hudson has made two mental errors this inning.
This is unbelievable...why did he throw to third id there wasn't a chance to get the runner?
I thought we would be fine if we could get to their bullpen.
Game isn't over. Hanley's up but let's trust in the Public Enemy Number One.
Furcal saves the day!
Wow, raffy brought the D.
Hail to Furcal!
"This is unbelievable...why did he throw to third id there wasn't a chance to get the runner?"
He was being cute.
Kershaw doesn't deserve a loss tonight. Pitched well, the defense didn't really help.
Didn't see that earlier great catch by Hudson. Ethier was expecting him to do it again last inning.
Two on, no out!
Tying run up. Let's at least try to get Clayton off the hook for the loss.
Back to back singles!
This would be insane if Manny hit another homer.
At least he moved the runners to scoring position, go Dodgers!
I know I'm late to the party, but how is Johnson only at 80 pitches in the sixth?
Finish him!
Johnson has been great. Blake's triple was his only mistake, and it should have been a double.
New game, gentlemen!
That's how it's done, Dre.
andre takes Kersh off the hook.
New Game!
Clayton off the hook!
well, we probably have at least another inning of this guy.
The pen has been nails recently. Lets hope that continues.
Loney sucks.
cmon James, throw strikes. these guys are bums
Two runners on, after they completed 2 outs.
Rough GBA tonight.
i am tired of this two out nonsense. it starts by giving up a two-out hit to the pitcher in the 6th
I don't even think GOD likes that song anymore...
Nice, Julie.
Anybody seen that tiger from yesterday?
Coghlan HR. 5-3 Marlins.
"Anybody seen that tiger from yesterday?"
No, but Coghlan apparently didn't like his role in the puzzle.
Angel Compost?
Am I allowed to be glad that the Giants and Rockies are playing each other yet?
I blame Charley Steiner for this.
That and the fact that Kershaw and McDonald sucked with two outs.
If we can keep the lead to two, we have a chance.
So much for that.
Let's get davey Johnson back
6-3 Marlins. I guess we don't have a chance.
Oh lord.
It's out of hand now.
Two reasons why the Dodgers are losing:
The pitchers suck with two outs and nobody on.
Charley Steiner jinxed the bullpen.
MLASF - what did Steiner say?
He opened the seventh by raving about how stable the bullpen has been, and how it's the best in the majors.
Yep yep yep yep.
Damn you Steiner.
Manny trying to throw runners out at the plate - lack of tension there, eh?
C'mon Tron. If you're gonna hit Ross, hit him like a man.
The hits keep coming
Who are you and what did you do with Tron?
When we hit guys, why do we always graze their uniforms?
Tron is just sucking it up tonight because he doesn't want to be traded.
Anytime Tron comes in or out, they should play the sound effect from the old school arcade game.
I want Ross's blood. Not some wimpy "It hit his jersey" crap. That's bush league stuff.
On the plus side, this does bode well for my game tomorrow. The Dodgers have not lost a series against an NL opponent since early May.
Haha, or you could just leave very, very dissapointed.
Way to chase crap there.
14 hits? Geez.
I thought you were an optimist.
Besides, if I walk away with a pic with Antonio Gates, I will not be disappointed at the end of the day.
10 Years in the minors? Crash Davis much?
Leadoff walk!
Gotta start somewhere
It comes and goes.
Damnit Lando.
Hiro is pitching tomorrow against some newbie.
No Manny heroics tonight.
Manny 0 for 3
That was anti-climactic.
Andre keeps hope alive.
Andre's pulling his weight tonight.
Dare I even think about a two-out rally here?
Who do you think we are, Mr. C? The Marlins?
Casey sucks... im in a pissy mood.
This better be a blip on the radar. I want Randy Newman tomorrow, dammit!
My mistake.
this game started off with a card analogy and turned into craps.
Now where the hell is my scotch?
Okay, here we go. Three in the ninth.
Okay, so our boys enjoy doing everything with one out.
Or two outs.
Loney still sucks.
who do you like dusto?
That does it.
That's all, folks.
Glad we used up the bullpen, too.
Heeeerreeeee you go dear.
PGT up.
Well, with all those 0-Fers at the bottom of the lineup, plus Manny's 0-fer, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised
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