Clayton Kershaw (7-5, 3.16) vs. Mike Hampton (5-6, 4.52).
Clayton: Sez here I'm pitching against a Mike Hampton. Is he a relative of yours? Do you know who I'm talking about?Old Man: Mike Hampton. Hampton....Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time.
Clayton: I think my uncle knows him. He said he was dead.
Old Man: Oh, he's not dead....Not yet.
Clayton: You know him?
Old Man: But of course I know him. He's me. I haven't pitched against the Dodgers since, oh, before you entered the league.
Clayton: Well then, the start does belong to you.
I'll be at tonight's game, on the Loge level, and will check in with the Game Thread (cell reception permitting).
So, were you trying to set a bad mood in the thread by linking to an article where Andruw Jones brags about homering off the Dodgers?
Oh, and Torre's going all LaRussa again:
Furcal, SS
Hudson, 2B
Manny, LF
Blake, 3B
Kemp, RF
Loretta, 1B
Martin, C
Kershaw, P
Pierre, CF
Good to see Kemp back in the line-up.
"So, were you trying to set a bad mood in the thread by linking to an article where Andruw Jones brags about homering off the Dodgers?"
Someone actually clicks on those links?
I'll be in the Yard tonight, wearing exactly the same clothes I wore the last time I was there and we won (the Wednesday day game against Rox). And no, I haven't washed the clothes. I sat right next to Bill Russell (he was there for MLB umpire observance duties) so I've been sort of keeping the clothes in reverence and for purposes of slump getting out of. Mrs. Baker hasn't exactly understood, but I'm sure my diabolical plan will pay off.
Section: 8R
Row: D
Seats: 18,19,20
Less than 308 hours until the trading deadline (approximately 12 days and 20 hours)
He's baaaaaack!
I'll be at that game.
Now it can be $18 or even $12 million per win!
Jason Schmidt to start Monday,huh?>
I'll believe when I see it. I don't think he can make it to Dodger Stadium without hurting something.
awkward silence...
Greetings from Dodger Stadium!
"Someone actually clicks on those links?"
Always. I also was reminded of J.D Drew reading that old recap.
Have a great time, Orel!
They're giving away Livestrong bracelets today.
Giants lose!! I'm happy.
By the way Orel, this game thread with an episode IV reference rocks the world.
Giants lose! Great way to start the game!
My attitude toward schmidt has gone from anger to sympathy. I know the guys is making millions but you have to believe it's hard for hm to be where he was and have his ability and have it taken away from you by an injury. Plus, the contract was pure ignorance on dodger management.
I will quitely be rooting for the guy, he is still a dodger. Plus, he has got to do at least better than bills last night, right?
"By the way Orel, this game thread with an episode IV reference rocks the world"
Speaking of geekdom, how was Harry Potter? How many times have you seen it?
Jesus...between the Harry Potter movie I took n today and the opening ceremony w the veterans who had lost their limbs,I'm a bit weepy when I need to have my game face on.
Very touching ceremonial first pitches with four disabled vets. Standing ovation from the crowd.
I hear you, Dusty.
Nice Diamond Vision feature with Jon SooHoo's photography.
And today's Joe Torre's birthday!
Two batters, one run!
Giants lose!
Let's give Joe a birfday victory. A lot of his relatives are here tonight, incl grandkids.
"Speaking of geekdom, how was Harry Potter? How many times have you seen it?"
Just twice, on the day of release. I'm waiting the tide lowers to watch it again. It's pretty good, it might be the best Harry Potter movie yet, with one contender: Prisoner of Azkaban.
It's true,they changed the book, however they managed to keep the essence of the story. They also are introducing some things for the next movies, pay attention for the climax sequence at the top of the tower, it's important for the ending of the whole story.
Liked it a lot, in spite of the changes, it made me react the same way about the books do: laughter, fear, suspense and sadness.
Dusty Baker, i feel your sentiment.
Bison getting it done in RF.
So far, the title of this game could be: "The brilliance of Orlando Hudson"
Totally agree w ur assessment. I really think this HP is my fav. It did a gr8 job giving depth to both the characters and the HP mythology, and didn't just give us wand-play with special FX. Top class flick, it is.
Kershaw at 34 pitches. He needs to conserve a little.
My son is coming back!
Hampton's got nothing. Let's light him up like Times Square.
I'm watching the Astros broadcast and they're showing Calista Flockhart, where's han Solo?
Dusty, agree with you. I guess the Academy will recognize the Harry Potter franchise in the last movie.
Besides, the use of special effects is always justified, not like certain summer blockbusters.
Dodgers 2, Astros 0
Maybe he's flying solo?
Did Hudson look like he was limping after that groundout?
A little bit, Matt.
Screw it, I'll get both.
Manny showing OUTSTANDING defense.
Good hustle, Manny! Crowd loves it.
"Maybe he's flying solo?"
This game thread has a Star Wars theme, it'd be cool if Han Solo was around Dodger Stadium.
Beer or Margarita?
No butterbeer or firewhisky?
Hampton's settled down or our bats have gone to sleep, or both.
KISS ME LONEY sign on Kiss Cam, followed by Loney's reaction. Priceless.
Great play by Loretta!
I'd wish to see that reaction!
Has to be the first Kiss Cam episode that I've ever actually found enjoyable.Also the last couple they showed was older; the guy looked at his wife or girlfriend like "do I have to? I kissed you on our wedding night 42 years ago, wasn't that enough?"
When did Mike Hampton turn into freakin' Cy Young?
Soccer stop by Kershaw!
Kershaw at 86 pitches. He could go seven.
Manny double, runners in scoring position, one out.
Jaws theme music as Bison comes up to bat.
Shouldn't it be...wait, what is near extinct plains mammal theme music?
Rancho Ardiendo for the Bison!
WTF just happened?
Time wasn't called! Gotta love a gift run!
that was awesome!
Hampton tried to throw the ball into his glove in frustration but missed and threw it toward the dugout. Heads-up baserunning scores the extra run.
The crowd gave Hampton a razzing when they showed the replay.
Hampton: control your anger. And oh, there's a phone call coming in for you...it's from 1998 saying what a good pitcher you were then.
it's not often you credit Bison with heads-up baserunning
did ya see mannys rbi double! and hes been slumpin... mannnn.him and his lil kicks are gonna make this team bumpin again! unlike elaine benes parties... :\ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xi4O1yi6b0
GGGrrrrr....beach balls...YMCA on loudspeaker...wave in full force. Must find way to concentrate on what us fans call a "baseball game."
Orel, did you see Tom Watson leading the wave at the British Open?
Come on j mac, let's keep this lead for Minotaur
cmon James, tighten it up
McD allowed a hit to a .169 hitter.
Looks like McDonald didn't bring it tonight. C'mon Leach!
Schmidt to start on Monday? hmmmmmm
cmon guys, cut the shit!
"Orel, did you see Tom Watson leading the wave at the British Open?"
No -- was he the one on the Simpsons?
HA HA HA! "Fertilizer, says Blum." I love listening to Vin...
tough calls all around
Orel, Lee Carvallo?
What did the replay show?
Carlos Lee taking the "Lee sucks!" chant with good humor.
Orel, Tom Kite is probably who you are thinking of
SD 3, COL 1, bot 8
JB is back! cmon kid, be tough!
"Orel, Tom Kite is probably who you are thinking of"
Okay, then Tom Watson sucks.
Brox is still not looking good.
Looks like he is rebounding a bit. Good to see.
Does pudge still have the bat speed to keep up with brox?
rodriguess he can't.
good win and a great start by Clayton
Clearly my non-shirt washing gambit paid off!!!
It's good to see Kershaw have a good, long outing. We need our starters to go longer than 6 innings every now and then.
amazing. the best pitcher on the team with the best record in MLB is only 21 in his 1st FULL season. WOW. i know Chad and Wolf have helped, but still
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