But really, isn't every day Steve Garvey Day at SoSG? Thanks again to QuadSevens, this time for this tidbit:
1974 — Write-in starter Steve Garvey of the Los Angeles Dodgers singled and doubled to lead the NL to a 7-2 victory over the AL in the All-Star game at Pittsburgh.
Happy 35th anniversary, Dad!
Gather round youngsters while Grandpa rbn spins ye a yarn of yesteryear.
Back in 1974, voting was done with punch cards given out at stadiums or available in grocery stores at the Gillette display. I remember voting for Garv about 20 times, which meant writing his name on a very tiny line at the bottom of the ballot. So, his accomplishment is as much a tribute to the fans at the time as it is to his stellar performance in the game (which he played while suffering with the flu). Good on ya', Pops Garvey.
Bill Buckner was the Dodger nominee on the ballot who played more games in left that 1st.
The ballot: http://tinyurl.com/kmzkqr
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