From Mrs. Orel, a wee ditty to commemorate Manny Ramirez's return:
Oh Manny boy, the fans, the fans are calling
From glen to glen and down the Ravine side
The summer's high and all the palms are blowing
'Tis you, 'tis you must come and must not hide.And come ye back 'fore fall is deep in Chavez
Or when the grounds are hushed empty below
'Tis we'll be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Manny boy, oh Manny boy we love you so.And if you come when all the cheers are dying
And we are dead, as dead we may well be
You'll come and find the parking lot is empty
You'll bow at the plate and say "Ave" for we.But we shall hear, for hard you'll swing for all we
And so our dreams still warm and sweeter be
If you'll not fail and show us that you love we
We'll simply cheer "Hurray" and leave you be.
first photo by Jon SooHoo/Dodgers; second photo by Juan Ocampo/Dodgers
I'm heading down to San Diego today--I wouldn't miss it!--and I'll be singing a little song.
Sing it with me...you know the tune:
Take me out to see Manny,
Can’t wait to be part of that crowd!
He’s paid his dues, now he’s back to play
Poor Beast Mode on the bench he must stay
“I’m baaaaaaaaaack” (again) with the Dodgers
Still in first place—how we shine!!
The Suspension Fat Lady is singing today--
“Welcome back number 99!”
Dodgers 99-ers! Go Team!
Have fun, Julie, Quad, Nic j and everyone else. Loved the ladies' rhymes!
Go Manny!
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