Randy Wolf (3-3, 3.49) vs. Livan Hernandez (5-4, 4.56).
COMMENTS: Okay, so maybe, like Rafael Furcal, Mr. Met swings both ways. The same could be said of the Mets themselves, disappearing Tuesday then reappearing yesterday to take Hiroki Kuroda behind the woodshed.
Which Mets team will show up today? Impossible to know, and further complicating matters is Wolf, a Mets killer who also attracts no-decisions like burrs to pets. The enigmatic Hernandez has lost his last three starts but pitched well against the Dodgers in May.
So I'm as unsure about today's game as I was sure the Dodgers would win yesterday, which means...huh? Where was I? Oh yeah, Mr. Met sure gets a lot of action. That dog.
photo 1 by dMdC Photography; photo 2 from Tangerine Music
1 – 200 of 252 Newer› Newest»Voting is over. Now we wait.
Since he already changed his jersey number, Randy should just change his name to Ray Wolf. That way, he won't have an ND anymore.
The announcer at New Shea always references Mr Met as "The best mascot in sports," I am guessing because of this article
or maybe it's because of Mr Met's large gloves...
Did Pablo Sandwich win?
Kemp is not going to win. It's obvious by looking at the picture on MLB.com
Mr. Met is a married man! And he cheats on Mrs. Met with a man AND a woman?!?!? What is he teaching young Mets fans?
Furcal, SS
Ethier, RF
Manny, LF
Blake, 3B
Loney, 1B
Martin, C
Hudson, 2B
Kemp, CF
Wolf, P
finally ethier in front of manny! but kemp needs to move on up
O-Dog really dropped. I hope it doesn't hurt his confidence.
he had to drop.
maybe he'll have less stress now?
hopefully he gets on while kemp is hot
Kemp should be higher, yes, but I like the idea of someone with speed batting before the pitcher, who can bunt him over.
Either that, or you have theoretical table-setters in Martin and Hudson in case Matt feels like hitting for power.
As of now, if Kemp does not win the Final Vote, Victorino should be the winner, not "I'm in love with Kung Pao Chicken" Panda. That way, with Beltran out, they give the open slot to Kemp, whereas if Panda wins, Victorino gets the nod.
if victorina wins, pablo will get in.
but i heard hanley may miss the ASG, so maybe kemp can get in
Bran-Torino won.
Ibanez is also still on the DL, yes?
if pablo won, kemp could have gotten in for beltran. now that a OF won, Palo will get in. man this sucks. hopefully Ibanez and Hanley just sit it out. rest up for the stretch run guys
Had to think about that for about five seconds. Explains my sorry performance on the puzzles.
I lost interest in the ASG when I was about 13, but I still voted my ass off for the Bison. We need to figure out how the Gnats' fans got their bots to do it and get around the security code.
You know they cheated, but how did the Flyin' Hawaiian get the nod?
More media coverage.
Expound, Nic, expound.
OT, but how much do I love GoatMilk's avatar?
(A: Lots)
The Dodgers just sent me an email thanking me for voting for the Bison. I've been entered to win a Matt Kemp bobblehead, and given a promo code for tickets. Cool beans.
I've seen tons of highlights of victorino and sandoughval highlights in the past week. None of kemp. Also I really think that the dodgers playing all away games during the voting period affected matt kemps vote.
That and the off-day
Yeah those were definitely big handicaps. Oh well. I think Kemp's a little more well-known now than he was a week ago, at least. And he still might make the team.
They still need a backup OF don't they?
It's my turn in the chain fiction thing, and I have the worst writer's block of my life.
Listening on Gameday Audio. No Steiner. Monday said he has the next few days off. Josh Suchon is filling in. This should be...something.
Correction: Sounds like Suchon just filled in on the pre-game. Monday's going to be flying solo through the weekend.
I just don't get Blake being Manny's protection. Wouldn't we all rather see Kemp there?
Raffy feeling hot, hot, hot.
Raffy Lives!
Ethier lives!
Nice hit from Ethier, going the other way.
Is there anywhere that has batting average by the order of the lineup? It seems like kemp does worse when he drops below 7th in the lineup. The only two times I remember him batting cleanup he went 0fer.
Hooray for Manny!
Furcal, SS
Ethier, RF
Ramirez, LF
Blake, 3B
Loney, 1B
Martin, C
Hudson, 2B
Kemp, CF
Wolf, P
Apparently, hitting the ball is the answer!
It's such a small sample size with him batting above 7th, though. Someone said on another blog that something like 70% of his hits have come when he bats 7-9, but then 80% of his bats have been down there, so it's more likely that most of his hits would be there, too.
Loney walks. Bases juiced for Martin.
Rancho Ardiendo.
Nic j, Baseball Reference's splits pages has it. Kemp bats best in the 7th or 8th spots, but anywhere else is a small sample size.
Funny headline from Deadspin that I thought I'd share with you guys.
Erin Andrews hit by foul ball goes to hospital with chin bruise. (Not a euphemism). But she's okay.
Guess John Hirschbeck isn't behind the plate, or that would have been strike three to Martin.
Down goes Martin.
Beware of Dog.
O-Dog thrown out, but who cares? Three runs score! 4-0, Dodgers!
I love our team.
I really, really love that we were able to take advantage of that. We let Perez off the hook too many damn times last night.
tumbling in.
Motto of the game has to be...Take No Prisoners.
Josh S., I have to say that your comment about Wolf changing his name to "Ray" was pretty hilarious.
As my brother said: "last night's game was so bad was so bad, they only should count it only if it was necessary".
Alright 4 early runs in a pitchers park. If Randy manages to pull off a ND he has to change his name to Even Steven.
Thanks, Erin!
Wolf lost him. That's embarrasing.
David Ortiz just hit home run #300 in his career.
Now THAT was a first inning!
So what will Ohman's number be when (if?) he comes back?
Wolf really wants to have a no-decision.
Offensively, I mean. Wolf looks determined to give something back.
Looks like wolf wants his ND.
Uh oh.
Randy occasionally has shaky first innings before settling down, though
Seriously, Wolf?
GIDP would be nice.
Jeez, that was close.
Christ, that ball scared me.
Too high, but scary fly-out.
The Dodgers need to stop running jinxy articles like the one about Randy's dominance over the Mets.
A belated O-Dog is a Wolf's best friend!
I thought he was determined to win, he shaved his beard.
Whew, that could have been much worse.
Okay. We got through it.
Not bad. Let's get some more runs now.
4 more now, please.
This inning was too cheap for Wolf.
I bet we go 1-2-3 this inning.
Orel, are you suggesting the Bison will produce an out?
Sadly, yes.
HAH! Suck it, Orel.
Happy to be wrong!
Quote of the Thread (so far):
"Hah, Suck it Orel."
Maybe Torre is grooming Kemp for the cleanup spot after the All-Star break?
Vote Bison!
Damn it, Kemp.
Lyons doesn't know regular All-Star votes are limited to 25 votes?
I am vindicated!
Dammit, Bison. I went out on a limb for you.
So Orel was right.
(Not proudly so.)
Unsuck it, Orel!
And of course, Furcal singles.
And Furcal makes Kemp really regret that move.
Furcal singles. Of course.
Damn kemp.
Furcal is on fire.
I want Manny to bat this inning.
Kemp's turf.
Instantly, Furcal gets a single.
Wish granted.
Here's Manny.
It's hard to believe the Mets have so many position players on the DL, because their pitching sucks.
It's weird. I'm still not used to Manny being back.
Manny more runs!
Damn the Bison!
He's an RBI Single Machine!
Well, we got that one back.
Manny, shut the Plaschke alikes wit your performance.
Yay Beard!
Yee Haw.
Me likey.
Hit parade! Manny wisely stays at second.
Nice. Keep it going.
"OK guys, new strategy: Score every inning."
Neeebs, what's TNP?
Karina: I've been practicing my puzzle talent by eating chocolate. Beware!
Take No Prisoners!!!!!
We've let too many teams get back in the game after scoring early
See reference at 4:25 this post.
Sorry, i missed that comment.
Wolf's getting into too many full counts.
Damn blooper.
And he just let the pitcher get a hit.
I know it's Livan, but come on.
Erin: I totally forgot about the Fiction Chain.
I'm right behind you.
You need to set me up with big softballs so I can whack them into RBN's court.
Chomping at the bit.
Wolf now has more pitches than Hernandez.
Wolf is not going to last long
With wolfs luck he won't even go five with a huge lead and get the ND again.
Diamond Leung is saying Kemp still has a good chance to get into the All-Star Game. See update on the main page.
Diamond's been a bit of a homer lately. Stupid panda.
Vote Bison!
I hate David Wright
David Wright is good.
Sheffield gave his little hop like he thought he hit that ball a lot harder.
Sheffield did his home-run hop out of the batter's box there.
Great minds, Erin.
Randy needs a DP bad.
What is Wolf's pitch count?
Randy'll get an ND, but only because he won't go the five innings.
Doesn't look like Randy is getting a decision tonight either.
Run for an out here.
67 pitches
That they do, Orel.
Who is going to do the long relief job tonight? Weaver has to pitch on sat, is Milton back from the DL yet? Jmac maybe.
I really hope he can go at least five.
Maybe Vargas, if the inning on Tuesday didn't hurt.
Wow, Sheffield just stood there on that ball.
Raffy is HOT!
Furcal sure got better in a hurry.
Is that really you, Furcal?
Furcal is HOT.
Ethier is COLD
That should go down as an IBB.
Shoulda just plunked him, Livan.
Wait, there's someone in West Hollywood named Herbert Garrison?
Fast Furcal!
That was close.
Bad call. I'll take it.
And we get a break.
More close plays.
Let's cash it in!
The umps do, however, get paid a lot.
Now is the time to...
Rancho Ardiendo! own Livan, son!
Livan is just waiting to be pulled
Russ delivers!
We are getting gunned down like rabbits today!
Slowney. But we got some runs.
That was the right call.
8-2. Nice to see Russell come through in the clutch.
Nic j, to be fair with Loney, it was a close call.
I also called J. Martin was going to own Hernandez.
Even more close plays.
Loney-Wolf showing good defense!
I thought Wolf was checking to see if Cora was okay, but Lyons is seeing that differently.
Bad toss by Loney.
My brother is shaking his head in disapproval. Poor little thing his baseball teams are not so lately. I try to comfort him saying the Mets are a hospital, he says he has at least Real Madrid.
Seeing today's game makes me think we really should have won yesterday's.
I don't think there is anything unfair about calling him slow. He is one of the slower guys on the team. I don't mind him going for it in that situation.
Just a little playful banter.
btw I'm sure he could beat me easily in a foot race.
C'mon, Wolf. Just one more out.
Have they ever made a Shef bobblehead where the bat bobbled too, if not they should.
He did it! Wolf can now actually get the win!
There we go, wolfs in line for a win!!
Dusto's caps lock button thanks you for your performance Raffy.
That buzz happens every pitch. Weird.
I think someone is blowing a duck call as the pitch crosses the plate.
Yeah, you're right, Nic. It sounds like a duck call. I had the game on mute until now, but I think someone is just trying to be annoying.
Maybe Casey is trying to work some hunting in.
Once again, I'm starting to get my fears of a Dodgers/Red Sox World Series.
Russ is pulling that ball again.
Not sure I like the Dodgertown song.
That's because it's a Montgomery Gentry song.
And Montgomery Gentry sucks.
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