Pujols photo by L.G. Patterson/MLB.com; Lincecum: AP photo
Random rantings and ravings about the Los Angeles Dodgers, written by a small consortium of rabid Dodger fans. With occasional comments on baseball, entertainment, pop culture, and life in general.
4/3 vs. SF (W, 5-4): Sax
4/15 vs. WSH (L, 4-6): Dusty, Orel, Sax
5/6 vs. MIA (W, 6-3): AC, Sax
5/16 vs. CIN (L, 2-7): AC, Sax
6/12 vs. TEX (L, 2-3): Sax
7/5 vs. MIL (W, 8-5): Sax
7/21 vs. BOS (W, 9-6): Sax
7/24 vs. SF (L, 3-8): Sax
8/24 vs. TB (L, 8-9 (10)): Sax
8/29 vs. BAL (W, 6-3): Orel, Sax
9/9 vs. CHC (L, 4-10): Sax
10/5 NLDS G1 vs. SD (W, 7-5): Sax
10/6 NLDS G2 vs. SD (L, 2-10): Orel, Sax
10/25 WS G1 vs. NYY (W, 6-3 (10)): Sax
Way to dress up Linc. It looks likes he got to St. Louis via boxcar.
Btw I hope he can outduel Doc, I'd like to see the nl win it.
I thought the second pic was a hobo.
It looks like Timmah's head is morphing into a bullet.
"Relax, I'm not a stabbing hobo. I'm a pitchin' hobo! 'Nothing beaks/the hobo life/striking out folks with my hobo strikes.'"
Jesus, Timmah! looks either looks "Jay" from "Jay and Silent Bob," or it looks like he's about ready to be dropped off at the skate park while his mom shops at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
1. Glad to see the use of "Timmah" is catching on.
2. Pujols was classy on the HR Derby broadcast.
3. They don't call Timmah "The Freak" for nothin'. They way the Gnats blow out arms, he'll be lucky to see his first fat contract.
Pujols is a fantastic player. I hope that he stays clean. Would be TERRIBLE for baseball if he were using PEDs.
Sports Satire - Steroids Wish They Were Used by Albert Pujols
Tim's look would be very fitting of a 70s era badass reliever
Lincecum = Jimbo Jones
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