HIroki Kuroda (3-4, 3.91) vs. Oliver Perez (1-2, 9.97).
COMMENTS: The Mets have not scored in their last 22 innings, they don't have an extra base hit in their last 29 innings, and they're running out there a pitcher who is returning from the DL with an ERA that just barely slips under the double-digit level. But don't come crying to me, Mr. Disproportionately Large Baseball Head Guy. We've got enough things to worry about on our own.
Like how Manny Ramirez' impressive 3-RBI night was covered by the national media as "Manny booed, ejected" and "Ramirez ejected after called third strike" (seriously, read that article, and tell me that it wasn't written with a predisposed lynching in mind). Or how Matt Kemp is getting eclipsed in the All-Star Game Final Vote by a 500-pound tub of lard (among others). Or how Hiroki Kuroda has spent most of the year on the DL as well, and is still getting his sea legs back.
Yeah, spare me the tears, Mets fans. It's not like your payroll is $35M more than our payroll. Oh wait, it is.
1 – 200 of 319 Newer› Newest»The Jays just released former closer B.J. Ryan. (cough, sign him, cough)
Does CBSSports really not know where the Nationals or Pirates are from? I know they are small market teams and all, but come on!
Quadsevens, that is indeed some pretty funny shit. I didn't notice that when I made the link.
Check out the homeless Nats and Pirates on the last link in the GT, sports fans!
What's with the new avatar Mr LA SF?
Oh my word, it's Artest's new jersey
COL 8, WAS 3 (top 7)
FLA 4, SFO 0 (top 7)
Furcal, SS
Hudson, 2B
Manny, LF
Blake, 3B
Loretta, 1B
Martin, C
Ethier, RF
Kemp, CF
Kuroda, P
Loney sitting!
Beat to the lineup by a fraction of a second! You'd think this was your blog or something.
Uh...Free James Loney?
Josh, let's call a spade a spade: This is Orel's blog of late. He's doing a hell of a great job managing this whole circus.
So on FJL, are you wondering about the nickname, or why he's not in the lineup?
Now I've updated my avi again.
Beware the wrath of Ron!
4-0 FLA, top nine
I beware the raps of Ron, too
Merkin "Exxon" Valdez has men at second and third with one out in the top of the ninth in SF. Florida still leads 4-0.
"But don't come crying to me, Mr. Disproportionately Large Baseball Head Guy."
Someone has been listening to a lot of "Real Men of Genius" Commercials on the radio. See: http://budlight.whipnet.com/
They are great, and I usually end up singing them to myself during the games.
How could this guy not be voted in?
Classic classic video.
I couldn't help it.
I'd rather be the "most interesting man in the world" than a "real man of genius."
That guy's a stud.
"So on FJL, are you wondering about the nickname, or why he's not in the lineup?"
Sorry. Inappropriate use of a question mark on my part. I was just trying to change the subject after getting beaten to the lineup. I said FJL in jest since it's the first time he's sat all season.
I've changed again. I'm the superman of changing avatars.
Mr LASF, you are getting me nervous with the change of avatars. Did you know changing avatars on game threads is bad luck?
I laugh in the face of bad luck. If anything, bad luck should fear me.
Beware the wrath of Ron!
(that is my unofficial catchphrase)
Karina's avatar makes me warm and fuzzy like having a good butterbeer.
Listening on the radio. Steiner doesn't seem to understand that the half-game the Dodgers gained on the Giants today is only temporary. Twice he's acted as though the Dodgers get that half-game no matter what.
Now he's sort of clarified by saying "at the moment." It's almost like someone told him he sounded stupid.
4-pitch walk to Raffy.
Oh my god they're cheering strikes.
Out of relief?
FC replaces Raffy with O-Dog.
Manny, first-pitch fly out.
Man on first with two away here.
Mr LASF, i like your attitude.
Fanerman, i love the fact you're a Potter geek. Already excited by the movie?
How could any avatar be more warm and fuzzy (warmer and fuzzier?) than the FANERMAN avatar?
While I understand that Torre wants to play righty vs. lefty, this park does play into the hands of left-handed pull-hitters. We saw that last night with DeWitt.
Hooray for Loretta!
Loretta RBI single!
Loretta with an RBI single!
Dodgers score again in the first inning!
Real quick comment: Roger Lodge is a douche.
He also piled on Manny's ejection and predicted (along with the rest of the media) that Manny will be the Dodgers' undoing by the end of the season.
2-4 and 3 RBI and ejected by the 5th. I'll take that undoing.
Remember: Roger Lodge=Douchebag.
Andrew Jones=Douche Mode.
OK, so far so good with Loretta.
Dodgers 41-13 when they score first
Martin hits .500 to Perez.
I can't stand Lodge. I never listened to him, but I saw him a few times on KTLA. He was a pretentious jerk-off who said the Angels would beat the Dodgers in the World Series if they both made it.
Russ ends the inning with a pop-up.
Race you to comment 50?
Unbelievably, that inning lowers Perez's ERA.
Epale, all. I like striking first.
i don't want to hear anyone say "JP would have caught that one"
Does Lodge still have a sports show? Last I left off, that douchebag was on that station that went all-Korean, all the time. He is one arrogant turd.
'cricket noises'
I think he's on 870, the Angels' station.
Lol @ Neeebs.
Of course I'm excited karina! My Hogwarts t-shirt is ready to go.
That's a one man race. Back to work
That figures. *one fewer vote for Chone Figgins this afternoon*
Fanerman, you're in the running for my favorite SOSG commenter.
"I just think we stink right now, we're just not very good."
--David Wright, to the NY Daily News
Final Vote update on the main page.
Ooh! Roger Lodge bashing? Can I join in? He's one of those idjits trying to fan the flames of the non-existent Dodgers/Angels rivalry.
Kuroda ends the Mets' poor excuse of a threat.
On radio there is an ad for "man groomer" so you can shave all that hair off your back.
Yeah, that's his M.O. Hailing from the mean streets of Cerritos, he talks a tough game.
Do the angels have an actual rival?
I'm radio only today, so heard that back hair groomer ad. At first I thought it was a joke, like an SNL fake commercial. That is SO not what I want to hear about right now. I'd rather see Jack in the Box employees sandwich each other singing about buffalo ranch chicken sandwiches.
Ethier can't hit a lick against lefties.
Vote Bison
Vote Kemp!
"It takes you 30 minutes to go over the ground rules."
Venezuelan guy who works at ESPN Deportes: i've already voted for Pablo "Kung Fun Panda" Sandoval.
I'm telling you...
I'm honored, Neeebs.
Bison Single!
Nice bunt for Hiro.
Fanerman, my Griffindor tie is waiting anxiously to see the light of the day. I'm going to see the movie on the day of the release, twice in a row. First function is at 2:20 pm.
I could practically hear Steiner holding his tongue after Monday read the ad.
I had a chance to see the new Harry Potter since Mrs. S works for Warner Bros., but the preview screening is the same day as the baby shower.
"I could practically hear Steiner holding his tongue after Monday read the ad."
As long as he doesn't get confused and we end up hearing about Bosch Hairless Water Heaters.
Rbnlaw, the bar for "d...." umpires was raised for me. Last season, some idiot who wears umpire gear at winter baseball, ejected my team's very lovable mascot. Because his complains, the league suspended the mascot for 14 games.
A week before that incident, he made a very unfair call that benefited Leones and the play was very clear, it was safe by a mile...Aguilas lost the game for one run.
Coincidentally, the day when the mascot returned, he had first base duty. Of course, people yelled at him very awful things (i didn't, i'm a lady that doesn't curse, so i just booed and gave him the stink eye), after the game finished, this girl who goes to lots of games insulted him and he went to the stands insulting her with very foul language. A guy who also goes to every game almost punches him, security had to stop him and he kept saying: why don't you go after me?.
Rest of the crowd was cheering at this guy...
Wow, karina. A Gryffindor tie. That's serious business!
Interesting "route" by Manny.
I'm ready for Pierre to come in as a defensive replacement.
Serious stuff, Karina!
Hiroki's been flirting with trouble every inning.
Alright guys, I'm out. Full schedule tonight.
Go Blue! Vote Bison!
All tied up.
That took too many pitches to retire Perez
Orel, it was very bad, i even saw a security guard pushing the umpire with the excuse to get him apart from the fan.
We were very upset because both unfair calls he did, benefited Leones and Aguilas fans hate Leones. Both calls made Heath Totten lost a game and get a no-decision.
Did you know why he ejected the mascot?. This umpire, Dario Rivero gave a safe call at home, when it was clearly an out. He ejected Aguilas manager, then he ejected Heath Totten ( he was so furious he ripped his uniform shirt). Between innings, Agui (the mascot) got a broom and cleaned home plate, so he ejected Agui. How ridiculous is that?
Agui left the field, but he entered the stands right beside home. He stopped the game 'till Agui left but 15 minutes later Agui was running over the stands in the outfield. Obviously it was a protest for his bad callings.
Besides, you can eject someone from the field, NOT THE STADIUM.
Fanerman, i'm debating if i should wear my prescription glasses or stick to my routine contact lenses. Would it be too much?
Karina, do you think it was related to gambling?
Erin Andrews talking about the "Beast Mode"!
Back2Back walks after retiring the first two. Dodgers are making Perez work.
Perez has walked the bases loaded.
Hmm. Do your prescription glasses look like Harry Potter's?
I want to think it's not related to gambling. It would be very shameful but now you mention it, it makes sense.
This umpire has a history against Aguilas, the organization has filed lots of complaints to the league and i still don't understand why they keep sending him to umpire games at Maracaibo or why the league doesn't do something about it. Next time he does something like that, it won't be pretty, he could get hurt.
I do not condone aggressive behavior but there's a possibly some drunken people could think otherwise.
Rancho Ardiendo!
Nope, mine are thick squared brown glasses, you know, rocking the geek chic look!
Rancho Ardiendo. Perez is struggling. We need to make him pay.
Those sarcastic cheers are pretty loud.
Citi Field: home of the sarcastic cheer.
Well, at least his pitch count is up.
Another walk. Nice.
Dre, next time...maybe your thing is the late inning clutch.
Karina, I think I'd go with whichever is the best prescription. Gotta see every last detail!
What the hell is Kuroda doing?
Kuroda is a doubles machine today.
Kuroda has allowed three doubles so far. You can put your stuff together, Hiro.
How are we even losing?
huh, were trailing. thats a little weird.
Three doubles in three innings, that's how.
It seems truly impossible that we are losing. We certainly didn't take advantage of the shitty pitches Perez was throwing, and now we're paying the price.
Contacts then, Fanerman. Thanks to help me to make up my mind.
That wasn't a good throw, Manny.
Well, if it was Juan Pierre throwing....
Now Kuroda's freaking me out.
Perez must have left some walk residue on the mound.
if it was juan pierre throwing we would have needed an extra cutoff man.
Oh c'mon, Blake, what the hell are you doing? This is getting bad.
Unbelievable. Glad we could help the Mets break their slump.
hmm, strange.
No problem.
Unlike Hiroki. 4-pitch walk =/.
its still early.
and we are probably looking at like 5 innings of the mets Pen.
what the heck, came back and the wheels have fallen off
Unbelievable. This is fucked.
damn, still early though.
It's getting worse. Kuroda has nothing.
Thanks for saving it for national television, too, guys.
He needs to stop it right here.
Unbelievable....we'll have to cross our fingers, expect the Mets bullpen perform at their most dreadful and pray for a couple of errors with RISP.
there we go. just one more.
That couldn't have ended sooner.
alright lets get it back. Thinking positive today, i guess Karina has influenced me.
Aflac: Who holds the record for most All-Star selections as a Dodger?
The answer is not Hiroki Kuroda.
"alright lets get it back. Thinking positive today, i guess Karina has influenced me.
Awwww, Nic j. If we think positive, it could happen.
Belly's on the DL, Wade has been recalled.
Maybe the fact Kemp hits 8th on national television is not helping him on the All Star vote.
Father Garvey?
they said on the radio that Belly had no structural damage, so thats good.
Vote Bison
Not a good 3rd inning. Time to exploit the soft underbelly that is the Mets defense!
there we go, lead off single.
GREAT at-bat from Kemp there.
nice bunt by Hiro.
Just 19 more pitches and Perez is gone.
i actually wouldnt mind if he stuck around, we could use some more walks.
Yay for Furcal!
There we go!
there we go guys, think positive.
Furcal RBI single! si se puede, ladies and gents!
Matt Kemp's single + RBI just got 25 votes from me!
Furcal is really doing well since Manny's return.
I hate David Wright
damn, tough break. One run closer though.
There's 1!
manny cant do much damage hitting leadoff.
Aflac: Pee Wee Reese (10 appearance)
Leaving Oliver in? okay.
Well done, AC!
Nice inning for Hiro.
Much better inning. And quick, too. Way to settle down, Hiroki.
I can't stand Rick Sutcliffe as an announcer, please tell me i'm not alone.
there we go, easy inning. Lets get some runs now.
Mute button, Wicks.
Crush it, Manny.
Oh, I'm using it Fanerman! I have no choice if I want to keep from throwing up.
woo, lets hope manny plays a little longer tonight.
the person running the pitch count on prime ticket is too slow.
Perez is on his last legs.
That was Beard's third walk of the game.
Back to back walks...bullpen coming up!
wolf changed his number?!?! They should give refunds on jersey shirts when they do that mid season. If there is anyone out there with a randy wolf shirt.
Master Ran-Dee can convince you not to ask for a refund.
Torre benched the wrong lefty
its a shame Perez this crappy and still leave winning.
Mr LASF you have a point there.
Loney's batting .301 against southpaws, Ethier bats .189
That, and Beast Mode hits well against lefties.
Oh how I hate David Wright
hmmm, that no good.
It was supposed Wright was in a slump.
Lyons just said "lift and separate." Home runs or bras?
This is getting ridiculous.
things could be worse, we are only down two.
If we ask for a double play, it will come.
Hiro just doesnt have it tonight.
Kuroda is a mess.
We're losing to an assortment of minor leaguers.
lets see what wades got, his minor league work hasnt been great, but he is a fly ball pitcher and ALB is a major hitters park. Im sure Citi will be a little kinder to him.
Erin, indeed and if they lose this game, i'm going to eat my breakfast tomorrow in silence.
Sutcliffe just said our pitching tonight shows we must make a trade for Holliday quickly.......hahahahahahahaha
Now it's getting worse
maybe not.
Schneider, from all people...
trade for Holliday? what did that guy smoke?
I read on the dodgers.com board someone who said we could trade Loney for Blablock.
alright, just one more out. Down three with four innings to go is manageable.
Is anyone using Safari as browser? it's taking ages to load the vote page.
Nic, you are looking on the sunny side of life today.
yeah, i am. I think its because i already know the giants lost.
Whew, that was close
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