Before we get to today's puzzle, just want to note that you don't want to miss next Monday's puzzle, as it's straight from the mind of Mr Customer!
Anyhow, here's today's:
Puzzle Rules: The answer to the puzzle is a MLB team (not the Dodgers). Comment freely in the thread, but if you have the solution, please don't give it away to everyone in the comments section. Instead, do the following:
- Email us with the team name and the reasoning behind it. Answers submitted without reasoning, or with the incorrect reasoning (even if the answer itself is correct) will count for participation credit only. And please include your screen name somewhere in the email; and
- Post a comment simply saying you have emailed your solution attempt. I may not be able to reply to your original email promptly, so please be patient and check back on the comment thread for the latest news; I may confirm correct answers there.
You have until midnight PT tonight to submit your answer. Good luck!
Hint #1 (9:03am): Although the piece of prose is important, the subject matter it deals with (players who played their careers for the same team) is not.
Hint #2 (11:30am): Hint posted. Also, the courier type and the jpg rather than text is not irrelevant, but it is not the crux of the puzzle. It basically made the puzzle easier to make, especially while half-asleep.
Comment (not a hint): I wrote this last night from 2:30-3am, and only now see how awkward the wording is. But in terms of the puzzle, it still does the job!
Solution: here.
Not familiar with SoSG's off-day puzzle competition? We're always looking for more participants!
I notice you're not asking for the reasoning behind the answer. Is that a clue in itself?
I emailed a guess, but I'm not sure about it...
Answer in......
Answer in. More like an educated guess, though.
First attempt sent in.
Josh S, we do want the reasoning too, will update post
Will check email shortly
So far no correct answers! I gotta run but I'll post a hint when I get back, within the next hour...
Answer sent - I love the misdirection!
BWrightson with the 1st correct solution!
answer sent
I've got nothing.
Yes Jose! You're #2:
1. BWrightson
2. Jose
Answer in.
Answer in. I think that was sort of easy.
Sorry midnightdrive and DanGarion...neither correct...
Was I on the right track. I'm lost now.
No Dangarion...there's no audio element to this one.
I am stuck again, though I sent in a "here's where I'm stuck, how am I doing?" email.
Egads. I'll be working on this while away from the computer.
This one is proving difficult. I will add a 2nd hint shortly.
I've approached this from a few angles, but I'm going to wait for the next hint. I assume the fact that the prose is an image and not typed into the message is significant.
I'm anxiously waiting for the second hint. I may end up leaving the computer before it arrives!
Answer in.
I can't believe only two people when there are 17 possibilities of an answer.
Mr C is in!
1. BWrightson
2. Jose
3. Mr Customer
*answered correctly
Answer sent. I've got the idea, but it might need to be refined.
Answer sent.
I'm drawing a blank.
But just for fun I put all those places into Google maps and got directions. It's a total of 12,165 miles and would take you 7 days and 20 hours of driving.
OK, answer sent!
So the second hint actually helped people?
Blah, I already know why it's a JPG, so that hint didn't help.
I need to slow down a bit when I send in my answers. I looked at my sent mail and found a mistake (about which puzzle # I was answering) in the subject line and broken English in my explanation.
Damn. strait.
Clearly, you've never seen how I drive.
Correct answers from MLASF, Josh S, and UBragg!:
1. BWrightson
2. Jose
3. Mr Customer
5. Josh S
6. UBragg
Answer sent in.
I guess so.
berko and keven are in:
1. BWrightson
2. Jose
3. Mr Customer
5. Josh S
6. UBragg
7. Berkowit28
8. Keven C
Is a feeling of complete ineptitude and slight depression normal for when you can't solve these things?
Answer sent
@midnightdrive: Definitely.
1. BWrightson
2. Jose
3. Mr Customer
5. Josh S
6. UBragg
7. Berkowit28
8. Keven C
9. Loney Fan
I need a fresh look at this puzzle. I'm getting nowhere.
I think i'll go jog a few laps around the park and then i'll take a hack at it again.
Sent in another since it looks like there was another hint in the jpg now.
I think I finally got it.
Neeebs is in
1. BWrightson
2. Jose
3. Mr Customer
5. Josh S
6. UBragg
7. Berkowit28
8. Keven C
9. Loney Fan
10. Neeebs
I'll assume that means mine was wrong. Weird.
My brain has officially turned to mush. =/
yes, yours was wrong Dangarion...
That makes me think of those commercials, which, in turn, makes me giggle.
This puzzle certainly makes me feel like my brains have already been eaten by aliens.
Quad, you are going to kick yourself when you figure it out. And you will figure it out because you are the Puzzle Guru.
I think I got it!
no, sorry midnightdrive!
Well spank me and call me Tully.
Back to square one.
Now i'm 100% positive I have it EK.
Answer sent. Assuming I'm right, this was the easiest one by far - took less than 5 minutes of thinking.
midnight and msti are in:
1. BWrightson
2. Jose
3. Mr Customer
5. Josh S
6. UBragg
7. Berkowit28
8. Keven C
9. Loney Fan
10. Neeebs
11. Midnightdrive
12. m.s.t.i.
First puzzle bonus?
Eh? eh?
Answer in, If it's not right I'm never doin another puzzle! hahahaha......why did it take me so long?
I am happy to report we will be seeing Wicks at future puzzling events:
1. BWrightson
2. Jose
3. Mr Customer
5. Josh S
6. UBragg
7. Berkowit28
8. Keven C
9. Loney Fan
10. Neeebs
11. Midnightdrive
12. m.s.t.i.
13. Wicks
Finally got back to a computer. Answer submitted.
Fanerman sneaks one in!
1. BWrightson
2. Jose
3. Mr Customer
5. Josh S
6. UBragg
7. Berkowit28
8. Keven C
9. Loney Fan
10. Neeebs
11. Midnightdrive
12. m.s.t.i.
13. Wicks
14. Fanerman
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